Husband's comment to why the Dude was tapping on his computer during my observation yesterday.
"Dude was probably trying to finish his TPS reports."
Observation complete.
The whole thing was rather weird. Dude sat in the back of the room tapping away on his laptop. I could hear tap, tap, tap as I was lecturing. A couple of my students remarked after class that it was rather annoying.
What was also strange was that Dude did not stay for the entire lecture. He just abruptly got up and left about tw0-thirds of the way. I have no idea what to make of that. Maybe he had seen enough. That can be good or bad.
Honestly, I don't know how I did. After about 10 minutes, I found my groove, although kept referring to my notes. Mostly out of being nervous and also because the topic of today's lecture is not one that I strong with knowledge. There is one particular concept that I often mix up, so I was trying my best to keep it straight. In all honestly, I was hoping that I wouldn't swear accidentally during my lecture.
The students were a tad quiet, mostly because the topic is loaded with information. They did participate when required, so that made me happy.
After it was all over, a couple of my students asked me why Dude was there. I told them. They said that they would tell him that I am a great professor. That made me smile! After they left, I went to Dude's office to see if he wanted to discuss my observation. He was gone. I guess I will have to wait to find out what he thought.
I don't want to start speculating about the outcome. I am just glad it's over!
I need a drink!!!
Try to wrap your minds around this one...
GML's sociology class had a essay due yesterday. One of her students gave her a note which said
Please excuse Stu Dent from turning in her essay. She has been very stressed out and is having a hard time keep up with her coursework.
Stu Dent's Mother
Excuse my bluntness, but ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME????
It is unknown if the note was really written by Stu Dent's mother. Stu Dent does not speak or write English very well and the note was written in perfect English. GML has tried to work with this student, including referrals to the Learning Center and meeting with her advisor. Stu Dent has not taken advantage of the help. The powers that be don't seem to care either.
It frustrates me that the college would allow someone with such deficiencies to work toward a degree without some mandatory assistance like language tutoring. But, in my experience at this college, it's all about getting the money with little regard to a student's competency.
I am at a loss on this one.
Another migraine.
I felt it last night. So, I popped an Imitrex and went to bed after House. (No spoiler, I promise!) I woke up this morning with no relief. Once again, another class cancelled. I popped a second Imitrex and slept until about noon. It seems to have gone now. I just have that foggy after-effect feeling that comes with Imitrex.
Husband was doing some research on migraines this morning and he found something I never knew. Migraines do not hit when one is under stress. They hit when the person has calmed down and relaxed after a stressful event. That might explain why most of my migraine attacks happen in the morning.
But, I can't understand why I am having at least one attack a month. Last month was so bad that I had to go to the ER. I am racking my brain to find the trigger. It might be hormonal, since they sometimes fall either before or during that time. It could be stress. I mean, it is the end of the semester and in the words of Archie Bunker "Christmas is at our throats again." I am staying hydrated, so that good. And, I am watching what food I eat.
So, I am going to start a headache diary again.
On another sort of related note, yes, I am being observed tomorrow. I guess it is some requirement or something for new adjuncts. Thankfully, it is my law class and not my quiet CT class. My law students are great. But, I just hate the idea of someone sitting the back of the room watching every move I make. It's not like I haven't been observed before, but the process is so nerve racking.
Hence, the migraine...maybe.
Of course, the topic for tomorrow is something rather dry. Plus, I might double up on topics so that the class runs for the scheduled time which is an hour and 30 minutes. I usually finish my lectures in about an hour. I worry that the chair may have a problem with finishing so early.
OK., I should not be stressing, especially after a migraine attack. But, I am a little nervous. New college means new expectations. Maybe the chair won't like my "dynamic" style, I don't know. I just have those doubts.
I need to stop obsessing. My Sephora package is here. That will take my mind off of things.
Boy, it's a good thing I did not act on my temptation. Guess whose law class is being observed by the department chair on Thursday?
I so want to do what Philosophy Factory suggests with respect to my law class. I just don't feel like talking about sale and lease contracts under the UCC. I don't feel like getting into the whole risk of loss deal. Mostly, I don't feel like putting together another exam that will take place next week for only three chapters. What the hell was I smoking when I put together the calendar for this course. (Note to Husband: I swear I did not see her smoking crack!)*
*This was a quote from last week's Law and Order SVU that I have been dying to use!
