The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Hot Weather Meme

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Thanks Jo(e)

A meme inspired by an unseasonably hot day yesterday.

How do you cope with hot weather? AC and iced tea! But my AC is not working so just the iced tea!

When does the heat make you most crazy? When it gets really humid either my sinuses or migraines act up. That really sucks!

Your favorite hot weather music? Jimmy Buffett

Where do you go to get air conditioning? Home or the mall.

Your favorite place to sleep in hot weather? My bed, of course.

Your favorite hot weather food? Watermelon, ice cream and barbecue.

Your favorite people to visit in the hot weather? Anyone with a pool!

Your favorite way to wear your hair in the hot weather? When I had my naturally curly hair, I would wear it up with LOTS of anti frizz and conditioner. Otherwise, I would look like Buckwheat. Now that it is straight, I just wear it in a ponytail.

Your favorite hot weather drink? Green iced tea made with my Iced Tea Pot. Also any frozen alcoholic beverage!

Your hot weather story?
#1. We have a neighbor we refer to as Fat Bastard (yes, like in Austin Powers. He really looks like Fat Bastard). Every year, he has his annual Fourth of July barbecue and kareoke party. It's an all day event that lasts until 3 AM, including the shooting of fireworks that land in our yard, obnoxious and loud singing of county kareoke .And every year, the rest of the neighborhood takes turns calling the cops. Husband and I try to come up with ways to seek revenge. We are considering putting dog poop in his pool!

#2. Ever since I was little, I have been afraid of the ice cream man. Rather than tell us that there was no money to buy ice cream from the ice cream man, my aunt used to tell me and my cousins that we could not buy ice cream from the ice cream man because he put LSD in the ice cream! Now when I hear the ice cream man, I want to run and hide!

Is hot weather good for anything? Swimming and basking in the sun with a frozen beverage of your choice!.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Hot, Hot, Hot

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Yesterday, it was 91 degrees in Lake Effect Snow Central. Usually, the summers are pretty mild here, thanks to the lake. But 91 is just downright oppressive! We have central air in our house and use the AC about 10-15 days in an average summer, mostly when it is so humid that you can't breathe. Sadly our system was not working, so we had to break out the fans. I felt sorry for the Boy. Since he looks more like a German Shepard, he has a lot of fur. Poor guy was panting up a storm. I sprayed him with the hose to cool him off. Today, it is only going to be 85 degree, which is more tolerable.

With the warm weather also comes low attendance. I tell my students to "come for the AC and stay for the lecture." Sometimes it works. But my afternoon Critical Thinking class only had three students. Sucks to be those who did not show up because I handed out the research project and explained it in full detail.

Some of my colleagues have been driving me crazy lately. There is a small contingent who like to complain about EVERYTHING. They are never happy either personally or professionally. It is a real downer. Lately, I have been popping on the Ipod, so I don't have to listen to all the drama. All the whining and complaining really stresses me out.

Well, I have work to do today. I have to find more cases for the Survey of Law course for their research project and create a take home exam for Law and Ethics.

Keep cool everyone!!!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Holiday...Sort Of

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Even though it's a holiday, I still have tons of work to do.

I am looking for new cases for my Survey of Law's research project. It's tough because they are not in law school, so I have to choose cases that are not over their heads, content wise. There is lots of reading for the Law and Ethics course. I did not have time, or the textbook, prior to the course. So, I have to read all the material before lecturing, which takes up a lot of time. At least Critical Thinking is going well. No changes there.

I also have to renew my attorney malpractice insurance. I have a divorce matter that just will not die. It's the only case I have left. But the parties just can't seem to agree on anything. I want to end all of this crap, so I can officially close my practice. If the case does not end by June 20th, I have to purchase another year of insurance, which is EXPENSIVE! Last year, my premium was $2000.00. The case is scheduled for a conference on June 14th, so I am hoping the parties will get their shit together and just settle!

Husband wants to go shoe shopping later for new running shoes. Husband HATES shopping. But one of his buddies convinced him to run in a marathon, which is in three weeks. Husband has not done any serious running for a couple of years. So, the other day, be began his training scheduled that his buddy created. Needless to say, he is quite sore. He has been bathing in Bio-Freeze!

