Check out Brazen's site for a scary article about the founder of Domino's pizza desire to create a Catholic town that follows strict Catholic teachings.
Now, I am not Catholic bashing. I am Catholic (disgruntled and lax in my Mass attendance). And this just adds fuel to my fire and another reason why I am frustrated with the state of Catholicism.
Who is going to be the mayor...Mel Gibson?
Do I think that such a plan will pass Constitutional scrutiny. I don't think so. I think they will have a tough time showing a there is a compelling interest in denying what is a fundamental right. But, stranger things have happened.
In the meantime, support your local pizza place!
This is for B*, who could not decide whether to watch Idol or something else.
I hope you chose to watch something else, because Idol was lackluster. Was it me or were the ladies sandbagging it tonight? Song choice was a real problem tonight. And even if someone chose the right song, that person left their “A” game back at the hotel!
Is it just me, or does Brenna just annoying? For someone who claims to be a diva, she butchered a diva anthem with her version of “Last Dance”
Paris and Lisa sang songs that were WAY too old for them.
Heather had tough shoes to fill trying to sing Hero. Sadly she was a size to small.
Melissa did a great job with Bonnie Raitt’s “Why Haven’t I Heard from You”.
Katherine could sing the phone book and I would love her voice.
Kimik’s version of Here for the Party was OK.
Kellie is just so sweet. It’s genuine. Plus, she has a nice voice.
Mandisa is great too.
Simon was right about one thing. I liked Ayla’s voice tonight, but I can’t remember what she sang!
Well, that’s the best I can do for an update. In my defense, I was working on midterm grades, and well...
It’s 7 AM
Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!!!!!
The Mattress Today is one of those days where she could just curl up under the covers.
The Mind: No, she has to go to work. She has papers to grade, midterm reports to complete and a class to teach.
The Mattress: But the bed is so comfy. And the Boy is snuggled in with her.
The Mind: Today is a short day. She is done at 12:30. She can come home and take a nap.
The Mattress: She will be wide awake by then. Plus I heard her tell Husband that she will be working on the computer this afternoon. She won't be back until bedtime.
The Mind: Stop your bitching and let her get up. You sound like one of her students. Plus, I smell coffee. Husband just made some.
The Mattress: OK, you win. Same battle tomorrow.
Score: Mind 1, Mattress 0
It’s midterm time. One class down, two more to go. The class that I finished only has eight students in it. But still, I got something done.
Today in my Critical Thinking class, I posed the following hypothetical. I told them that I had a client who is involved in a complicated legal matter. This particular client was supposed to supply me with a document that was critical to his case. I gave the client a deadline which has since passed, and the client has yet to submit the document. I explained that the document in question was something that I could not obtain. I also explained that I set up a timetable so that the client had sufficient time to obtain the document. Furthermore, whether or not the client receives a positive or negative outcome in this case was dependant on that document. Now, the question that I posed to the students was how I should handle the case given these circumstances.
The responses were interesting. One student immediately wanted to know the race of the client. That led to a discussion about our perceptions about race, which the students concluded that the race was irrelevant. Another student felt that this client must have something to hide. She explained that his failure to supply information is evidence that he is up to something shady. Others felt that I should fire the client. I explained to them that the judge would not permit me to withdraw from the case under these circumstances.
Finally, one student spoke up. He said that this client does not care about his legal situation. The student went on to use my zero tolerance policy as an example. He said that everyone in the class knows when an assignment is due. If it’s not in by the specified time, there is no one to blame but you. So, if this particular client has a negative outcome, then it’s his fault. He should have provided the necessary document at the specified time.
He got the point of the exercise. I wanted the students to see that their actions have consequences. It is THEIR responsibility to turn in work on time. And they have no one to blame but themselves if they don’t.
Now, let’s see if they remember that on Wednesday when I give them their midterm grades!
It’s another bitterly cold Sunday in Lake Effect Snow Central. The sun is out, but the air temp is about 10 degrees. So, another day stuck in the house. Well, I guess I should do some grading, since midterm grades are due. But I just don’t feel like it.