Honestly, I feel like saying "OK, except for your research paper which is due on the last day of class, we are done. I will be available to discuss any questions you may have regarding your paper between now and the due date. Otherwise, take advantage of the time to work on your paper."
I could do that...couldn't I?
There is a tired, evil voice in my head that is screaming "Yeah, girl...go for it. You are not teaching at that grade 13 college anymore. Besides, the little brats are going to show up for class and if they do, everything you say will sound like blah, blah, blah, to them."
Then there is the guilt ridden, paranoid voice that says "Now, Seeking Solace, you need to be a good instructor and follow through with your course. These students must learn about sale and lease contracts and it is your duty to teach them. Besides, what would the powers that be say? Now suck it up and teach something."
Somebody make them stop!
So, where do I stand? Do I stand for goodness or badness?
After a crappy Monday, I am feeling rather tired. I stayed up way to late watching the Muddy Bowl. Jeez, no score for the until the last 17 seconds of the game.
So, it's another day of administrative crap, grading and teaching. At least one class is watching a film. Maybe I can do some work.
I will leave you with the ultimate bad case of the Mondays. The award goes to my pal, GML. She had a student who came to class smelling like a combination of cigarettes, non bathing and urine.
Um...right. I am at a loss on that one.
- I spilled coffee on my cashmere sweater.
- Why is it that no mater how much you stress the need for a Works Cited page, including a statement on an assignment in 18 point bold font that says "Any submission that does not contain a Works cited page will be accepted", there a students who STILL submit the assignment without a Works Cited page?
- Also, why is it that no matter how many times you tell a class when their final exam is, you still get emails wondering when is the final?
- I have a student in my law class who uses a highlighter to mark her answers on exams. That is annoying.
- There is a push to revamp the CT course, so all instructors are required to submit three specific assignments for review. It's a pain in the butt and a total waste of paper.
- I decided to nix an assignment for my CT class. I realized that I made the end of the semester too heavy with work. I was getting the sick feeling when I saw how much grading I would have to do. I amended my syllabus to reflect the change.
- The nixed assignment will allow the students a chance to spend more time on their research paper which will include in class assistance time. How much do you want to bet that the ones who take advantage of my generosity really don't need to?
- All the pretty snow that fell is gone. Instead, it is ugly, rainy and grey.
- I have way too many essays to read.
- I share office space with a colleague and good friend. She took pity on me and let me move in so I would not have to share space in the adjunct office for my department which is the size of a walk-in-closet. Well, there is this adjunct who keeps stopping by when I am not there and saying "Oh, tell Seeking Solace that I stopped by." and other chatty Cathy kind of stuff. I think it is annoying my friend. This adjunct is..well..annoying. Harmless, but annoying nonetheless. I had not made my office arrangement public to other adjuncts for fear of alienation and reprisal, but this person found out becuase I had to give her some docs for that dreaded admin stuff I mentioned above. And no, I could not email the stuff.
- Maybe I will just tell this annoying person that I can only be around people for a short period of time before I start getting twitchy because of my fear of small places with lots of people, hence the space with good friend. So, she should email me before she stops by.
- Like my new Present Thought at the sidebar? I think it reflects all of us right now!
OK, enough bitching. Time to strap on the Ipod and get to work. Bonus point for those who get the movie reference in the title to this post!
This Thanksgiving break has been quite a relaxing one. On Friday, RL and her husband came over. The guys performed major surgery on RL's husband's guitar. We then dined on leftovers and played cards. Husband is realizing that he is truly getting old because he is not as "fast" as the rest of us.
Yesterday, I spent the day just hanging out. I paid bills and balanced my checkbook and did a little on-line shopping at Sephora. Of course you want to know what I bought, don't you? Well, I got this, because liquid and pencil eyeliners just don't cut it for me. Plus, I got the brushes too. I also got this. I love Smashbox, and this was just a great deal. I also got free shipping!
Husband and I did venture out to get our Y membership so we can start swimming. It will be nice to have something fun to do on those crappy days in Lake Effect Snow Central.