Grilling season is in full effect. Yesterday, Husband made double Boca burgers with cheese. Yummo! We also purchase our tomatoes, peppers and basil. We will probably plant some other stuff too, but the nursery was just too crowded and Husband was starting to get that "Get me out of here before I hurt someone" look.

Thanks for all the lovely comments about my beautiful new template. I am quire proud of it. I even learned a little HTML.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Out With The Old

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I thought I would try a new look! Comments Welcome!

Shout out to B*: I used your link to find this one! Thanks!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Rain or Shine

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Ah...the long weekend.

I am getting a pedicure this morning. I am trying a new salon that is closer to my house. Hopefully, they will do a good job because it is really hard to get an appointment at the place I usually go, which is on the other side of town. Since it is raining, maybe I will pop in at the mall.

Update: I love the place where I got my Pedi. My toes are a bright coral pink! The place is only a few blocks from my house which means I can walk there! They have other spa services, so I will definitely have to indulge.

I am breaking out the golf clubs. That's right, yours truly plays golf. I started a few years ago. It's really a great way to get outside and get rid of some frustrations. I just pretend my students are the balls! But the rain means Husband and I will have to hit the indoor driving range.

Husband is going to stop by the nursery and pick up some plants for our veggie garden. This is usually the weekend to start planting. Nothing like growing your own veggies! But planting will have to wait if it keeps raining.

I don't think I am going to my niece's party. The Girl's mom is going back to her hometown to help her mom out while her dad is recovering from an emergency appendectomy. So, she will not be able to help out with the Boy.. It’s actually ok with me. Although I will miss see my father-in-law's new mullet! Too bad I can’t use the rain as an excuse.

Of course, the grill will be running all weekend. Husband is the "Lord and Master of the GrillL. Seriously, he does a great job. It's also time to break out my Iced Tea Pot. Husband will not grill in the rain.

Hopefully, the rain will stop...

Whatever the weather is in your neck of the woods, have a great long weekend!!!!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Guilty As Charged

Posted by Seeking Solace |

The Guilty Pleasures Mmem. (Because I don't have anything else to bitch about!!!)

Four guilty pleasures in books/magazines
1. US or People
2. Glamour or Cosmo
3. Business 2.0
4. Better Homes and Gardens

Four Guilty Pleasures in Movies
1. Glitter (Even more cheesy than Showgirls)
2. Friday the 13th, Children of the Corn and other 80"s horror.
3. Revenge of the Nerds
4. Car Wash

Four guilty pleasures in food
1. Chocolate
2. Fried Chicken (Southern style)
3. French Fries with warm cheese sauce
4. Mac and cheese

Four guilty pleasures in music
I have been going through a 80's heavy metal phase and a 70's music phase at the same time!
1. Def Leopard
2. Boz Scaggs (Remember Lido Shuffle???)
3. Carly Simon
4. AC/DC

Four guilty pleasures in TV
1. Cartoons like The Flintstones or the Jetsons
2. Court show like Judge Judy or Judge Joe Brown
3. Dr. Phil
4. Honey, We're Killing the Kids (TLC)

Four guilty pleasures in booze.
All booze is good, but..
1. Jack Daniels
2. Martinis and cosmos
3. Canadian beer (Molsen or Labatt’s)
4. Johnnie Walker Red

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Some Things Are Just Plain Wrong!

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Parading around the gym locker room naked is one of them. This woman must have thought she was at home, because she just let it all out there for people to see. What’s worse is that the locker room is very small, so there was no way of avoiding her show, unless you wanted to dress in the bathroom. (Which was occupied, by the way). Then, she began to spray aerosol deodorant which was flying all over the place. I cough as a hint that she needs to lighten up a little. But she does not get it. I rush to get dressed and run out of there!


Monday, May 22, 2006

Monday Thoughts

Posted by Seeking Solace |

1. I have to get my butt in gear with my course materials. I have to decide if I am going to change the entire scope of the research project as a result of Ding-Dong Student, or should I just choose cases that no one has used. What do you think?

