The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Comfortably Numb

Posted by Seeking Solace |

This Thanksgiving break has been quite a relaxing one. On Friday, RL and her husband came over. The guys performed major surgery on RL's husband's guitar. We then dined on leftovers and played cards. Husband is realizing that he is truly getting old because he is not as "fast" as the rest of us.

Yesterday, I spent the day just hanging out. I paid bills and balanced my checkbook and did a little on-line shopping at Sephora. Of course you want to know what I bought, don't you? Well, I got this, because liquid and pencil eyeliners just don't cut it for me. Plus, I got the brushes too. I also got this. I love Smashbox, and this was just a great deal. I also got free shipping!

Husband and I did venture out to get our Y membership so we can start swimming. It will be nice to have something fun to do on those crappy days in Lake Effect Snow Central.

So, today I am comfortably numb after my workout. On the schedule is laundry and watching local team play football. I will do a small about of work, just to see where I am in terms of the next two weeks.

I am going to enjoy the rest of my time off while I still can. Come tomorrow, I will have to hit the ground running.