I could go shopping. But this time of year, there isn’t much out there. Most of the clothing is resort wear that my mother would wear. So, I can’t even get jazzed about new stuff for my vacation. And don’t get me started on swimsuits!
I have a ton of books sitting around, begging to be read. Maybe I might find a spot next to a sunny window and indulge.
Everyone else is talking about it.
Is your blogging persona more serious than your real life persona? I think so. I have been told by people that I am a very strong and assertive person. But the truth is that behind closed doors, I am an insecure wuss.
Do you think the only safe way an academic can write publicly is to write anonymously? I think it depends on what the person is blogging about. If one is blogging about the things that go on at their institution, like I do, then I think one should consider keeping their identify a secret.
Do you think that your blog could ruin your career ? Maybe. But I don't think it would be the worst thing in the world for me since I have another profession to fall back on.
Do you use a pseudonym out of fear? Yes. A few of my colleagues knew about my first blog. Word about the blog made it to a former colleague who did not like me. He wrote very vicious and nasty things about me. I had to change the name, identify and scope of my blog. Now, only one of my colleagues knows about the blog and I trust her completely.
What is the biggest drawback to writing pseudonymously? There is still the tendency to be a little guarded with what you say because of the possibility of being outed.
Has anyone stumbled on your blog and found it accidentally? Not that I know of. (Knock on computer monitor).
Have you outed yourself to any other bloggers? Yes, to one blogger because I thought she could use my help with a very difficult situation that I had expertise in handling. Of course, we keep each others real identity secret. But it is nice to put a real name with a real person.
Has your blog allowed you to experiment with writing? Yes. I think some of my best writing on my blog.
Why do you use a pseudonym? Because I feel a little freer to talk about what's bothering me both personally and professionally. When you are anonymous, you do not have to be “on” all the time.
Well, the trip is officially booked. So, I have more incentive to get off my ass and really kick start my fitness program. In the past, I have used vacations as incentive to get fit and lose weight. But somewhere along the way either stress, the RA or an acute case of ass-horizontalogy, keeps me from reaching my goal. Then when vacation time comes, I am pissed off because I can’t fit into my cute summer clothes or a decent swimsuit.
Since I started my latest fitness quest, I have been pretty good about keeping up with my workouts. Usually the winter is the hardest for me because of the RA. When I get a flare, I am often afraid to resume working out in any capacity. It’s a catch-22. It hurts to move. But my rheumatologist says that movement is the best thing. So, I keep reminding myself of that fact and when it hurts, I take it down to a light walk on the treadmill or do yoga. In fact, I was able to do a light workout on the treadmill with GML and LB on Wednesday, despite a minor flare earlier in the week.
Plus, I love my new IPOd. I put together a new workout playlist.
1. Possession, by Sarah McLachlin (My absolute favorite Sarah song!)
2. Only Happy When It Rains, by Garbage
3. Buddy Holly, by Weezer
4. Learn to Fly, by Foo Fighters
5. The Difference, by the Wallflowers
6. What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?, by REM
7. Are You Gonna Go My Way?, by Lenny Kravitz
8. It’s All Been Done, by Barenaked Ladies
9. Mysterious Ways, by U2
10. Broadway, by Goo Goo Dolls
11. At the Hundredth Meridian, by the Tragically Hip (Awesome Canadian band!)
12. One, by U2
13. Sunny Came Home, by Shawn Colvin
On that note, time to work out.
Husband and I spent part of the afternoon getting our passports in order. Although one does not need a passport to go to Aruba, we decided that it would be best to get one. The law is supposed to change in 2007 regarding travel to the Caribbean, Mexico and Canada. One will be required to have a passport if they want to travel to those places. I have a passport, but it’s in my maiden name. So, I had to renew it. Husband could not find his old one. Hopefully, it is not in the hands of Al Queta!
