Thanks to everyone for you kind words about yesterday's post about my dad. It really meant a great deal to me. Last night, I listened to some of my dad's favorite soul songs, many of which he used to sing to me. I am so lucky to have known him and had him as my dad. In my Present Thought section on the side bar, I posted a lyric from one of his favorite songs. He used to sing “Easy” all the time.
I also accomplished a great deal yesterday. I finished ALL my midterm grades and submitted them. I had conferences with all but three students. The college is having classes on Monday and closing Tuesday for the holiday. How stupid is that? You know darn well that NO ONE is going to show up! Since I do not have any classes on Monday, I am off until next Thursday. Yippee! Poor GML is stuck teaching on Monday. That blows. I would show a movie or have a research day.
Oh, and my Law student who wanted to change her topic...She now wants to do her original case. She did not submit a bibliography yesterday. Gah! I am just expecting plagiarism.
This weekend, Husband and I are going to hang out at home. He has Monday off (See his company has some sense!). We have some projects around the house to do. Plus, I really want to take the Boy swimming. It's funny. He goes in the water, but as soon as his feet no longer touch the bottom, he runs out. I think he can swim, but I don't think that he knows that he can. He is part Lab, so he should live in the water. I told Husband that he should put on his hip-waders and lure him out there.
Today is the 18th anniversary of my father's death. I was only 20 years old when my father died. My dad was only 46 years old.
He was the type of person who always had a smile on his face. He was the person who would give you his last dollar because you needed it. People in my hometown just admired him for his generosity and kind nature. He was the person who volunteered to coach the baseball team, even though his son was not playing. He once took the entire cast of the play I was in my senior year of high school out for pizza because he loved the show we did. He taught me the importance of generosity, kindness and respect.
I was the textbook Daddy's Girl. We just connected. We had the same easy-going personality. I truly believe that if it was not for the fact that I look like my dad, I would swear I was adopted! I can count on three fingers the number of times he spanked me. He never raised his voice to me. All he had to say was "I am disappointed in you." I got the message. He expected me to do my best, no matter how difficult the task.
He always made me laugh. My best friend, Piglet, still remembers when we were sixteen and wanted to see "Purple Rain". Of course, one needed a parent to go with you to an R rated movie. So, my date takes Piglet and me to the movie theater. He walks up to the ticket girl. He points to me and says "This is my biological daughter." He points to Piglet and says "This is my daughter by marriage." Now, you have to understand that my father was a 6 foot 4 inch, 225 pound Black man. I am Biracial and Piglet is White! No one at the theater was going to argue with him!
My dad was very protective of me. I grew up in what would be considered the "Hood. It was a pretty rough area. My dad never let me play with the girls in the 'Hood. Consequently, the girls in the "Hood were very mean to me and thought I was stuck up and "acting White". I never understood it at the time. As I got older, I realized that he was only trying to protect me from the perils of the streets. Those same girls often got in trouble with the law, used drugs and/or got pregnant at a young age. Most of them are still in the 'Hood today and are still doing the same things. Lesson realized.
Sometimes I wonder if he knew that he was going to die. Prior to his death, Husband said that my dad pulled him aside and had a conversation with him. Now Husband and I had only been dating for about a year at that time. Husband told me that my dad approved of him and asked that Husband take care of his little girl. My aunt said that the day before my dad died, she talked to him on the phone. She said that all he talked about was me. Not my brother, my mom or any other family member, just me.
To this day, I can't look at photos of him without crying. I know that it was just his time, but I feel cheated. When I think of all the milestones in my life, my marriage, graduating from college, grad school and law school and being sworn in as an attorney, my dad was not there. I know some of you will say "but he was there in spirit" or "He was looking down on you." But it is just not the same. There is just this little void. I wonder what things would be like had he lived. Would I have left my hometown? Would I have decided to have children? Not that any of these things is dependant on my dad, but it makes me wonder what choices I would have made.
But I know he is proud of me.
And I miss him.
1. One group of midterm grades down, two to go. I know it's only three classes, but it is taking a LONG time to get these grades done.
