The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Monday, June 19, 2006

What The Hell Is Wrong With You?

Posted by Seeking Solace |

The following is a list of rants to various people whom I encountered this weekend.

To: The No Shirt Wearing, Beer Dumping on Me Asshole at the Tragically Hip Concert
From: Seeking Solace: AKA Pissed Off Person Sitting Next to You.

First, a suggestion: Personal Trainer. Seriously dude, no guy should walk around without a shirt looking like that.
Second, a comment: To quote Animal House "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life."

To: Director of Human Resources at X University.
From: Seeking Solace AKA Pissed Off Candidate

Just because I have a JD and not a PhD, does not make me less worthy of consideration or makes me any less qualified. Your comments about my skills were a slap in the face. But you did do me a favor. Anyone who sends a rejection letter like that via Email is not worthy of my dog's skills.

To: My Law and Ethics Students Who Have Not Attended Class for Two Weeks and Have Not Contacted Me.
From: Professor Seeking Solace, AKA, Your Pissed Off Professor

Because of you inability to understand the importance of class attendance, I have to cancel the mock trial portion of the project. Your lack of attendance has made it impossible to complete this portion of the project. There is no way I can change the project at this point in the semester to make the project work. Your classmates will be devastated, because they were looking forward to it. I am incensed at the fact that you could care less about your fellow classmates. My hope is that you will not be present on Tuesday when I make the announcement and you have to contend with their wrath.

To: Fat Bastard, AKA Annoying Neighbor
From Seeking Solace and Husband: AKA Pissed Off Neighbors

Your inability to recognize that there are others in the neighborhoods who want to enjoy their backyards just infuriates me. We are tired of hearing the sound of remote control cars at all hours of the day and night. No man your age should be playing with remote control cars, unless you are with your child. Since that is not the case, just fucking stop.

OK, I feel better now.


BrightStar (B*) said...

sounds like you have encountered some real tools lately. I'm glad you have a sense of humor about some of it, though!

sheepish said...

So the week can only go better, right?

sunnyacre said...

Hope things get better!!

Alice said...

Hope your day is better today!