So, today I am comfortably numb after my workout. On the schedule is laundry and watching local team play football. I will do a small about of work, just to see where I am in terms of the next two weeks.
I am going to enjoy the rest of my time off while I still can. Come tomorrow, I will have to hit the ground running.
So, I have today off and there is no way in hell I am venturing out. Years of working retail have soured me on shopping on Black Friday. Honestly, there is nothing in this world that I want or need that requires getting up at some ridiculous hour to stand in line in the freezing cold. (It's 25 degrees right now.) The outlet mall near me opened at midnight. That's right folks, midnight. There were pics on the news last night of people lined up at a Best Buy, some were standing on line since 2 PM. What the hell?!?!
Husband asked me what my plans were for the long weekend. My response? Absolutely nothing. I just want to relax and bank some sleep before I go back on Monday. I will have to hit the ground running with two weeks of classes left. Research papers and final essays will be due soon. I would also like to read for fun, maybe bang on my piano and play with the Boy.
And eat leftovers, of course!
Here's to a happy and non-over stuffed Thanksgiving!
- The Boy let me sleep in this morning. What a good dog.
- My house is a mess. I guess I will be cleaning today.
- I think I will get some of the baking done too. Sweet Potato Pie....YUM!
- I think my cold has passed.
- It's pouring rain here. Tonight, it is supposed to snow.
- I am working on a post in my head about yesterday's Oprah show in which she gives her "Favorite Things". I am still having trouble with the $3700.00 refrigerator with the TV in the door and the $59.00 box of cupcakes.
- I didn't think House was going to can a certain doctor last night.
- I have spent the last hour reading blogs and surfing the 'net.
- OK, I better get my butt moving.
Edited to add:
- I fixed the House spoiler...My Bad. Hope it's not too late for the rest of you.
- I almost forgot about SVU last night. I won't spoil it, but Ice-T's wife Coco was on. Can you say "bimbo"??
Today is the last day before Thanksgiving break. I cancelled my afternoon class becuase I know hardly anyone would show up. I will meet with my morning class, but I am not keeping them since I still feel like crap.
Yes, this cold will not go away, despite multiple rounds of Zicam and other meds. I skipped a departmental meeting yesterday becuase I could not hold my head up. I didn't even take the Boy to playgroup last night. He just didn't understand why we were not leaving the house at the usual time. Oh well, I will be home with him the rest of the week, so there will be plenty of doggie snuggle time!
Husband finished the Thanksgiving grocery shopping last night, so we have all the fixings for our feast on Thursday. Tomorrow, I will bake the sweet potato pies and chop some of the veggies that go into my stuffing. It just makes less work on Thursday.
So, I am going through all the work that is piling up and seriously asking myself if I am really going to do any grading over break. I know I should, but I just have this feeling that it will sit there until Sunday.
Anyone want to bet that my work will sit in my bag all break?
GML just sent me some photo's from the pooch party. They are too cute!!!!
The Birthday Boy Eli and Frankie
Actually, it's my buddy, GML, who needs your help.
GML still works as an adjunct at Former College. Last week, she was told that she has to attend a faculty in-service next week. No one in administration said anything about her attending this event until last week, when the Wicked Witch Dean stated that GML must attend. This event has been on the schedule since September and no one said anything about adjuncts being required to attend. In the past, adjuncts were not required to attend these types of meetings.
Here's what is grinding her gears. She is not getting paid for attending this event. The college is not paying her adjunct hourly rate. The event is on a day when she is not scheduled to be on campus either. On top of that, the event is in another city, which is an hour drive one way. They will not pay mileage either.
Despite all of that, the administration says that she must attend even if she had a second adjunct gig or another job, the administration wants her to drop everything to attend this in-service.
GML thinks the administration is taking advantage of her. It is incredibly rude of the Wicked Witch to demand that GML attend on such short notice and without regard to GML's commitments outside of Former College. GML thinks she should be paid for her time, or at least for mileage. This may be a futile arguement becuase this college is incredibly cheap, but it is not completely impossible. Also, she is worried that if she says no, the Wicked Witch will make her life miserable, or worse, treat her the way I was treated by being fired.