2. I also have to get my Law and Ethics mock trial materials ready. There are two great cases in the book that should work.

3. Husband spoke to his parents last night. Our niece is having a birthday party next Sunday in Big City which is near Redneckville. From what I gathered from the conversation, his parents were hinting that we really should go. Big City is about a four hour drive from Lake Effect Snow Central, so we could do a day trip. But I worry about the Boy. I can’t make him hold it for 10 hours. And as you all know, the Boy is not welcome at any family functions. I suppose I could ask the Girl’s mom to check in on the Boy. (The Girl is the Boy’s girlfriend who lives next door. She is a chocolate Lab.) Husband is tap dancing around the issue with me because he knows how I feel about the whole issue with the Boy.

4. Husband is also tap dancing around the fact that he kept me awake again with his incessant snoring. To add insult to injury, the Boy joined in. Et tu Boy?

5. Once again, it’s cold here. The weather-dude is calling for frost tonight. What the hell? GML said she wanted to use her fireplace, but her husband vetoed that.

6. I have to go to the eye doc today. Will have no sight for the rest of the day because of the whole dilation thing. I guess it will be a great excuse for a nap!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Jan v. Bart. You Decide.

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Courtesy of Brazen and Claire

You Are Jan Brady

Brainy and a little introverted, you tend to think life is a lot worse than it actually is.
And while you may think you're a little goofy looking, most people consider you to be a major babe.

But I also like this one!

You Are Bart Simpson

Very misunderstood, most people just dismiss you as "trouble."

Little do they know that you're wise and well accomplished beyond your years.

You will be remembered for: starring in your own TV show and saving the town from a comet

Your life philosophy: "I don't know why I did it, I don't know why I enjoyed it, and I don't know why I'll do it again!"

I think I am a little of both!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Personal Best

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Yesterday, I power walked 2 miles in 35 minutes!

I am very proud of that. It has not been easy for me to get to that level. In my younger days, I was a runner. In high school, I was a state-wide ranked sprinter. Unfortunately, leg injuries kept me from continuing my running career in college.

I often wonder in my leg problems were a sign of what was to come, meaning the Rheumatoid Arthritis. Even before the RA was officially diagnosed in 2000, I noticed that running was just too painful. Once I got the diagnosis, working out in any capacity has been a challenge. RA is an autoimmune disease in which the joint lining becomes inflamed as part of the body’s immune system activity. So, my body is attacking my joints because it feels it needs to do so. The pain can be so bad that I cannot walk.

The meds that I have to take don’t help matters. When the illness gets really bad, I have to take steroids. We all know what that means…instant weight gain. That leads to a host of other problems like depression.

I have tried for the past six years to find a balance with exercise. I have tried water aerobics, yoga, and other cardio as a means to get fit. My doctors say that working out actually helps when the disease flares. But it’s hard to get motivated when you in that much pain. Then, I end up feeling like crap because I weigh 40 pounds more than I did when I graduated law school back in 1996. Back then, I was fit, had great curves and even did kick-boxing.

But for some reason, this time is different. Maybe it’s the mild winter. Maybe it’s GML and LB pushing me to walk on the treadmill, even if it’s only at 2.0 miles per hour on days when I would rather lay on the couch. Maybe it’s Husband’s encouraging words to go with him on a walk with the Boy. Or, maybe I am tired of this disease controlling me.

For the first time, I feel like I am controlling this disease.

Friday, May 19, 2006

It's True What They Say

Posted by Seeking Solace |

What a difference a day (off) makes.

I feel much better today. Thanks to all my friends out there for the get well wishes!!! I still don’t know if it was sinuses, PMS or the “I am sick of my job” kind of sick. The Boy must have known I was under the weather because he let me sleep until 11 AM yesterday. Plus a nap from 1:00 to 2:30 hit the spot.

Yesterday was made brighter because I got a present from the UPS guy. My books from Amazon arrived. I ordered You, The Owner’s Manual, written by that doc that is always on Oparah and My Sisters Keeper. (Thanks to Shelly and Inside the Philosophy Factory for the suggestion.).