2. My gut, along with many of yours, tells me that the lawyer who allegedly told my student to do a case that is not on my list for Survey of Law does not exist. But, I am curious as to how this student found out about the case that she wants to do. I have never used the particular case she plans on using. I am thinking this may be a case of a purchases research paper. The students have to turn in an annotated bibliography of their research to date. I have not given this student the green light to change her topic. Let's see what she turns in tomorrow.
3. Yesterday was the first faculty meeting without the DI. It was great. It took half the time it usually does, mostly because we were not bogged down with useless crap or stupid activities requiring us to read articles and discuss them with a partner. The Dean of Students discussed updates and what changes were in effect now that the DI is gone. She really listened to the faculty and welcomed our input. And that was it. I actually had time to breathe before my next class.
4. What is up with having to make an appointment for lab work? Most places want to call ahead to set up an appointment, which will not be available for six months. I did find a place that allows walk ins.
5. I am so sore and tired today. Yesterday was the first workout day in about a week. I am so paying for it now. I have an appointment with the chiropractor today, so maybe that will help.
Edited to add: My chrio said that my back and right shoulder are in the best shape she has ever seen. She credits the cardio and weight training. Cool!!!
6. What is an appropriate thank-you gift for someone who was a guest speaker for one of your classes who is also a friend? I am usually pretty good at this stuff, but right now my creative side is all mush.
There seems to be a lot of storm and stress among my blog friends. What's up with THAT!
Just a shout out to everyone who a fumbling through the pits of hell, hang in there. We will all pull through and come out ok. In the meantime, choose one or more of the following:
Have a drink, preferably alcoholic
Gorge on chocolate, ice cream, or whatever comfort food moves you,
Engage in retail therapy,
Hug a puppy, kitty, hammie, or significant other,
Crank up the music, and/or
Engage in ______ (Fill in the blank. Just keep it safe and legal. I am only licensed to practice law in one state!)
Cheers to all!
The student who wanted to change her research case for Survey of Law told me that the reason why she changed it was because she talked to an attorney, who told her that the case the student selected was dumb and I should not have assigned it.
The student had selected Katz v. United States. This is a great case which deals with whether the government can place a wiretap on a public pay phone. This case is important given the recent wiretap controversy. How can this attorney say that that case is dumb? Who the hell does she think she is?
Furthermore, what business is it of this attorney to say anything about the cases I use? I spend a significant amount of time researching cases to determine if they are interesting for the students and not too difficult to understand. Plus, I don't assign the cases. The students choose from a list. I explain each case before the students choose them so they have a better idea of what each case is about.
I don't know if I am going to let the student change the case or not. If I do, what is the chance that this person will "help" this student? I should find out who this attorney is and give her a piece of my mind!
What fucking nerve!
I am trying to have a better attitude about everything that is going on in my chaotic life. This is what I have figured out so far.
1. I never got a chance to fully recover after last semester. I only had one week of between the spring and summer sessions. (My college is on a tri-mester system.) Even though I spent the week in Aruba, I had to hit the ground running when I got back. So, I am running on fumes right now.
2. Things will be a little better now that the DI is no longer at my campus. She found another job. Her reign of terror is now over. Maybe atmosphere at my college will reflect a real college instead of an elementary school.
3. Students will just be students. Some are good, some are bad and some are just plain dumb.
4. Whatever happens with Husband's job, we will survive. We have made it through two job downsizing scenarios in 16 years and bounced back into a better position, despite the fact that the job market here really sucks.
So there you have it. Now, I have to work on midterm grades. I am not bending this semester. Students are going to have to realize that if you submit crap, you will get crap in return in the form of a poor grade.
Thanks to all my blog friends for all your kind words. You are the best!!
I enjoy taking the Boy for walks in the morning. It's like a form a meditation for me. The Boy is a good walker; he does not drag me down the street like most dogs. (Note to dog owners...Gentle Leader. It works wonders!) So, early this morning, the Boy and I went for a stroll through the neighborhood.