I think she should fight to get paid for her time. If she is successful, make sure that she has it in writing (Sorry, I used to be a lawyer). Beyond that, I think she should just tell them that the lack of reasonable notice does not allow her to change her schedule. And if she is let go, it would not be the worst thing in the world, considering Former College's lack of respect for its instructors. (I am trying to get GML a gig at my new place).
So, oh gurus of the academic world, what advice would you give GML? I would love to hear from any adjuncts who may have dealt with this.
Yesterday was the doggie party for GML's little guy, Frankie. It was a howling good time for the pups. And the humans had fun too.
Here's the birthday boy!
Let's play! The Boy, Frankie and Barley The Boy and Eli, Frankie's big brother.


MMMM...cupcakes. Yes, the dogs had doggie cupcakes. Don't you just love Frankie's hat?




By the end of the party, the pups were tired. Frankie and Eli are dog tired. I don't think Frankie cares that Eli is resting on his head!

Yesterday, I went to lunch with two of my former colleagues. They caught me up on all of the gossip and all around crapola that surrounds my former college. What was really nice was that one of my colleagues picked up the check for lunch. He is such a nice guy.
I was exhausted when I got home, so I took a nap. Two hour later I woke up with cold symptoms. So, I went for the blow, AKA Zicam, hoping the symptoms would either pass or not be too bad. But today, I feel like crap. What made it worse was that I saw this story on the news.
That's just great.
I was supposed to head to the post office to mail two very special packages for this blogger and this blogger, but I think that will have to wait until Monday. Husband said he would do the honors for these very cool people.
I am going to a doggie party later today. It's GML's dog's birthday. Frankie is one today. GML rented out the Boy's daycare for two hours of canine chaos. Should be lots of fun...that is...if I can keep my head up!
Lost...One Mind. If Found Contact Seeking Solace
Has anyone seen my brain?
I swear, I don't know where my head is lately. My brain in just fried. I just can't think straight. I can't even remember what I did 5 seconds ago.
Yesterday, I had this great idea for my CT students final essay. I was so excited. When I sat down to write it. I couldn't remember it. It's driving me crazy.
The other day, I couldn't remember if I fed the Boy. Of course, he isn't going to tell me that he ate his dinner. So, the Boy had two dinners. He was passed out for the rest of the night...fat and happy.
Yesterday, I found a load of laundry that was in the washer since Sunday. Stinky.
Just now, I printed 20 copies of the chapter guide that I already distributed. Great waste of paper.
So, if you are out and about and happen to see a mind wandering around looking for it's human..let me know. It's probably mine.
It's one of those mornings where no matter how much coffee I drink, I just can't seem to function. My brain is clouded. And it's Tuesday, which means I have my quiet class. That so doesn't help.
One student asked me for an extension on an essay I assigned two weeks ago. His excuse? There was just too much material to read! Whatever these students are on, someone needs to change the dose.
I've been listening to a lot of Pink Floyd lately. Hmm.
On another note, I was asked to participate in a conference next semester. The chair of the business department has been pushing me to participate. I guess they need someone with a law background on the panel. OK, that's fine. But the topic of the conference is an area that I am vaguely familiar. The conference is not until next spring, so I could get educated in that amount of time. I am a fast learner and better still, I can tap-dance my way through any topic (It comes with the lawyer-training). I am waiting to hear from the person in charge of the program to see if this is something I want to do.
Truth is, I would like to do it, if I can. I have only one speaking engagement on my CV, but it was from my lawyer days. I was a panelist for a legal continuing education course. So, I would like to have more academic speaking and writing under my belt. One of my goals for next year is to get some publishing cred. I am learning that if I want to stick around, I will need to step up my game.
On a totally unrelated note, The Boy is invited to a doggie birthday party! GML's dog, Frankie, is celebrating his first birthday this weekend. GML is having a doggie party at the Boy's daycare. The owner lets people rent out the space for parties. So, Frankie will have all his doggie friends, plus his big brother, Eli, and the Boy to celebrate. How cute is that? Of course, there will be pics!
Well, I am going to try to get some work done. No more coffee because the stuff they make here tastes like mud!

