The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Crimes and Misdemeanors

Posted by Seeking Solace |

It is the fourth week of school and the whining, excuses and excessive absenteeism has begum. In my Critical Thinking class, I have a student who is a repeat offender (He failed my class last semester). Here's a conversation that took place yesterday, around 9:45 AM, just as class ended. Repeat Offender walks into class.

Repeat Offender: I am here to turn my essay.
Seeking Solace: Well that's nice, but I am afraid that it is late and you will not receive any credit.
RO: But last semester you said we had until the end of class.
SS: Yes, but I changed the policy this semester. We discussed that on the first day of class. All assignments are due no later than 20 minutes after the official start time of class. So, your paper was due at 8:50.
RO: But, you didn't write that on the assignment sheet.
SS: Really? Would you show me the assignment? Perhaps, I made a mistake.
RO: (stammering) Well...uh, I think I read in the syllabus that all work was due by the end of class.
SS: Hmm, I wonder if I made a mistake. Why don't you show me where it states in your copy of the syllabus when assignments are due?
RO: (getting frustrated) Miss, you are being so unfair. I worked hard on this essay and now you won't take it!
SS: The fact that I am short and can't do anything about it is unfair. The fact that you did not read the assignment or the syllabus and now have to suffer the consequence is totally fair.

RO throws his hand up in the air and stomps out of the classroom saying "I can't believe this shit."

I wanted to yell back that his failure to follow instructions was one of the reasons WHY he is a repeat offender!


sheepish said...

My condolences on your height. That does seem unfair (and seriously cracked me up).

I wonder if he thinks saying "I can't believe this shit" is going to endear him to you for future encounters.

Kiss My Mike said...

I can't believe he actually did that...

Anonymous said...

I had to put up with people missing tests (math) instead of papers.

I had a "universal makeup" that was a test length "pre-final" and a student could miss a test and the makeup would be built in *or* as an option to all the students who did show up for every test, they COULD take it and drop the lowest grade - a lot more work for me, but a lot less whine.

Except I had one student miss 2 tests and whine and I had a student miss test 2 and whine that they were banking on the "universal makeup" to allow them to drop test #1

Boy do I not miss this!

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

The sad thing is that they have to learn those lessons when they are supposed to be adults.

I've had similar responses when people miss my exam make-up period. "What do you mean I can't take the test now? Do you mean I can't get credit for it? How can I make it up?" When I tell them that they simply miss the points they look at me as if they don't understand -- because they probably don't.

I have a hard deadline at the end of the semester. It is class time plus 5 minutes. Class time plus 7 won't do.. Somehow these kids can sit for weeks to get concert tickets, leave early from class to be on time for work and they suddenly can't understand a due date?

I'd love to be able to confiscate cell phone minutes for every minute their assignment is late. If they thought they'd lose the cell, they'd have stuff in early.

Anonymous said...

So, he still has not learnerd how to think critically. He also hasn't caught on that the rules are not negotiable. Sometimes they just don't learn. It seems that I get one (at least) of these students every semester. Thankfully, so far, the ones like this have been balanced out by the ones that are a real joy to have in the classroom.

Seeking Solace said...

Inside the Philosophy Factory: What a great idea…confiscating cell minutes! I would like to confiscate cell phones too!

BTW, welcome to the Waiting Room! I will stop by your blog soon!

sunnyacre said...

The height comment cracked me up too -- I'm 4'11", so I completely sympathize!!