So what’s on the agenda today? No clue. I should probably work out since I have not done anything since Tuesday. I should start writing up my research projects for Survey of Law and Law and Ethics. Thanks to my ding-dong of a student, I am now changing my research project. I will probably holler at GML later. She and I seriously need to plan some kind of outing. We teach on different days, so we don’t get a chance to hang out much on campus. Plus she is teaching a class at another college this summer, so her plate is a little full.

Speaking of teaching at other colleges, I sent my resume and other crap to Southern State College for consideration. I think I mentioned that Southern State College is looking for a Criminal Justice Lecturer. I forgot what a pain in the ass sending out resumes, cover letters and college transcripts was. Is it really necessary for them to know that I had to retake Sociology back when I was an undergrad in 1987? Anyway, wish me luck.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Sick Day

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I am sick today.

I don’t know if it’s sick-sick because of sinuses, PMS sick, sick and tired or a combination of all three. All I know is there is no way I am going to teach today. I have felt like this all week. I just have no desire to do much of anything. I just emailed work to let them know that I would not be teaching today. The Boy has been out and had his breakfast. Husband is up and getting ready for work.

My job is done. Back to bed.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Feeling Bitchy

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I am feeling rather bitchy today.

1. GML and I did not text message during American Idol last night. She has declared AI dead. I could not resist temptation and decided to watch. I was no impressed. I have this feeling that Taylor will win. But I wonder how many of the so called “Soul Patrol” will actually purchase a Taylor Hicks CD.

2. I am applying for a job at a university that is far away in distance from Lake Effect Snow Central. I think I wrote about the possibility of Husband’s division at Big Computer Company being sold. We still don’t know if that will happen, but we are both testing the waters. I am a little nervous about the process. Many academic positions want either a PhD or ABD and I only have a JD (I also have a MA). The thought of going for the PhD is not appealing to me at all, so I am worried that my resume will be placed in File X. You know the one. The “No Fucking Way Are We Responding To This” file.

3. It’s cold here. It is 52 degrees outside and the guy on the radio just said that the wind chill makes it feel like 45 degrees. Wind Chill??? It’s May for Christ sakes!!

4. You know it’s spring when the gym is full of people who you have NEVER seen before. The fitness center was packed with people yesterday. Someone needs to tell these people that you have to wipe down the equipment AFTER you use it.

5. The DI has reminded the faculty of the start time and end time of our classes. She frowns upon us allowing students to leave class early. If we are giving a test, that’s ok, but otherwise no. Yesterday, I finished my Critical Thinking class 15 minutes early. I really did not want to jump to the next lecture, but because I can’t let them leave early, we just sat around and shot the shit. What would happen if I actually let the students leave? Would the world come to an end?

GML has dad it with the DI too. She was not feeling well on Monday, so she called in sick. She later receive an email from the DI. The email did say anything like, “hope you feel better” or “we will touch base when you get back, don’t worry about the meeting you missed”. It simply said. “YOU missed the course review meeting”. That’s it. Talk about lack of empathy or sensitivity.

ARRRGH. I can’t stand it. I think today is a good day to just curl up with a book and a dog!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Monday Workout Update

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I kick started my workouts again. I got a little sidetracked while vacationing, plus it was pure insanity once I got back. My goal is to get back to my law school weight by November. I mentioned in a prior post that November is my 20th high school reunion. Now, of course I am not just looking weight for just that reason. There are many other reasons for doing this. I know I will feel better physically; the remission period for my RA will be longer and flares will be minimal and less painful. Mentally and emotionally, I will feel more upbeat and less moody and depressed. But I think the reunion will be a good target.

I am starting to notice changes. I am not so tired all the time. I am seeing definition in my arms, thanks to the weight training. Husband commented the other day that my butt looked awesome in the jeans I was wearing. What a guy! He said that I inspired him to step up his game too. He usually comes home for lunch. Istead of crashing on the couch, he hits the treadmill or takes the Boy out for a very brisk walk. I must say that he is looking FINE. And the Boy is losing some of his winter fat.

So, here’s my new play list. It’s a ode to 80's songs that, in my opinion, do not suck! It is about 40 minutes long.