The neighborhood is in an older part of suburban Lake Effect Snow Central. There are plenty of sidewalks and trees that line our walking route. It is relatively quiet, with the exception of an occasional dog that barks at the Boy and me because we dared to walk past their turf. The Boy is engaged by the numerous sights and smells. He does attempt to chase a squirrel up a tree, but soon realizes that dogs cannot climb trees. For me, the walk is a chance to clear my head. I like to soak in the sounds of the wind blowing through the trees and the birds chirping its sort of Zen.
On this particular walk, I am thinking about how out of balance I been feeling lately. Just fumbling through it all, if you will. My consciousness has been scattered into different issues, problems and complexities. I can't find a balance in anything. There is definitely too much chaos and I don't know exactly how to remedy it. I wonder if balance will come on its own, so I should not try to force it. Do things really work themselves out if we let them?
As we head home, the Boy seems quite happy. He got his exercise, chased a squirrel, saw a few of his dog friends and peed on many trees. I did not reach any epiphanies or came up with any solutions to life questions, but the chemicals in the brain seem to be bouncing around. And I got some exercise.
Not a bad way to spend the morning.
I guess I am like the Boy. Well half of him anyway!
You Are a German Shepherd Puppy |
![]() Intelligent, quick witted, and a bit aggressive. You've got the jaw power to take a bite out of anyone you choose. |
Email from a student in my Survey of Law class:
Dear Professor Seeking Solace:
I was wondering if I could change the case for my research project. The one I picked is just too boring. I want to do this case about poor people's rights in court, but I don't know the name of the case. Can I change my case?
Also, do you know how many classes I have missed? I need to take a few days off.
Student Whose Ponytail is a Little Too Tight.
You found a case, but you don't know the NAME of the case?? Try looking at the title of the document. When you figure it out, please forward me a copy of the case.
With respect to the number of absences, you know what days you were out. I am sure if you count them, you will figure it that out too.
Professor "Do I Look Like I am Dumb Enough to Fall for That" Seeking Solace
Yesterday, I had a category 7 migraine. It hurt to move. So, I spent the day in bad with the shades drawn and wearing an eye mask and ear plugs. Like all migraine suffers, I track what may have caused it. I think it was a combination of a few things:
1. The change in barometric pressure. The weather here has been very volatile. Hazy, hot and humid one day, then cool and damp the next. This does not help my sinuses either.
2. Stress. Work has been driving me crazy. I just can't get into gear this semester. Teaching three classes back to back just does not work for me, although I do like the idea of only working two days a week. Students are irritating me more than they usually do.
Husband's job situation is also a source of stress for both of us. Every two weeks, the company has a meeting to discuss the status of the sell off. The problem is that the powers that be do not say ANYTHING constructive of helpful that would allow the employees to plan their lives. Yesterday, Husband said that the HMFIC of his division sent an email stating that he was canceling the update meetings, because someone was leaking the information to the press. Husband said that the HMFIC"s presentation, word for word including Power Point slides, was reprinted in an industry website prior to the meetings! So, now we won't know anything until the company makes the announcement.
I should not be worried. We have a sizable war chest, just in case. Husband said that he will receive very large severance package, so that helps. We have no significant debt; the house will be paid off in five years and I only have one year of student loan payments left. It's just the uncertainty.
3. Conversation with my mom.
I have not blogged much about my family, only because that could take up a separate blog. She spent the entire conversation complaining that her oncologist is an idiot; she hates her mediation and wants to stop radiation treatment. Then it was on to my brother, who does not acknowledge the child he had as a result of an affair. My brother has not spoken to my mom or me for two years. Plus, we are not allowed to see my brother's children because both my mom and I have a relationship with his son, who is only 3 years old. Then she blasted me for not being understanding about the "plight" of my students and I should be more sensitive.
Geez...It's like I have a giant "Kick Me" sign on my back.
So, now it's Friday. My house is a mess. I have not worked out since Tuesday. I am behind on my lectures and grading. I have the "benadryl hangover" from the Imatrex. And the Boy is barking up a storm.