The tempter or the Seeking Solace, who sins most?
Which work of Shakespeare was the original quote from?
Here's another conversation with a student that just grinds my gears
Student: Do you give extra credit?
Me: No, never.
Student: I didn't think so, but I had to ask.
(My thought: why did you ask then?)
Student: I am concerned about my grade.
Me: Well, it appears you are doing fine, except you are missing a few homework assignments. That can hurt you grade.
Student: Well, I keep forgetting to do them. Can't you remind us in class when homework is due?
Me: Um, no. That's why I give you a tracking calendar at the beginning of the semester with all of your homework assignments and when they are due.
Student: Well, I kinda forget to look at that too.
Mama would be so proud.
I Waited 24 Years For This and It Was Totally Worth It.
Thursday night's Police concert was fantastic. There is no question that it was worth the wait and the cost to see these guys reunited.
It took Husband and I a little longer than usual to arrive at the venue. Those of you who know where I live, or may have figured it out by now, know why it took us almost double the time that it normally takes to travel to this cool place. But, once we were parked and at the arena, it was all good.
Until we found our seats.
Usually, I am the one who gets concert tickets. I have incredible ticket karma in that I can get good seats. This time, Husband took over. In his defense, we had to take what we could get.
We were in the very top row. And when I mean the top row...I mean the TOP ROW.
I am afraid of heights, mostly sloping high places that give you the feeling that you are falling. So, as we are climbing the stairs to our seats, I am using the Vulcan Death Grip as I hold Husband's hand. When we sat down, we did have a great view of the stage, but thankfully there were Jumbo-Screens because the guys looked like ants.
What was amazing was that it was only Sting, Stewart Copeland and Andy Summers. No other musicians or vocalists were on stage. No evidence of a backing track either. Their ability to have all the miscellaneous sounds that are a part of the Police's music was so cool. With the exception of a couple of songs, it seemed like they never missed a beat.
Sting was in great voice. And damn is he easy on the eyes! Stewart's drumming and percussion was just phenomenal. And Andy's guitar solos were just a reminder as to why he is one of the best.
Our favorite, hands down, was "Wrapped Around Your Finger". Stewart's use of chimes, cymbals and even a gong magically recreated that songs haunting theme. They also played some tracks I have not heard in ages.
One little faux pas was that Sting slight botched the lyrics to Roxanne, but honestly, I don't think anyone noticed.
It was definitely a fun night. We did not arrive home until 1:30 AM and didn't fall asleep until about 2:30. I cancelled my Friday class which was a good thing. I was dragging most of the day. Poor Husband did go to work. He said he almost did a header into his keyboard!
I guess our rock-n-roll all night days are beginning to fade..just a little.
Here is the set list:
- Message in a Bottle
- Synchronicity II
- Walking On The Moon
- Voices Inside My Head
- When The World Is Running Down
- Don't Stand So Close To Me
- Driven To Tears
- Truth Hits Everybody
- Hole In My Life
- Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
- Wrapped Around Your Finger
- De Do Do Do De Da Da Da
- Invisible Sun
- Walking In Your Footsteps
- Can't Stand Losing You
- Roxanne
First Encore
- King Of Pain
- So Lonely
- Every Breath You Take
Second Encore
- Next To You
Until the Police concert!
Full update tomorrow!!!
This Little Piggy Needs to Go to the Office Supply Store
Actual email message received today:
Dear Professor Seeking Solace:
I dont have any onk in my printer so im email my paper 2 U.
Stu Dent
Um, right....
It's going to be a long day.
I received an email from one of my students complaining that she has to resubmit her annotated bibliography. She sent me an email stating that she can't understand why she has to re-do it because she looked up how to do the bibliography on a website and just followed the examples.
So, I asked her to send me the link to the website that she used. Well, the first problem was that the website was for a course taught at another college. The course requires the student to use the Chicago Style Manual. I require MLA. It's stated in the assignment and in my syllabus. I emailed the student and explained to her that she followed the wrong citation form and I sent her a link explaining MLA.
I thought that was the end of it...but no.
She sends me another message saying, "Well, I just don't understand how mine is any different." I have the author, title and date.
