The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Random Thoughts

Posted by Seeking Solace |

1. One group of midterm grades down, two to go. I know it's only three classes, but it is taking a LONG time to get these grades done.

2. My gut, along with many of yours, tells me that the lawyer who allegedly told my student to do a case that is not on my list for Survey of Law does not exist. But, I am curious as to how this student found out about the case that she wants to do. I have never used the particular case she plans on using. I am thinking this may be a case of a purchases research paper. The students have to turn in an annotated bibliography of their research to date. I have not given this student the green light to change her topic. Let's see what she turns in tomorrow.

3. Yesterday was the first faculty meeting without the DI. It was great. It took half the time it usually does, mostly because we were not bogged down with useless crap or stupid activities requiring us to read articles and discuss them with a partner. The Dean of Students discussed updates and what changes were in effect now that the DI is gone. She really listened to the faculty and welcomed our input. And that was it. I actually had time to breathe before my next class.

4. What is up with having to make an appointment for lab work? Most places want to call ahead to set up an appointment, which will not be available for six months. I did find a place that allows walk ins.

5. I am so sore and tired today. Yesterday was the first workout day in about a week. I am so paying for it now. I have an appointment with the chiropractor today, so maybe that will help.
Edited to add: My chrio said that my back and right shoulder are in the best shape she has ever seen. She credits the cardio and weight training. Cool!!!

6. What is an appropriate thank-you gift for someone who was a guest speaker for one of your classes who is also a friend? I am usually pretty good at this stuff, but right now my creative side is all mush.


Anonymous said...

So, you had a list of cases for the student to choose from? Then if the student's lawyer exists, they have no business telling them to do a case not on the list. Yeah, the student may have found a paper out there somewhere. If it isn't purchased from an online source, it may be a paper that a friend did for some other class, perhaps at a different college.

You've got to be kidding! DI had you discussing a paper with a partner. Oh, a meeting like that would have induced me to vomit. Sorry, but that is simply not how you conduct meetings with professionals.

Oh, and when I am a guest speaker for a friend's class, I am usually happy with beer and pizza.

Alice said...

Yeah, gift certificate would be the best choice, I think. If it's for a female, maybe for her favorite store?

sheepish said...

For a pretty good friend, a six pack or a coffee card seems about right.