Please forgive my ranting, bitching and feeling sorry for myself.
It's amazing what a workout, some strawberry ice cream with sliced strawberries and a good night sleep will do for your mood. I am in a better mood, despite the garbage that I encountered at the beginning of the week.
Today, I have to revamp the research project for the Law and Ethics course. The students were disappointed that the mock trial is cancelled. But their disappointment is directed at their classmates, not at me. I don't mind changing the project too much. It will be similar to the one I use in Survey of Law. So the hardest part will be finding cases for the students to analyze.
The student I wrote about in the last post, the guy who did not read the syllabus, said that the only reason he comes to class is because we were doing a mock trial and he wanted to see how it would turn out. Geez, I did not know I was also supposed to provide entertainment in addition to educating. Oh well, I am sure I have seen the last of him now that the mock trial is in the crapper.
You have to laugh at this shit. And it is truly shit.
Encounter 1
Student: I don't understand why I am failing the course.
Me: Because you have not submitted any homework assignments. They are worth 30% of your grade.
Student: Well, if I knew that the homework was worth that much, I would have done it.
Me: The grading breakdown is in your syllabus.
Student: I didn't read it. Can I do extra credit?
Me: I do not give extra credit. You should have done the work.
Student: But how am I supposed to pass? Can't you help me out? I mean, did come to class.
Encounter 2
Student: I can't understand why I am failing the class. I did all the homework.
Me: Yes, but you did not complete the homework correctly. You did not explain you answer.
Student: What do I have to explain? You know the answer.
And it is only Tuesday!
The following is a list of rants to various people whom I encountered this weekend.
To: The No Shirt Wearing, Beer Dumping on Me Asshole at the Tragically Hip Concert
From: Seeking Solace: AKA Pissed Off Person Sitting Next to You.
First, a suggestion: Personal Trainer. Seriously dude, no guy should walk around without a shirt looking like that.
Second, a comment: To quote Animal House "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life."
To: Director of Human Resources at X University.
From: Seeking Solace AKA Pissed Off Candidate
Just because I have a JD and not a PhD, does not make me less worthy of consideration or makes me any less qualified. Your comments about my skills were a slap in the face. But you did do me a favor. Anyone who sends a rejection letter like that via Email is not worthy of my dog's skills.
To: My Law and Ethics Students Who Have Not Attended Class for Two Weeks and Have Not Contacted Me.
From: Professor Seeking Solace, AKA, Your Pissed Off Professor
Because of you inability to understand the importance of class attendance, I have to cancel the mock trial portion of the project. Your lack of attendance has made it impossible to complete this portion of the project. There is no way I can change the project at this point in the semester to make the project work. Your classmates will be devastated, because they were looking forward to it. I am incensed at the fact that you could care less about your fellow classmates. My hope is that you will not be present on Tuesday when I make the announcement and you have to contend with their wrath.
To: Fat Bastard, AKA Annoying Neighbor
From Seeking Solace and Husband: AKA Pissed Off Neighbors
Your inability to recognize that there are others in the neighborhoods who want to enjoy their backyards just infuriates me. We are tired of hearing the sound of remote control cars at all hours of the day and night. No man your age should be playing with remote control cars, unless you are with your child. Since that is not the case, just fucking stop.
OK, I feel better now.
I Thought I Had Quit Those Days And My Redneck Ways
I am still somewhat of a redneck woman after leaving Redneckville USA 15 years ago.
You Are 35% Redneck |
![]() The wheels still turning, but the hamster's dead. You're just fakin' bein' a redneck. |
I just found out that another instructor, who teaches nights and works in the tutoring center days has agreed to take all four classes. I guess she and the DI agreed to this BEFORE THEY EVEN ASKED ME! I guess as long as this person can get babysitting, the job is hers for $15 per hour.
Perhaps the DI asked me because she really did want me to do it, since I have taught the course before, which I understand. But to deny experience over a couple of extra dollars makes no real sense. Plus, it's not like she could have made a simple phone call to see if it was possible. She just threw her hands up in the air and said. "I can't do anything about it."