The post office line was extremely long for 2PM on a Friday. It made me wonder if people do not have jobs anymore. The post office guy was somewhat of a smart ass. Since when can’t you pay for your passport and photo with a credit card? I said a few Hail Marys, hoping there was enough money in my checking account as the post office guy ran my debt card through the machine. Total cost: $350. This includes that passport with expedited service and the photos. Sure enough, I wiped out my checking account. Husband said I could reimburse my account with funds from the house account. (Yes, Husband and I have separate checking accounts plus one house account. It cuts down on the money fights!) Hopefully, we should have our passports in about three weeks.
I need to get back on the workout program. Three is not much time left until Aruba. I want to fit in a light workout today, but I feel a nap coming on!
We found an all inclusive resort which looks awesome. Husband and I received rave reviews from friends and family who stayed at this resort. One really cool bonus is that it is truly all inclusive, meaning all alcoholic beverages are included!!! Yippie!!!
Here’s where we are staying.
Let the countdown begin!!!!!!
1. The pain from the RA has subsided a little. It helps that the temperature is 40 degrees today. But this weekend, it is supposed to drop to the single digits again.
2. Husband and I have narrowed our vacation choice to Aruba and Hawaii. We set a deadline of next Tuesday to make our final decision. Husband seems to have a tough time deciding if he wants to be stuck in a plane for the 13 plane ride to Hawaii or travel out of the US. My take is that I don’t care, so long as there is a nice beach, a poolside bar, great food and minimum four star accommodations!
3. Tomorrow, I am going to start reviewing textbooks for the Employment Law class. Any suggestions on how I should do it? What to look for...that sort of thing.
4. Midterm grades are due next week. I can’t believe I am at that point in the semester already. Is it just me or is this semester going rather slowly?.
5. I am so digging my IPod. How did I go through life without one?
“We are one, but we are not the same”
One by U2. From Auchtung Baby.
It's been a long time since I started a post with a song quote, but I thought this particular quote was appropriate.
In my Employment Law class we spend a significant amount of time talking about discrimination. Last week, we discussed gender discrimination. We were discussing maternity leave policies and how they should be gender neutral. Here is a conversation that took place with one of my students:
Seeking Solace: The policies should be gender neutral because there are some men who do take time off to help their wives after the birth or adoption of a child.
Student: I don’t believe that. These niggas ‘round here don’t take care of their kids.
SS: Excuse me?
Student: These niggas ‘round here don’t take care of their kids.
SS: You want to try that one more time.
Student: These men around here don’t take care of their children. Sorry, but I didn’t think you would be offended.
Excuse me? Did she think that because of my racial background, I would let something like that slide by as just common urban slang? Did she think that because she is Black and the majority of the class is Black that I would just ignore her? Would she have used the same language had I been White?
As some of you know, I am biracial. When you look at me, it is obvious that I have a multiracial background. I don’t wear my racial background on my sleeve. But, many of my students have asked me about my racial background, and I usually do not mind answering the question. But why assume that I am like you just because I look like you?
I was raised to believe that such language was offensive and not acceptable; no matter what context it is used. It is wrong and has no place in the classroom, workplace or anywhere. But it seems that the current trend is to use that word as some sort of term of endearment. How endearing is to use a word that has such a negative connotation attached to it?
Maybe Bono has a point.
Minor RA flare, due to persistent cold weather. Took day off from work.
Must stay under electric blanket to keep joints warm.
Use the Boy to keep feet warm.
Finger hurt too much to type.
I finished what I wanted to accomplish for today, so I decided to reward myself with a little President's Day shopping. Besides, what else is there to do on President's Day?
Stop #1: The Body Shop. Quite a sinful shopping spree. I could not resist! Note to Body Shop fans, skin care is buy one get two free. The Body Shop's website did not have the face mist for me to post, but it is one of the best products I have found in a long time. I also bought:
Next was Radio Shack, where I purchased some gear for my new Ipod. I can't wait to use this when I work out.
Next was a trip to the bookstore for something to help Husband and I decide on a vacation spot.
