The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Feeling Bitchy

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I am feeling rather bitchy today.

1. GML and I did not text message during American Idol last night. She has declared AI dead. I could not resist temptation and decided to watch. I was no impressed. I have this feeling that Taylor will win. But I wonder how many of the so called “Soul Patrol” will actually purchase a Taylor Hicks CD.

2. I am applying for a job at a university that is far away in distance from Lake Effect Snow Central. I think I wrote about the possibility of Husband’s division at Big Computer Company being sold. We still don’t know if that will happen, but we are both testing the waters. I am a little nervous about the process. Many academic positions want either a PhD or ABD and I only have a JD (I also have a MA). The thought of going for the PhD is not appealing to me at all, so I am worried that my resume will be placed in File X. You know the one. The “No Fucking Way Are We Responding To This” file.

3. It’s cold here. It is 52 degrees outside and the guy on the radio just said that the wind chill makes it feel like 45 degrees. Wind Chill??? It’s May for Christ sakes!!

4. You know it’s spring when the gym is full of people who you have NEVER seen before. The fitness center was packed with people yesterday. Someone needs to tell these people that you have to wipe down the equipment AFTER you use it.

5. The DI has reminded the faculty of the start time and end time of our classes. She frowns upon us allowing students to leave class early. If we are giving a test, that’s ok, but otherwise no. Yesterday, I finished my Critical Thinking class 15 minutes early. I really did not want to jump to the next lecture, but because I can’t let them leave early, we just sat around and shot the shit. What would happen if I actually let the students leave? Would the world come to an end?

GML has dad it with the DI too. She was not feeling well on Monday, so she called in sick. She later receive an email from the DI. The email did say anything like, “hope you feel better” or “we will touch base when you get back, don’t worry about the meeting you missed”. It simply said. “YOU missed the course review meeting”. That’s it. Talk about lack of empathy or sensitivity.

ARRRGH. I can’t stand it. I think today is a good day to just curl up with a book and a dog!


Addy N. said...

Hi there: since I don't know exactly where "lake effect snow central" is, I can only speculate that we're sending warmer weather your way! It was 50s and cool for a few days, too, but today we're going to 70. I don't envy you the job search- I have a neighbor who is an academic without a PhD (also JD, but no MA). He's been looking with no success- however, he is only a few years away from retirement, so that's a double strike against him.

About books... if you haven't read The Da Vinci Code yet, it's a good one. I just read it (starting Sunday, finishing last night!), so I could finish before seeing the movie on Friday!

Seeking Solace said...

Adenostoma: I read the Da Vinci Code last summer. It is a very good book. It cracks me up how people are taking it so literally.

I don't know if I am going to see the movie. Usually the book is better than the movie and I end up disappointed!

BrightStar (B*) said...

A.I. Is, indeed, dead, but... I still watched it and Live Blogged it.

I am one of those people the gym folks haven't seen who is now going in the spring, which is silly because shouldn't I just be outdoors???

Just let them out early. :)

Anonymous said...

I have a sneaking suspicion, SS, that you live quite near my old stomping grounds. I remember snow on Mother's Day so I am never surprised at any weather that is Lake Effect induced. Hang in there for a moderate July!

I appreciated your post on my site. I have info I want to share with you that requires off site communication. If I put it on my blog it will totally compromise my identity. E-mail me if you feel so inclined.

Ed Molenda said...

It’s cold here. It is 52 degrees outside and the guy on the radio just said that the wind chill makes it feel like 45 degrees. Wind Chill??? It’s May for Christ sakes!!

Loved the realism , made me laugh outloud Thank you

sunnyacre said...

Good luck on the job search! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! It's miserable here in smallCity too, if it makes you feel any better. It's been raining for the past 52 days...ok, maybe not that much. But our temps are also in the 50's, and our furnace still kicks in...yep, one month before summer, and we're still getting nailed with high gas bills.

Anonymous said...

Your DI sounds like a total wipe. Good luck with any and all feelers you and husband put out. You never know what could happen - you might end up somewhere perfect for you (like Arizona)...

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

Well, MN isn't much better in the weather departnment than Lake Effect -- but the job market can be pretty good in the community college realm... and MA in a discipline and a JD won't put you in the circular file.

The CC's in MN have a common contract and it is really good... if you can persuade them your JD applies to the job you are going for, you'll be on the happy end of the pay scale.

Also, the contract requires colleges to have no more than 30% non-full-time unlimited faculty (a weak version of tenure)... so there are plenty of openings.

Living in the Twin Cities is really good -- and recently they have been called the most polite drivers :).