I am really pissed off at the entire thing.
I guess Diddy was right.
My motivation level is -2 today. If it was for the fact that I have to cover LB's classes today, I would still be under the covers. I have a pile of Law and Ethics midterms to grade and another pile of Critical Thinking essays. Question for the masses, why do students choose not to read the instructions to the assignment? One of these days, I am going to give an assignment with no instructions. When the students ask about the missing instructions, I will just tell them that I decided not to give any since they never read them. Let them figure it out. Ok, I know I am being cynical here, but that's just the kind of mood I am in at the moment.
I did tell the DI that there was no fucking way I would take over the Sociology classes. It is insulting to think that anyone would work for that rate and does all that work.
I sent another email to University in Southern State to follow up on the selection process. I told them that I would be in the area in a couple of weeks and thought maybe I could come in to discuss the job. Bold, no? Of course, it's a total lie, but let's see if they call my bluff. Besides, maybe a change of scenery will do me good.
Shhh. Be very quiet. People are hunting yours truly.
What the hell is up with Blogger? I cannot comment on certain blogs!!! So my apologies to Sheepish, Shrinky, RV and anyone else I may have forgotten. I am not ignoring you.
One of my students in my Critical Thinking class was doing math homework during class. When I told her to put it away, she just gave me this evil look as if to say "How dare you tell me what to do." I so wanted to slap the shit out of her.
Naked Woman was back at the gym today. LB would not go into the locker room until Naked Woman was gone. Seeing Naked Woman just gave me flashbacks.
Finally, the DI asked me if I would finish teaching another instructor's sociology classes for the remainder of the term. The instructor got another job. But what grinds my gears is that the DI wants to pay me the substitute instructor rate, despite the fact that I will be teaching this course, grading papers and the like on top of my own classes. I suggested a compromise; split the difference between my hourly rate and the sub rate. No deal. The DI said she will have to hire someone to do the job for the sub rate. Like that's going to happen.
After the incident with the student today, I have to wonder if I have a "Kick Me" sign on my back.
I need a drink!
I handed back the exams in my Survey of Law course. I told two students who failed the exam that if they made corrections, they would receive half a point per correct answer.
Student: Here are my exam corrections. I copied them from Student B. But you gave him credit for his answer and marked mine wrong.
Me: Are you admitting to me that you copied another student's work or are you blowing in your classmate for a mistake I made.
Student: I am not changing my answer because I think I am right.
Me: Well, your answer is still incorrect. There is a better choice that the one you chose.
Student: Well I am not changing it because I know I am right.
Me: But you are not correct. Why don't you tell me your reasoning behind your answer choice?
Student: No, I don't have to explain it because I know I am right.
Me: Well, yes you do because maybe your reasoning will be enough to change my mind. Maybe your argument is reasonable.
Student: I am not going to argue with you. Besides, my notes say I am right.
Me: Well show me your notes and let's see if that is the case.
She shows me her notes. She points to the definition of duty in a negligence claim.
Student: See, this definition says I am right.
Me: No, this does not apply to the problem because there was no indication that the person in the hypothetical was acting in an unreasonable way.
Student: But I'm saying that I see it as that way.
Me: But the law says otherwise.
Student: Well, I am not changing my answer
Me: Do you realize you are missing out on points? Do you want to be right or receive credit?
Student: I really don't care. I would rather be right.
WTF .is wrong with this girl? She would rather be right, although technically wrong, than to get credit for the right answer?
I walked away mumbling "God grant me the serenity..."
So, should I change the grade on the other student's exam???
Once again, thanks to Bright Star for setting up the IM party. It was a blast. It was great that Claire could stay up for this one! For some reason, my system shut down and I could not continue. Did I miss anything good??
I am covering for another professor today. So I get paid to sit on my ass and watch the students work on their projects. Sweet. It's a good thing too because I am so not awake yet. I think I need to run out for a skinny mocha latte. Gotta get the skinny, otherwise I will regret it later.