I did browse at clothing, but I am holding off on buying anything. I am waiting until vacation time. Hopefully, I will have lost more weight by then. But a funny thing happened in one of my local department stores. As I was riding the escalator, I could see them in the distance. They were laughing and mocking at me as I got closer to them. The sight of them made me physically ill. I wanted to run, but there was no where to go. They got brighter and more vibrant as I neared the top of the escalator. When I reached the top, I just ran...ran for my life.
What was so scary????
Today, the temperature has jumped to 17 degrees. It doesn’t feel any warmer, though. I got a text message from GML last night. She just arrived home from a week in Jamaica. Talk about a temperature shock. When she left sunny Jamaica, it was 85 degrees. When she arrived in sunny Lake Effect Snow Central, it was 10 degrees. Yikes.
I have the day off today for the President’s Day holiday. I got to sleep until 8:00, before the Boy gave me my wake up call. Oh well. At least I can get a jump on today’s agenda.
I need to work on my lecture notes for Employment Law. As you all know, this course has been a persistent thorn in my side all semester. I have sent emails and memos to administrators explaining the issues that I have observed with this course and suggestions on how to make the course more effective.(Yes, the memos and emails were very respectful) I finally found someone who was willing to listen. Last Friday, I met with the Program Director, who agreed with my assessments. He asked me if I would review textbooks and put together a new curriculum for the course. The bonus is that I will get paid for my efforts….Woohooo!!!!!
This is a major deal. Usually, no one listens to adjuncts at my college. I am sure that many of my fellow adjuncts would give me a big “Amen” on that statement. Why are adjuncts treated as second class citizens? Don’t administrators realize that adjuncts are the backbone of the collegiate teaching system?
Ok, enough ranting. I need to do some work. If I am good, I can go shopping later!
Ps: Thanks for the comments about my vacation dilemma. We are leaning toward Aruba. But suggestions on my Vacation Blues post are still welcome.
Yesterday, I did nothing. Well, not nothing, but nothing extremely productive. It’s kind of hard to have any motivation when it’s 8 degrees outside. The Boy had a blast outside. He was rolling around in the snow, completely oblivious to the fact that is was bitterly cold. (Note to self. Consider purchasing a digital camera. The Boy rolling in the snow was such a blogworthy moment).
Husband and I are trying to decide where we want to go for vacation. The whole vacation thing is a source of tension. Last year, I made a huge compromise on our vacation. I agreed to go on a “group vacation” with Husband and his three best friends and their families, which totaled 13 people. Try organizing anything with 13 people and you are going to have chaos, especially when five of the 13 are children. Husband and I do not have children. One night we had to wait two hours outside a restaurant before we could be seated. Seeing the heads of five children spin like Linda Blair would case anyone to consider sterilization.
Don’t get me wrong, we did have a nice time. And the kids were relatively well behaved, so don’t think I am a child hater or anything. (I do enjoy children so long as they belong to someone else). But my idea of a vacation is a stress free time where the hardest decision I have to make is margarita or mai tai.
So, this year, we are doing the group thing again in the summer. But Husband has agreed that we will go on a separate vacation in April. I have a week off between winter and spring semesters, so this would be the best time to go. Plus, I am dying to get out of Dodge. But deciding where to go is driving us crazy. So far, these are our choices
Hawaii, we went two years ago and I am DYING to go back, but Husband complains that it would be too expensive.
Aruba, as long as no one gets kidnapped.
Florida, specifically Siesta Beach, which is on the Gulf side near Sarasota. But then there is the Spring Break-Easter issue of crowds
Cruise, but we are concerned that we would feel rushed to see things at each port.
St. Thomas, but there is some issues about being hustled when it comes to transportation. We like to explore on our own.
Any thoughts out there on where to go? Has anyone gone to any of these sites and could provide some insight?
Too cold today. The tempreture is 8 degrees. BRRRRRRR.
I found this on Claire's site.
One of the questions asked it you wanted to be a teacher or a lawyer. Tough choice, given that I am both! But here is the end result.