Um, no you don't. my dear. Not even close.
She has an article from a newspaper which has the title with all lower case letters, the name of the newspaper and the date showing as month/day/year. No edition or page/section number.
Incorrect. Big time.
Also, I am guessing that she found the article on line, becuase I seriously doubt she has the newspaper from 2004. So, she should have cited it as an online source.
I attached her bibliography with comments on how the cite should look. I also told her that she should stop by my office to discuss this becuase it is just to hard to explain via email.
Do you think she just doesn't get it or is it another case of not using one's whole ass? (I checked her schedule and she is taking Writing I where this is covered).
Good grief, my head hurts.
I'm right back in.
I only had five re-writes from my good CT class left to grade. I was feeling pretty good about leaving grading jail.
Until I got to my law class. I have test corrections and a round of homework problems to grade. Plus, they have a test next Thursday.
So far, it's been a really productive morning. I spent two hours grading stuff for my law class. I graded two sets of homework problems and reviewed their annotated bibliographies. Thankfully, only two students have to resubmit their bibliographies because of mistakes.
I think I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel leading me out of grading jail.
Oh, and it's a happy day because my boys in Black and Gold humiliated a certain team from Baltimore last night. Sweet.
Last Thursday, my quiet CT class were supposed to submit an annotated bibliography as part of their research project. Not only did less than half submit the assignment, but less than half showed up for class.
Could this be some kind of passive aggressive behavior? Since I yelled at them on Tuesday, they will not do their work or come to class?
Not smart. Mainly because the annotated bibliography is worth 20 points of the their final grade for the research paper. I don't accept late work unless they clear it with me first. No one did that.
So, many of my students already have a negative deficit for their paper. Some have absolutely no chance of earning an "A" for the paper.
I could be cynical and just say "Sucks to be them." But, I think it's rather sad. I am not saying I feel sorry for them, becuase I don't. I just think it's sad that it has come to this. What's the point? It just hurts them in the end. What does it prove? It reinforces my thought that they just don't give a shit about the course and have little respect for me.
I am not going to say anything about it tomorrow. I am just going to hand back the ones that were submitted. There is no point in banging my head against a wall in trying to have them give a crap about the class.
Husband and I were up at 7:30 this morning because the Boy did not adjust his morning wake up routine to reflect the end of Daylight Savings Time. I guess the Boy didn't get the memo.
It's all good though, we had a nice morning of reading the paper and drinking coffee. We watched the first hour of documentary about the Who that was on VH1 last night. I taped it while we watched a movie with our guests. I have one of those VCR-DVD combos which allowed me to tape the show while we watched the DVD. Husband, the ultimate Who fan, was in his glory because there was footage he had never seen.
Dinner last night was great. We had Shrimp Jambalaya with a green salad. Everyone helped cook, including the Boy whose job was to get anything that would hit the floor. I did get a little sick because I did not eat much yesterday. I was so worried that I might have poisoned my guests. But, they seemed to enjoy the meal. In fact, my friend's hubby didn't hesitate for seconds. Our friends brought a peanut butter and chocolate dessert which was just yummo! I heart our friends. They are just great down to earth people and so much fun to hang out with.
Toady, I will do some grading. I only brought one class of work to do. I am trying to get away from the "all or nothing" mentality when it comes to grading. I would just feel this need to get everything done at the expense of my own fun and sanity. The end result is that I am grouchy and bitchy at the fact that I wasted a weekend. So, I will work on one CT class today and watch some football. Local team is playing today, but I really want to see Indy put New England away.
Well, Husband and the Boy are back from their tour of the neighborhood and the Boy is trying to tell me about his adventure, so I must turn my attention to him!
Oh, and I almost forgot. My pedi was just heavenly. My feet are very happy and my toes are pained a very dark Merlot. The girl that did my pedi even let me keep the polish!
- J and I are going for the ultimate spa pedicure today. Yeah, I know it's cold outside and no one is going to see my toes, but as I explained to GML yesterday, I will have happy feet and that is so worth it.
- Tonight, Husband and I are having friends over for dinner. It's going to be loads of fun. Good food with great friends is always fun!!!!