Yesterday, Husband and I went to the track at the local high school to work out. The last time I used a track was 20 years ago when I was in high school and a member of the track team. I forgot how different the surface feels; the surface has a nice cushioning. I was able to keep my 2 miles in 35 minutes on pace. Not too shabby.
Speaking of working out, here is a new playlist. It is an ode to FM classic rock. It is about 50 minutes long. For some of you, this will bring back some memories. It did for me!
Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple
Gimme Shelter by the Rolling Stones
Long Live Rock by the Who
Don't Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult (Needs more cowbell!)
Running on Empty by Jackson Browne
The Boys are Back in Town by Thin Lizzy
Long Train Runnin' by The Doobie Brothers
Reelin' in the Years by Steely Dan
Layla by Derek and the Dominos
Another Brick in the Wall, Part II by Pink Floyd
Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd
Five things in my fridge:
1. Two cans of Molson Canadian beer
2. Lefterover stir fry
3. Watermelon
4. Leftover grilled trout
5. Freshly brewed iced tea
Five things in my closet
1. Bags of clothes that needs to go to the Goodwill
2. 40 pairs of shoes. (I am downsizing)
3. Lots of cool clothes
4. Containers with winter stuff in them
5. My purse collection (2 Prada, 2 Burberry, and 2 Louis Vulton, all real).
Five things in my car (Since I can't drive, I will use Husband’s vehicle)
1. Fishing equipment
2. Emergency kit
3. Big snow brush
4. Empty bags from various fast food places
5. LOTS of dog hair
Five items in my purse
1. Wallet
2. Keys
3. Flash drive
4. Lip gloss
5. Pocket tape measure
Five things in my head
1. Voice telling me that I should work out
2. "Letter to God" by Sheryl Crow
3. Some grey matter
4. Another voice telling me that I should clean my house today
5. Another voice telling me to take a nap instead
Husband ran in his first 5K yesterday. He finished with a time of 35:20. I am so proud of him. Not too bad for someone who stated training three weeks ago.
My central air is fixed. Turns out it was low on Freon. After filling it up and performing some routine maintenance, the final cost was $200.00. Thank God, Husband used to design software for cooling systems in cars before working at his present job. I think the repair guy was shocked about how much my guy knows!
Workouts are going well. I have added strength training. I must say, my arms are looking awesome. Scale isn't moving though. But my clothes fit better and I have dropped about half a size. I am just going to throw the damn scale out!
I sent resumes to two southern state universities. I have not heard anything yet. I am getting a little anxious about the process. It has been a while since I engaged in the whole job search thing. I should follow up AGAIN, but I don't want to sound like a pest.
So far, the Ipod is working fine. I can't say the same about Blogger. It Blogger constipated or what??
Ok, I need to get a workout in before I meet GML for lunch.
I need so help for all my academic friends out there in blogland. Would someone please explain to me the concept of consistency standards?
First, a little background. For a while now, the powers that be at my college, mainly the DI, are pushing this idea of consistency standards. According to the DI, this is the "wave of the future" in high education.
The way I understand the concept, at least how it was presented by the DI, is that thee are basic standards that each instructor must meet in his or her courses. So, if three instructors are teaching the same class, there are minimum standards and outcomes that must be met. That part I get and I don't have a problem with that. As I understand it, there is a basic level. After that, the sky is the limit, so long as you cover the basics.
Here's the part that just chaps my ass. Once again, as it was presented by the DI and this is the way she wants the faculty to embrace consistency standard. She explained that the faculty must use the same assignments, assessments and projects, so that everything is fair to the students. If an instructor wants to stray from the consistency standards, any assignment, assessment or project must be approved.
What the fuck??? Here are my thoughts.
1. Are we heading toward, as one of my colleagues so eloquently described, "Education in a box"? Use assignment "A" with exam "A" in order to achieve outcome "A".
2. GML stated that with standards like this, who needs instructors? We will be replaced by robots. I suggested that rather than robots, we will become Stepfod Professors, all blinking in unison.