Let’s Dance -- David Bowie
Where the Streets Have No Name -- U2
Middle of the Road -- The Pretenders
Would I Lie to U? -- Eurythmics
In a Big Country -- Big Country
Shout -- Tears for Fears
Solsbury Hill -- Peter Gabriel
Time -- Culture Club
Tempted -- Squeeze
Every Breath You Take -- The Police

This is just a partial list of songs from the 80's that do not suck. What say you? Maybe I will add them to a future play list!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Another Kind of Mom

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I am a Dog Mom.

I know some of you out there probably think that is lame or insulting to the true meaning of Mother’s Day, but I submit the following reasoning as to why I am a proud Dog Mom. (All the Cat Moms and other Pet Moms will agree with me, so insert your favorite pet in place of Dog).

Dogs love you unconditionally.
Dogs accept you for who you are.
Dogs are always happy to see you.
You gush over the cutest thing they do.(All the Friday Cat Bloggers say “Amen”)
Dogs seam to know when you are happy, sad or lonely.
Dogs don’t lie or cheat.
Dogs love to snuggle with you.
Dogs love you when you don’t love you.
Dogs are not racist, sexist or homophobic. They do not judge you.
Dogs keep you honest.
Dogs teach you to enjoy the simple things in life like a nap in the sun, a belly rub and taking time out to play.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Human Moms out there. Without you, we would not be good pet moms!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Wake Up Call

Posted by Seeking Solace |

The Boy dragged me out of bed by 10 this morning. He did wake me up at 8 so that he could go out and have his breakfast, but I thought I could catch some more zzzz. No such luck. I dozed on and off for two hours while the Boy kept up his attempts to herd me out of bed. After his success with me, the Boy spent half and hour doing the same thing to Husband. Once both of us were downstairs drinking our coffee, he sacked out on the floor. Mission Accomplished.

We did not get home until 1 AM. Graduation ran until 10 PM, after a 7 PM start. At least Husband did not have to sit through the ceremony. Since I was not presenting or anything, I just had him meet me at the faculty after-party. Lots of drinks and snacks.

So, today is Round 2 of my Spring Cleaning Extravaganza. On today’s agenda is:

1. Take comforter and drapes to the laundry
2. Clean out hall linen closet.

Not a lot of stuff to do, but trust me, it will take a while to get it done. Husband will be outside working on the yard and maybe start planting some veggies. And the Boy will probably nap. After all, his biggest job is done.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Friday Thoughts

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I don’t know if I can’t get used to my new schedule. I am teaching two days a week for the summer term, which definably has its perks. But I teach three classes in a row, with only an hour break between them. In that hour I have to schedule my office hours and suck down some lunch. I guess I will have to up the caffeine intake.

Today is graduation at my college. I am going to the ceremony. A few of the students that I taught my first semester as a professor are graduating, so I am excited to see them receive their diplomas. After the ceremony, the faculty is having their party. Open bar…woohoo!

I am still pissed that Chris was kicked of American Idol.

Divorce Lady called this morning. She wanted to update me on a client I referred to her office. One of my colleagues has been bugging me with questions regarding her relocating to another state with her son. The problem is that my colleague’s ex-husband has visitation rights. My colleague thinks that she can just up and move and her ex will just have to suck it up. Now, I KNOW that no court is going to entertain this kind of thing. Relocation is a BIG DEAL. So, rather than get sucked into representing her, I sent my colleague to Divorce Lady, who has significant experience in this area. Divorce Lady said that my colleague is hell bent on going through with the case, despite Divorce Lady’s warnings that there is a significant chance that my colleague will lose. We shall see.

I finally finished the changes to the course syllabus for the crappy Employment Law class I taught last semester. I am quite proud of my work. I found a great textbook that takes a systemic approach to employment law. It covers all aspects of the law, not just discrimination, which was one of the problems with the textbook I was stuck using.

Well, that’s all for Friday. The sun is actually out, so I think I will take the Boy out for a stroll though the 'hood.

Happy Friday to all!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Posted by Seeking Solace |

Your Deadly Sins
Wrath: 60%
Sloth: 40%
Envy: 20%
Gluttony: 20%
Greed: 20%
Pride: 20%
Lust: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 26%
You will die, after conquering the world as an evil dictator.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Be Careful Of What You Wish For!