- Plus, I think my friend needs to have some fun, give some of the stuff that is going on in her world. I wish there was something more I could do to help her. But, I don't have much power to do so. Otherwise, I would unleash my pit bull-attorney persona and open a case of whoop-ass. I just hate seeing anyone that I care about hurting or having a rough time.
- I haven't decided if I am going to take the Boy to afternoon playgroup of have Husband take him for a long walk before our guests arrive. He gets really excited and pesty when we have company, so I want him to be a little tired and mellow tonight.
- Husband just reminded me that we are going to see the Police on Thursday. Wow. I can't believe it's time!
- Tomorrow, I will go back to grading jail.
- Don't forget to set your clocks. A whole extra hour of sleep!!!!!
I mentioned in this post about something good may come my way with respect to my job. Do you also remember when I mentioned in another post that I was worried that I would be on another employment hiatus?
OK, now that you have refreshed your memory by clicking the links...I'll continue.
Well, I went on this massive email blitz. I emailed the chairs of departments where there were courses that I was qualified to teach. I just told them who I was and if they needed any adjuncts to fill any courses to let me know. I told them what courses I would be interested in teaching, and asked if they were available. Nothing preachy or pretentious. I just looked at the course description and briefly explained why I would be a good fit. I attached my resume and let nature take its course.
Well, it paid off.
I met with the chair of the English department. She was impressed with what I was doing in my CT and law classes. She liked the manner in which I have students write essays and research papers. She offered me a course in Analytical Writing and another in College Writing!!!! So, with my Spring CT class, that makes three courses for the Spring!!!!!!
I am so excited. This is a huge opportunity for me to move forward at this college. I like where I work and the people are just great. I could see staying for a while.
It also gives me more reason to pursue my own writing. It is something that was not a priority at my other college. Actually, any form of independent thought was discouraged. I have ideas for journal articles that I would like to investigate and pursue. So, my plan for 2008 is to get published. Maybe I can join Brazen's club once I get my shit together.
But for now...WOOHOO!!!!!
Whenever I assign a research paper, I have my students submit an annotated bibliography about a month into the project. I do this for two reasons. One, I want to see if they can properly document sources using MLA or APA. Second, I want to see what sources they are reviewing. I limit the number of Internet sources (www stuff). I want them to look at databases and other sources instead of just googling.
Two of my students in my law class asked me if they could change their topic. In a whiny voice, the claimed that they couldn't find anything. I asked them if they looked in the usual places, like the school's library and other database sources. They said they did but all they found was a bunch of stuff about Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Um, that is the whole crux of the case they are researching.
I told them that I would look at their bibliographies and get back to them. I went back to my office and did a quick 10 minute search on the school library's database. Sure enough, I found 13 journal articles on Lexis Academic, five of which had detailed information about their case. None were redundant. And of course, none of those articles were cited in their bibliographies.
I also noticed that one of the students did not even cite the case itself. Seems to me that the actual case would be one of the first things I would look to in starting a project like this.
So, I sent them an email telling them that I am not going to allow them to change their topic. I suggested a few places to look without telling them what they may find.
The truth is, I think they are just afraid to try. Why is it that so many students just want to give up so easily? It seems like so many of my students, past and present, seem to back down from anything that is remotely difficult. They want everything to be easy or take the least amount of work to do. I could see if they really put some effort into the research, but in this case, it seems like they just looked at a couple of books on the library shelf and stuff they could find in a Google search.
I have a saying. If you are going to do something, don't do it half-assed. Use your whole ass.
The Boy goes to doggie day care once a week. It's just like child day care. There's playtime, snack time and quiet-nap time. When the Boy comes home, he is so excited to tell me about his day. Then, he inhales his dinner and passes out on his downstairs bed. We don't hear a peep out of him for the rest of the night!
I caught this pic of him in his bed. He looks like he is hog-tied! As soon as he saw me, he started wagging his tail. That's all the energy he had!
About Me

- Seeking Solace
- I am a college professor who is fumbling through the chaos of academia, rheumatoid arthritis, working on my PhD and just being a 40 something woman. I used to be a lawyer, which made me a snarky little person. I have a wonderful Husband and a German Shepherd named Junior. They help keep me sane.