Your #1 Match: ESTJ |
The Guardian You're a natural leader and quick, logical decision maker. Goals are important in your life, and you take many steps to acheive them. You enjoy interacting with others, mostly through work related activities. Your high energy level means you are great at getting things done! You would make a great teacher, judge, or police detective. |
I guess I can be both!
This morning on the Today show, there was a profile of the official Olympic cheerleaders. You read correctly, cheerleaders. Check out this article.
I don't know where to's just wrong on so many levels.
I thought I would blog about my fitness challenge. Like Dr. Crazy and Profgrrrl, I am in the quest to lose weight and get fit. I have a history of starting off well, but either, work, stress or the RA causes me to stop. It also does not help that when I suffer a serious RA flare, I have to take steroids which help pack on the pounds.
Back in January, I made a serous commitment. I would start slow, knowing that the joints would rebel at the first twinge of serous impact. I resigned to work out two days a week. Then, it became three. Now I am up to four days with no serious flare issues. It also helps that the winter has been warmer than normal in Lake Effect Snow Central. Cold makes the joints VERY unhappy.
On Mondays and Wednesdays, I work out with GML and LB at the fitness center in our building. We look forward to getting together and encouraging each other. It’s great to have that support from people who have the same goals. Plus, we get to dish about the latest school gossip or bitch about our students!
I don’t like to weigh myself. I tend to get frustrated easily. So, I like to measure my progress by how my clothes fit. But yesterday, I decided to bite the bullet and look. I lost eight pounds since January 1st. My clothiers are looser. I have more energy.
So, I decided to give myself a little reward. I went out last night a purchase an Ipod Nano. Using my portable CD player is a little awkward on some of the equipment. I can’t wait to try it out on my next workout.
I think that it is important to reward yourself for a job well done. Instead of focusing on what you have yet to accomplish, why not celebrate and embrace what you HAVE accomplished. It makes reaching the goal more fun.
Once again, I am in GML’s class. They are working in the computer lab on an assignment, so I get to play on the web. Woohoo!
I had a great teaching moment today. One of my students recently sent me her essay via email. But instead of sending the essay as an attachment, she wrote the entire essay as an email message. When I returned her paper, I told her that I took off points because of the format of the paper. She began to cry, saying that she did not know how to do attachments.
So, I took her to one of the empty computer labs and showed her how to send an attachment. We walked through the process, step by step. I had her resend her essay to me. The whole process took about 10 minutes. When she saw how simple it was, she was ecstatic. I told her that I would re-grade the essay. She later sent me an email with an attachment. It was a note thanking me for helping her.
I love moments like that!
Everyone else is doing it, so why not.
What do you think?.
I found my first case of plagiarism this semester.
After all the explaining of what constitutes plagiarism, after all the examples in class regarding how to properly document sources and avoid plagiarism and after all the threats of what would happen if I caught someone plagiarizing, did this student really think that I would not catch it? Did she think that I would not notice the one perfectly written paragraph taken from her textbook buried in a sea of unintelligible gibberish?
I am insulted!
I am covering GML’s class this week while she is in sunny Jamaica getting tan and drunk. At least I think she made it to Jamaica yesterday. I sent her a text message to find out if she had made it, but I bet she is lounging by the pool with margarita in hand (Bitch). I am so jealous. She soooo owes me big time. I should make her cover my 8:30 AM class, just so I can sleep in for once. At least the students are taking a test on the computer, so I get to blog and surf the web. Plus, I get paid for my time. Sweet.
I got antibiotics for the sinus infection. One pill a day is supposed to last for 10 days. It seems to be working. I am going to attempt to work out with LB today. I have not worked out since Wednesday, so I need to get my butt in gear.
Last night I graded essays from my Critical Thinking class. The students in this course are second and third semester students, so they have taken or are currently taking English Composition. But you would not know it by reading their work. I think I am going to compile a list of expressions, vocabulary and other outrageous stuff that I have found in my student’s papers for the semester.Here are a few examples:
Student #1 wrote:
“The person’s conduct was wreck less.”
Student #2 wrote:
"The police said she was the suppose it victim.”
Student #3 wrote this:
“I would not take nothing that wasn’t mines.”