Posted by Seeking Solace |

One of my Survey of Law students and I had the following conversation yesterday:

Student: I can’t believe how much work you give us to do!
Seeking Solace: It’s no more or less than what you receive in you other major courses
Student: What kind of research project do I have to do?
SS: I usually have you research a Supreme Court case, but I am thinking about changing that.
Student: No, please don’t. That way I can find someone who did the paper and use theirs.

Just for that, I am changing the research project you little snot!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Monday Highlights

Posted by Seeking Solace |

This is the first full week of the summer session. I have lots to do today. I need to get my lectures ready. The Survey of Law class is not a problem, but I do have to prep the new Ethics and Law course. I am excited about the first lecture. We will be discussing the duty, or lack thereof, of rescuers.

I still don’t know if my Critical Thinking class is still a go. I told the DI to call me if she decides to can the class. I would hate to do all that work and then have no class to teach. It would not be the worst thing in the world if the course was cancelled. My workday would end at 12:30 in the afternoon. But I am still a little pissed because of the way the DI has been taking classes away from adjuncts.

I spoke to Piglet last night. Piglet is my childhood best friend who lives in Redneckville. She is the personal assistant to a state representative. Her boss is up for re-election this year, so she is very busy at the moment. We chatted for two hours last night. She gave me the 411 on our 20th high school reunion, which is this November. We are both interested to see what happened to some people. We also discussed the idea of a major shopping trip this summer.

Ok, I need to get to work!!!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

What To Do????

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Yesterday, I cleaned the master bedroom from top to bottom. I cleaned out my closet, dusted the hardwood floors: I even moved the furniture to get underneath. I also wiped down the baseboards and cleaned out all the unnecessary crap that has accumulated. I even washed the Boy’s bed! The only thing left is that I have to take the comforter and the drapes to the laundry, since they don’t’ fit in my washer.

I did take the Boy for his walk. When I got home, I took a soaking bath at 4:00 in the afternoon. I decided to continue Cinco de Mayo by ordering Mexican. I feel asleep on the couch after only one episode of Law and Order SVU! I went to bed and slept like a rock. Something about clean bedding helps me sleep. I also had the windows open while I was cleaning, so the fresh scent of spring was still in the room. Even the Boy slept soundly in his bed. I guess he likes the smell of clean bedding too. But he did wake me at 7:30 AM for his breakfast!

So, I read the paper and talked to my brother-in-law’s wife. She wanted to hear about Aruba and just shoot the breeze since both of our guys our camping and fishing. Kat is awesome. We always have a great time together. We are planning a major shopping trip to an outlet that is between Redneckville and Lake Effect Snow Central for the summer.

I have not decided what I am going to do today. It is a little chilly, even though the sun is shining. The Boy is outside, playing with the Girl. They love to chase each other up and down the fence that separates the backyards. That means he will be tired, at least for the next two hours. I was thinking about going to Bed, Bath and Beyond for a little shopping. But I also have some reading to do for my classes on Tuesday. I suppose I could work on that tomorrow…

What to do????

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Home Alone..Sort Of.

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Husband just left for his camping trip. He will be back sometime tomorrow. He and his brother are tent camping at a place that is about 2 hours from Redneckville. One of Husband’s buddies is staying at a dive hotel. (Note to Ellen…three guesses who is wussing out and staying at the hotel!). Husband’s other brother is meeting the group on Sunday to go fishing. So it’s just me and the Boy.

I think I will do a little spring cleaning. I should make a list of the jobs that I want to accomplish. My goal is to tackle one major project during the week. I have this tendency to try to accomplish everything at once, which means nothing gets done.

