I am finished for the week, and not a moment too soon. After my last class, I bolted out of the building like it was on fire. After this week, I need some down time.
I want to tell you about my professional dilemma that was part of my downward spiral into Funkland. My college announced that they will be offering a new degree program next semester. Students will now be able to receive a two year degree in Criminal Justice. Well, such a program has Seeking Solace written all over it. So, I was very excited to hear that the courses would be offered at my branch of the college.
It seems that the college is looking for a Program Director, who is responsible for the administrative aspects of the program. I am not interested in an administrative role because the thought of pushing papers and being a yes-woman all day would drive me to drink more than I already do. The college is also looking for full time faculty to teach some of the courses.
Now the dilemma begins. Do I want to make the jump to a full time academic position? Right now, my life as an adjunct is pretty sweet. I do not have to jump through as many hoops as my colleagues do. They teach a minimum of 5 classes, have tons of paperwork, meetings, goals, and other miscellaneous crap to do. I teach 3 or 4 classes a semester, so my scheduled is not as hectic as it could be. A few of my fellow adjuncts feel that I would be crazy to make such a move.
But on the flipside, do I want to stay where I am without advancing my skill set. If I decide to teach at another college, I don’t have the research credentials that others in a full time capacity have. I am not required to perform any research right now. Besides, I should want more out of my life, right?
All of this led to these thoughts of why can’t I be satisfied with what I am currently doing? Why do I always feel the need to prove to people that I am worthy? Is being an adjust enough? Coupled with the SAD, the vitamin D deficiency and the monthly female issues, I was feeling very down.
I took my concerns to the HMFIC of my campus. He informed me that the person who is named the director must travel between my campus, which is the metro branch, and the southern branch, which is 20 miles from my home. This would not be an issue except for one thing. I cannot drive because I am visually impaired. (Not blind, but my vision is about 20/100 with correction). Public transportation is also very limited. As far as any faculty positions, the college is considering adjuncts only, because the program is new and enrollment would be limited.
So I guess my problem is sort of solved for the moment. I am going to apply for the adjunct position and hopefully I will be able to teach the CJ courses at my campus, along with the two law courses I currently teach. After all, I am already familiar with the college and the students. But I know that my issue of where do I go from here will not go away.
So I am just crazy? (Wait, I am crazy, so strike that statement). What I mean to say is should I make the jump to full time if the opportunity presents itself or just be happy where I am?
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- Seeking Solace
- I am a college professor who is fumbling through the chaos of academia, rheumatoid arthritis, working on my PhD and just being a 40 something woman. I used to be a lawyer, which made me a snarky little person. I have a wonderful Husband and a German Shepherd named Junior. They help keep me sane.
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Whether you want to be full time or not depends upon you. For me, I definitely needed the health benefits and higher pay that came with being full time. I also feel better with job security (though we have some adjuncts that have been adjuncts here for ten years or more). If those are not issues for you, and you are satisfied with being an adjunct, then stay an adjunct.
If you are visually impaired and cannot drive, then would their providing transportation between campusses be an unreasonable compensation request? How often would you need to travel to the other campus? Could the work be done remotely (video conference,etc)?
Personally, I would absolutely, positively, definitely HATE being an administrator. I administrate FAR too much already, and I don't like it. That's another reason to stay an adjunct if you are happy with that.
Ditto on astroprof's first paragraph. It sounds as though you have a pretty nice gig right now, and if the lack of benefits and security that a full-time job brings aren't issues, why not keep doing what you are enjoying?
I think too often adjunct faculty feel compelled to go for a full-time gig because it's there and they think they SHOULD want it. But it sounds like you are pretty happy with your workload and flexibility right now. I would go for the full-time gig only if--like me--you desperately need the benefits. I'd give up all the nonsense that goes with my position (the non-teaching responsibilities) in a heartbeat if I could.
My two cents, for what they're worth.
Astroprof and pi: You raise some good points. My husband makes good money. We are almost debt free (just the house and my student loans) and we don't have kids (except for the Boy). So I don't have to work if I don't want to. I am very lucky in that respect. I am sure that a lot of people would love to be in my position.
I do feel somewhat compelled to move to full time. It's like if I don't, I must be a slacker or a defective. I guess it goes back to my need to prove myself to the world.
Did I hear you right? Five classes in a semester?! That's crazy talk. That aside, what it sounds like is that you are trying to choose between two good options. Both have some very positive things about them. Sure, neither one is perfect, but maybe think about it as the worst that could happen being that you stay adjuncting like you are, which you seem to like a lot. Tough and important choices, to be sure, but you have some decent options.
(Aside: did you know that AI in Austin was faked?)
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