I have to laugh in order to get through my disgust. It’s the only way to survive around here.
Sinus infection. Crap, I just got over a cold and now this!!!!! Maybe I should change my blog name from Seeking Solace to Seeking Remedy!
What really sucks is that I can’t do anything that required serious use of brain matter. Grading papers is out of the question, the words are just swimming around. Even as I type this, the words are swimming on the page, (Backstroke, I think) TV just sucks, although I could catch some of the Olympics. I guess I will try to do some pleasure reading and take lots of naps.
If there is someone on your blogroll who makes your world a better place just because that person exists and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the internet, then post this same sentence on your blog.
I have another cold. Why do people who are sick go to work and INSIST on infecting the rest of the population? Oh, well, at least I have the day off today. I taped ER last night, so I will have something to watch other than the garbage that is on daytime TV.
I saw my rheumatologist yesterday. She is happy that I have been in remission for most of the winter. I am too. The RA has not flared since November. I think my remission is partly because we are experiencing a mild winter in Lake Effect Snow Central. I also think it is because I am not under as much stress.
I watched the Grammys on Wednesday night and surfed to American Idol during the commercials. I thought it was ironic that while Kelly Clarkson was performing, Crazy Dave was doing a frightful rendition of “Bat Out of Hell”. Thank God, Crazy Dave was sent packing!
Other notes from the Grammys:
Why does Mariah Carey feel the need to show how huge the girls are? Now, I am not a Mariah hater, I loved her when she first came out. What an incredible voice. But, it seems that her voice has taken a back seat.
I absolutely loved U2 and Mary J. Blige singing “One”.
Kelly Clarkson is adorable. I did not watch the first American Idol, and I don’t really listen to pop music. But she has an incredible gift. She truly was grateful for her award.
Maybe I am not “with it”, but I can’t stand Kanye West.
Someone should have to Sly Stone that if you are going to make your first public appearance in 25 years, do something with your hair other than a blonde mohawk. The performance was awesome, though.
Herbie Hancock & Christina Aguilera…WOW!
Great to see Sir Paul! Too bad he did not win.
Ok, enough rambling. I should try to get some work done.
You would think that students would pay attention when another student is told that he or she cannot submit a late paper…
Critical Thinking, 8:30 AM
Female Student: Miss, I know it’s late, but I would like to turn my essay.
Seeking Solace: I do not accept late papers.
FS: I know, but I was hoping you would let me turn it in.
SS: You were in class on Monday, why didn’t you turn it in?
FS: I was having trouble with the topic. That’s why it’s late.
SS: Why didn’t you say something to me on Monday or last week when I assigned the essay? If you were having problems, I would have helped you.
FS: I don’t know, but please can I turn it in?
SS: Absolutely not. You were present when I told Repeat Offender that I would not accept his essay which was an hour late. So what makes you think I am going to accept your essay which is TWO DAYS LATE!
Female student pouts for the entire class. At the end of class, she stops me in the hall.
FS: Please professor, I promise this will never happen again.
SS: The answer is still no.
FS: Please, this is the only time I will be late with an assignment!
SS: No
FS Please?
SS: No
PS: Please?
SS: No!
And she didn’t. She took her paper and left in a huff.
This student honestly thought that if she begged, I would break.
Yeah, right.
Tonight was the last night of auditions. Seemed a little lackluster. No one really wowed me. But there were a few good highlights
I was surprised that the hip hop guy could sing…somewhat.
The girl with the flower in her hair was just awful. What was up with that medley she performed? I wonder if FOX will ever have an American Stripper.
The Cher non-wannabe impersonator did get Simon with an excellent burn.
The “Joy to the World” montage was pretty good.
I cracked up when the Clay wannabe said that he had to pee and that’s why he sang so badly. He was worse after he let nature call!
Tomorrow is the beginning of Hell Week. Tomorrow is also the Grammy Awards. Dilemma: Watch the Grammys and tape Idol, watch Idol and surf to the Grammys during the commercials or just watch Idol and catch the last two hours of the Grammys????