So, here is today’s to do list:

1. I started with my closet before I went on my trip, so now is a good time to finish the job. I need to put the sweaters in storage and put together the things that need to go to the cleaner, like my winter coats.
2. I think I will set aside some of my old suits. Many of the students at my college do not have the money to purchase clothing for interviews. Some do not know what is appropriate for an interview either. I think it would be great to start a clothing exchange.
3. Call to have the carpets cleaned. Muddy paw season is over.
4. Work out. I start up the program again. But on Thursday, I banged my knee against the filing cabinet that sits under the desk in my faculty work area. It really hurts. It does not help matters that it is the same knee that I blew out skiing five years ago. So, I will take it easy on the treadmill.
5. Take the Boy for a walk, if it stops raining. For a dog who is part Lab and like water, he does not like to go out in the rain!
6. Do some laundry, as always.
7. Call my mom. She has been a little depressed lately since finishing her cancer treatment. My mom was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma last Christmas. She finished an experimental radiation treatment which seems to work, but her energy and concentration are down.
8. Find new books to read. I read The Fifth Horseman and Marley and Me during my vacation. Highly recommend Marley and Me. Even those of you who are cat people will appreciate this story!

Ok, one more cup of coffee and then it’s time to get going.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Low Light

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Ianqui wrote a post about being “on” all the time. It sort of fits my mood today, because I am in a funk.

OK, before I get a ton of comments saying :”Bitch, you just go back from Aruba, you have NOTHING to complain about”, let me explain.

I just started the summer session at my college. That’s right. I only had a week off between semesters. So even though I spent a week in paradise, I had to hit the ground running once I returned home. On the plus side, the semester ends the second week of August. I have almost a full month before the Fall term. It’s a tough schedule. It seems like two weeks would be more appropriate. Even my colleagues who did not travel or do anything special during the one week hiatus feel tired this week.

It feels like I never left. It’s hard to get back into the academic groove. I taught three classes yesterday, and I felt like I was running on auto-piolet. I thought that my workout would help, but I felt exhausted and crummy. Even as I write this, I don’t feel like myself.

I am one of those people who loves her downtime. I need to have that period where I can recharge my batteries. I am a total homebody, although I do love to go out now and again. But I need that time in which I don’t have to be the Professor, the Attorney or the Colleague. At least I will have the house to myself this weekend. Husband is going camping with his brothers, so it is just me and the Boy. Hopefully, I will get the spark back.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Don’t Mess with My Classes!

Posted by Seeking Solace |

It’s only the second day of class and my boss is thinking about cancelling my Critical Thinking class due to lack of enrollment. Currently, there are five students enrolled.

I think she is putting the cart before the horse. First, there is still another week of Drop/Add left, so there is the chance that more will enroll. Second, the class could still run with five students. The cut-off point is four. It just seems stupid to me.

The same thing happened to one of my colleagues, OGD. OGD has taught Principles of Management since God created Heaven and Earth (Or when the Big Bang occured or whatever theory you follow). But the Dean of Instruction (DI) cancelled his class too for lack of enrollment. He had five students in his class too. But here is the rub. My friend, LB, who taught the course last semester, said that there were five students from her section that failed the course. Two of those five were supposed to graduate in May, but will not because of the failure. Neither has registered for that class yet. So, if they register during Drop/Add that would bring the total to seven. But now there is no class because the DI canned it.

OGD is pissed off because this is the second or third time that the DI has screwed him with respect to classes. DI does not like OGD, because he is outspoken and the students like him. This time, it almost seems personal that the DI is messing with his classes.

Does this happen at other colleges to adjuncts?????

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Back In Stride Again

Posted by Seeking Solace |

So the summer session has started already at my college. I only had a week off between semesters. Not much time really. Having a trimester system can really suck. While most of you are dying for the semester to end, I am dreading the beginning of the semester!

I am teaching a new course this semester called Law and Ethics. It’s a combination of Critical Thinking and Law. It should be interesting. I am thinking about having the students conduct a mock trail. We shall see.

Well, back to work…

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

American Idol Thoughts

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I think it’s either Elliot or Paris that will be cut.

My thoughts:

1. I am so tired of Elliot and Paul gushing over Elliot.
2. Paris singing something from his Royal Badness just seems like an oxymoron.
3. I really liked Taylor singing “Something” by the Beatles. And somehow “Play That Funky Music (White Boy): seemed appropriate.
4. Katherine did not do “Against All Odds” any justice. But her second song was better.
5. Chris was great, as usual. Even Husband said he could stomach hearing Styx!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Aruba: Day 4

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Wednesday April 26th:

We both had a little too much sun over the past two days, so we decided to do some shopping. Oranjestad, Aruba’s capital city, has tons of places to shop for jewelry and cigars. Women were dragging their husbands and boyfriends from jewelry store to jewelry store, while the men were going into the smoke shops in droves! Naturally, the majority of men going into the smoke shops were American since one could buy Cuban cigars.

