The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Friday, June 30, 2006

Friday Thoughts

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Thanks to everyone for you kind words about yesterday's post about my dad. It really meant a great deal to me. Last night, I listened to some of my dad's favorite soul songs, many of which he used to sing to me. I am so lucky to have known him and had him as my dad. In my Present Thought section on the side bar, I posted a lyric from one of his favorite songs. He used to sing “Easy” all the time.

I also accomplished a great deal yesterday. I finished ALL my midterm grades and submitted them. I had conferences with all but three students. The college is having classes on Monday and closing Tuesday for the holiday. How stupid is that? You know darn well that NO ONE is going to show up! Since I do not have any classes on Monday, I am off until next Thursday. Yippee! Poor GML is stuck teaching on Monday. That blows. I would show a movie or have a research day.

Oh, and my Law student who wanted to change her topic...She now wants to do her original case. She did not submit a bibliography yesterday. Gah! I am just expecting plagiarism.

This weekend, Husband and I are going to hang out at home. He has Monday off (See his company has some sense!). We have some projects around the house to do. Plus, I really want to take the Boy swimming. It's funny. He goes in the water, but as soon as his feet no longer touch the bottom, he runs out. I think he can swim, but I don't think that he knows that he can. He is part Lab, so he should live in the water. I told Husband that he should put on his hip-waders and lure him out there.


BrightStar (B*) said...

What are your home projects?

Congratulations on having such a productive day yesterday!

That was a great idea to listen to some of your dad's favorite songs.

Seeking Solace said...

B*: Last summer, I painted the home office in a cappuccino brown. I used a sponge technique that looks really nice. But I painted the trim a tan color that I just don't like. So Husband and I are going to re-paint the trim and the calling. I actually enjoy painting.

I also need to weed my veggie garden!

Addy N. said...

I meant to post a comment about your dad yesterday, so I will leave one today (on that post). I ALSO have to teach on Monday (with Tuesday off). It's a summer class, so I can't afford to skip it on such a short term (only 6 weeks). I know attendance will be poor, but oh well.

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

It may be the case that your dog doesn't know how to swim... When we lived by the lake our labs went in as puppies and loved to swim. Mom now has a couple of part-labs who she had to teach to swim. If you go out in the water beyond where they can walk and call you, I'd bet you could get them to swim to you. Let me know if it doesn't work and I'll chat with mom for more ideas, as I think her really dumb dog took some actual demonstrations to get it. The good news is that they both swim well now.