What to do?????
It is the fourth week of school and the whining, excuses and excessive absenteeism has begum. In my Critical Thinking class, I have a student who is a repeat offender (He failed my class last semester). Here's a conversation that took place yesterday, around 9:45 AM, just as class ended. Repeat Offender walks into class.
Repeat Offender: I am here to turn my essay.
Seeking Solace: Well that's nice, but I am afraid that it is late and you will not receive any credit.
RO: But last semester you said we had until the end of class.
SS: Yes, but I changed the policy this semester. We discussed that on the first day of class. All assignments are due no later than 20 minutes after the official start time of class. So, your paper was due at 8:50.
RO: But, you didn't write that on the assignment sheet.
SS: Really? Would you show me the assignment? Perhaps, I made a mistake.
RO: (stammering) Well...uh, I think I read in the syllabus that all work was due by the end of class.
SS: Hmm, I wonder if I made a mistake. Why don't you show me where it states in your copy of the syllabus when assignments are due?
RO: (getting frustrated) Miss, you are being so unfair. I worked hard on this essay and now you won't take it!
SS: The fact that I am short and can't do anything about it is unfair. The fact that you did not read the assignment or the syllabus and now have to suffer the consequence is totally fair.
RO throws his hand up in the air and stomps out of the classroom saying "I can't believe this shit."
I wanted to yell back that his failure to follow instructions was one of the reasons WHY he is a repeat offender!
I am so jazzed for the game. Since I grew up in Pittsburgh, I am a DIE HARD fan of the boys in black and gold.
We are having a couple of friends over to watch the game. I have to mind my manners, because I swear and scream at the game. It's so bad that the Boy hides!
I almost forgot about the halftime show. Anytime you can see Keith Richards still upright and alive is worth the price of admission!
I just got home from my shopping marathon with Divorce Lady. She decided to play hokey today from work. No worries, she is the boss!
We first did some furniture shopping. Divorce Lady was looking for a comfy chair to fit in her family room. This was no easy task. We found some nice chairs, bit every model was discontinued. And the floor model would not match her décor! Drag!
So we gave up and did some fun shopping. This time of year is kind of funny. Winter stuff is picked over and frankly I am tired of it. But it is still too cold for spring.
So what did I buy?
New running shoes
Top and shirt form Ann Taylor Loft
Absolutely the best face cleanser from the Body Shop
Work out clothes from major retailer, Sorry no picture.
Afterward, we went to Applebee’s for our usual fare; the nachos platter and the appetizer platter. Plus, lots of cold liquid drinks!
It was a good day! I am tired now. Time to kick back with Husband and the Boy.
It’s quiet and dreary today in Lake Effect Snow Central. Not much going on for yours truly. I did email my resume to the coordinator of the CJ program expressing my interest in the adjunct faculty position. Accounting Lady called me yesterday to give me the 411 on her meeting regarding the Business and HR programs. She discussed my concerns with the Employment Law course with the HR coordinator. He wants my input on redirecting the course. Cool! I have a lot of ideas and suggestions for that course.
She also told me that I should be a virtual shoe in for teaching CJ courses at my campus. She thinks that the CJ coordinator would be an idiot not to hire me. I have been teaching at my school for 2 ½ years, so I know the students, administration and academic environment. I already teach two law courses. And…hello, I am an attorney who has practiced Criminal Law. I should not be worried.
I am not worried, but I am guarded. I believe that it would be very arrogant of me to think that I am a lock for anything. Nothing is ever a sure thing. It’s not that I don’t believe in myself or my skills, but I just don’t want to celebrate until I have a signed contract in hand.
In the spirit of Bright Star and Kiss My Mike, I think I need some retail therapy Sales tax holiday is almost over, so I want to take advantage of it. Tomorrow, I am getting my color re-touched. And Sunday is the BIG GAME!!!!
I am finished for the week, and not a moment too soon. After my last class, I bolted out of the building like it was on fire. After this week, I need some down time.