We looked at anniversary bans at a couple of jewelry shops. My wedding band began to cut into my ring finger as a result of the RA. Husband thought that would be a nice gift. But the funny thing was every ring we looked at had serious flaws in the diamonds. Husband remembered some of the jewelry rating information from when he bought my ring. So when he started questioning the quality of the rings, the prices began to drop and the salesperson began to show us better quality rings. Needless to say, we decided that we would try to have my old ring fixed when we returned home. But Husband did buy me a nice present.

Movado Kara Women's Two-tone Watch

Of course I had to indulge Husband. He purchased two Cuban cigars. At least he was kind enough to sit downwind as he smoked that night at the bar!

Monday, May 01, 2006

The I's Have It

Posted by Seeking Solace |

B* got me!

I am dreading my faculty in-service meeting tonight.
I want to take a nap before I go to the meeting.
I wish I was still in Aruba!
I hate people who push their agendas onto others and do not respect the beauty of our differences.
I love my Husband and the Boy.
I miss my dad. He died in 1988.
I fear that my brother and I will never be on speaking terms. We have not spoken for two years.
I hear the Boy snoring as I type.
I wonder if I will lose the weight I want before my 20th high school reunion this November.
I regret nothing.
I am not very good at math
I dance but Husband does not. He thinks he dances like Carlton from the Fresh Prince!
I sing when I am alone because I don’t think I have a good voice, although many say I can carry a tune.
I cry a lot less than I did when I was younger.
I am not always cheerful. In fact, I can be downright moody.
I make with my hands most of the meals in my house.
I write about some crazy stuff in this blog.
I confuse lay and lie. I never remember when to use them in a sentence.
I need to start spring cleaning.
I should work out today.
I start the summer term at my college on Wednesday.
I finish books rather quickly. I am a fast reader.
I tag Shelly, Kiss My Mike, Angry Pregnant Lawyer and Adenostoma

Monday, May 01, 2006

Aruba Days 2 and 3

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Monday April 24th and Tuesday, April 25th:

We spent both days just lounging on the beach. The beaches in Aruba are simply beautiful. The sand is pure white, which is nice on the feet. The water is a clear aqua and feels like bathwater. It’s was a bout 85 degrees with the wind blowing about 30 miles and hour. As Husband and I were swimming, he suddenly stops and yells “Holy shit, look at that!” There were two purple-blue fish, about 2 ½ feet long, swimming along with us. Way cool!

We spent the rest of the time lounging and reading. I read all of The Fifth Horseman, by James Patterson on Wednesday. Husband read Hemingway’s “The Nick Adams Stories” for the millionth time. It's his favorite book. Of course we made sure to rotate or go under the umbrella when necessary. Naturally, we made several trips to the Bunker Bar. The Bunker Bar is a bar set up right on the beach. So, frozen beverages were readily available!

We ate at the Italian restaurant both nights. Absolutely yummo food! And lots of wine!

On Monday night, we took the shuttle, which is a large golf cart, to our hotel’s sister resort to check out the casino. Neither one of us is much of a gambler, but we thought it might be fun. Well, $40.00 worth of quarters and an hour later, we were bored and broke. So it was back to the pool bar to enjoy some live music and some frosty beverages! On Tuesday night, we watched a Salsa dance troupe perform at the hotel. God, I wish I could do that!

What really amazed me was the number of American families traveling with small children. I kept wondering how these people were able to afford this kind of trip. I know it cost us about $3500.00 for the two of us (Thank God for Husband’s end of year bonus!), so I can’t imagine how a family of four or more could possibly pull it off? Whatever happened to packing the whole tribe in the family truckster and heading cross country to see the second largest ball of twine?

Oh yeah, we ran into Fred again. He was still begging us to buy a timeshare!