3. Whatever happened to college being a place for the expression of new ideas and creativity? Seems to me, that consistency standards suck the life out of creativity and autonomy. Once again, we become Stepford Professors. (If there is a movie, I want my role to be played by Halle Berry!)
4. Is this just part of what is happening in society today? Kids need to feel special, so there are no winners or losers in sports anymore. Everyone gets an award, because we ant everyone to feel good about themselves. Are we not setting students up for a big wake up cal when they enter the REAL WORLD and realize that life is truly unfair?
5. .On the same point, there is a guy who teaches the same law classes that I do, while he meets the same requirements that I do, he does not require as much as I do. As I remember college, that is just the luck of the draw. Everyone knows the professors that are the easy graders where you just are there to get the easy "A", but you end up learning jack squat.
Ok, academic gurus, whether you are a regular reader, lurker or just stumbled upon this post through dumb luck, please give me your feedback.
I just returned from the dermatologist. Nice guy. He gave me some prescription treatments for the scars on my legs. They are post trauma scars, so the skin pigmentation is the problem. We shall see. I just want to be able to wear regular skirts and shorts without worrying that people think my husband beats me up.
Afterward, I had to engage in a little treat, an iced cappuccino.
Thanks to Bright Star for setting up the IM party last night. If you did not partake, you missed a great time. It was fun trying to keep up with the numerous conversations that were going on at the same time!
I have to set up an appointment with the Apple Store for my Ipod. The dude at the store said that they do not take walk-ins. You have set up an appointment for the day you want to come in. Shit. That means I have to plan my day around some dude fixing my Ipod. Note to Sheepish and Rebecca: I did slap it on the table, only because I was pissed that it did not work. I did not know that slapping it may fix the problem. No such luck.
Today, I must get my mock trial stuff ready. There is so much to do with that.
Ok, back to work!
Update: Thanks to Inaqui, who suggested I goggle my Ipod problem, I found a website called methodshop that helped me solve my problem. Thanks Inaqui...U Rock!
My Ipod is AFU. It is skipping songs, making strange clicking noises and just shuts down even though it is fully charged. I spent two hours last night restoring it to its factory settings and reinstalling Itunes, and it still does not work.
I guess it's off to the Apple Store to find out WTF is wrong with it.
After a long week of blistering heat and work, I needed some retail therapy. I finally got paid after not having a paycheck for a month. Just another reason why it sucks to be an adjunct. So, GML and I celebrated our new found wealth with a sinful shopping spree yesterday.
Although we only hit four places, we were dead tired at the end.
First stop was DSW Shoe Warehouse where I found theses.
Next was Banana Republic. Lots of cute stuff, but just too damn expensive.
Next was the Ann Taylor Loft. I think we spent like two hours trying on stuff there. It was so bad that we had to drag ourselves out of there before we did too much damage! Here is a sample of what I bought. Those shoes will look cute with this skirt!
I also got that tee shirt in bright turquoise.
For some reason, Blogger will not let me upload any more photos I what I do have. Also, there are a couple of items that I do not have photos, but they are just as cute! So if you need items for you summer wardrobe, I strongly recommend hitting the Loft.
After a light lunch break, it was off to the Body Shop, which is always a dangerous place to shop. I need to buy face cleanser. My skin is so oily right now, so I need something to combat breakouts. We also got a makeup consult from the manager, who was just awesome.
At that point we were tired and broke. It was time to go home. But it was a good day!!!
As for today, it is chilly, rainy and 60 degrees. Just a great day to sit back with a t book. I am reading The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls. Great story! I will probably do laundry and then head out to the grocery store. And of course, I have to work out at some point today.
About Me

- Seeking Solace
- I am a college professor who is fumbling through the chaos of academia, rheumatoid arthritis, working on my PhD and just being a 40 something woman. I used to be a lawyer, which made me a snarky little person. I have a wonderful Husband and a German Shepherd named Junior. They help keep me sane.