I want to tell you about my professional dilemma that was part of my downward spiral into Funkland. My college announced that they will be offering a new degree program next semester. Students will now be able to receive a two year degree in Criminal Justice. Well, such a program has Seeking Solace written all over it. So, I was very excited to hear that the courses would be offered at my branch of the college.
It seems that the college is looking for a Program Director, who is responsible for the administrative aspects of the program. I am not interested in an administrative role because the thought of pushing papers and being a yes-woman all day would drive me to drink more than I already do. The college is also looking for full time faculty to teach some of the courses.
Now the dilemma begins. Do I want to make the jump to a full time academic position? Right now, my life as an adjunct is pretty sweet. I do not have to jump through as many hoops as my colleagues do. They teach a minimum of 5 classes, have tons of paperwork, meetings, goals, and other miscellaneous crap to do. I teach 3 or 4 classes a semester, so my scheduled is not as hectic as it could be. A few of my fellow adjuncts feel that I would be crazy to make such a move.
But on the flipside, do I want to stay where I am without advancing my skill set. If I decide to teach at another college, I don’t have the research credentials that others in a full time capacity have. I am not required to perform any research right now. Besides, I should want more out of my life, right?
All of this led to these thoughts of why can’t I be satisfied with what I am currently doing? Why do I always feel the need to prove to people that I am worthy? Is being an adjust enough? Coupled with the SAD, the vitamin D deficiency and the monthly female issues, I was feeling very down.
I took my concerns to the HMFIC of my campus. He informed me that the person who is named the director must travel between my campus, which is the metro branch, and the southern branch, which is 20 miles from my home. This would not be an issue except for one thing. I cannot drive because I am visually impaired. (Not blind, but my vision is about 20/100 with correction). Public transportation is also very limited. As far as any faculty positions, the college is considering adjuncts only, because the program is new and enrollment would be limited.
So I guess my problem is sort of solved for the moment. I am going to apply for the adjunct position and hopefully I will be able to teach the CJ courses at my campus, along with the two law courses I currently teach. After all, I am already familiar with the college and the students. But I know that my issue of where do I go from here will not go away.
So I am just crazy? (Wait, I am crazy, so strike that statement). What I mean to say is should I make the jump to full time if the opportunity presents itself or just be happy where I am?
Ok friends, it’s time to dish
Vegas: Kind of boring, but there were some interesting moments.
The girl doing the booty slap while singing “Baby Got Back”. That should not be permitted on prime time TV.
The thrash metal dude…frightening. His singing makes me wonder if he has multiple personalities.
The psychic who was managing her sister. Find a new hobby…Please!
The twins just irritated me.
The guy singing “Proud to be an American” should be deported immediately!
Why did they pass on the gondola singing guy???? He was pretty good.
Austin: A little better, but…
The fit model only got through thanks to T & A.
The only reason I can come up with for giving the plane crash girl a second chance was T & A.
The last girl, Tess. All can say is…definitely not T& A.
Is it just me, or are they focusing too much on the freaks and not enough on the good singers? I realize that the freaks make the show, but….
Thanks everyone for your kind and encouraging words. I think part of my problem is SAD, coupled with a vitamin D deficiency. I was tested in October and found that my vitamin D level was not on par. I guess one’s level should be between 20 and 80. Mine was at 18. My rheumatologist prescribed high dose vitamin D pills (50, 000 IU) to be taken once a week for eight weeks. I did feel better and I had more energy. But my recent blood work showed that I am still deficient, so back on the high dose pills again. I am also planning a vacation for the semester break in April, so that may help.
I am also dealing with some professional issues that I do not have time to blog about right now. I could really use some advice. But I have to go because I have a meeting with the DI.
I will have my usual American Idol commentary after tonight’s episode!
About Me

- Seeking Solace
- I am a college professor who is fumbling through the chaos of academia, rheumatoid arthritis, working on my PhD and just being a 40 something woman. I used to be a lawyer, which made me a snarky little person. I have a wonderful Husband and a German Shepherd named Junior. They help keep me sane.