The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Introducing...The Boy!

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I finally figured out how to send photos from my cell phone to my computer.

Isn't he just the cutest???? The Boy (his blog nickname) is a 6 1/2 year old German Shepard-Lab mix. Husband and I adopted him when he was a year old.

Here he is with his favorite toy...a stuffed goose!

More to come!!!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Say It Ain't So...

Posted by Seeking Solace |

It is rumored that The Police may tour in 2007! That would be so freakin' cool! I wonder how Andy and Stewart convinced Sting to go for it?

I would pay to see them! Would you?

Monday, January 29, 2007

Music Monday: Cranks Edition

Posted by Seeking Solace |

As mentioned in the post below, I am feeling rather cranks today. Yeah, it may be a little manic-depressive, but that's how I feel right now.

  • Manic Depression by The Jimi Hendrix Experience
  • Pinch Me by Barenaked Ladies
  • Narrow Daylight by Diana Krall
  • Learn to Fly by Foo Fighters
  • Piece of My Heart by Janis Joplin
  • Waiting for the Tide by Melanie Doane
  • Elsewhere by Sarah McLachlan
  • Behind Blue Eyes by the Who
  • I'm Gone by Shawn Colvin
  • Grace is Gone by Dave Matthews Band
  • Lonesome Day by Bruce Springsteen
  • Hell Yeah by Montgomery Gentry

Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday Bullets of Crap-ola

Posted by Seeking Solace |

To quote B*, I am cranks today. Why?

  • I have monster cramps! Enough said
  • IT'S FREAKIN' COLD HERE! Once again, enough said

I had my hair straightened on Saturday. Two hours spent in the chair. But it looks great. The only thing is that I can't wash my hair until tomorrow.

Still waiting on the job front. Having an uncertain future makes me feel somewhat inadequate.

Another possible position at Alma Mater Law School was just announced. do you say that being a graduate of the school would be beneficial to the position without sounding pretentious?

I had a strange dream last night that I taught a seminar at Alma Mater Law School about how to survive studying and taking the Bar Exam, particularly if you have to take it a couple of times. Hmmm...possible book idea or job idea????

Friday, January 26, 2007

An Open Letter

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Dear Retailer with the Three Letter Name:

Thank you for your promptly shipping my two long sleeve tee-shirts. I have always enjoyed shopping in your store. I decided to try your on-line store and was happy to find the items I sought.

However, I am quite disgusted with the manner in which you ship your products. The bag in which you shipped my order REAKED of cigarettes. The pungent smell was not only on the outside of the bag, but on the inside as well. Thankfully, the items I purchased were wrapped separately and were not affected by that offensive odor.

It's not that I fault someone for being a smoker, if that's what a person wants to do, so be it. But to ship a package under the circumstances I mentioned lacks professionalism and good business sense. Don't you have quality controls in place? Didn't anyone notice the smell?

Sadly, I will never order an item from your on-line site again. It is a shame because I would have probably spent an obscene amount of money at your site over my lifetime.

Seeking Solace

bcc to the Blog World: The name of the retailer has an "a" in the name!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

He Who Is Free From Sin...

Posted by Seeking Solace |

One of Lake Effect Snow Central's congressional representatives was attending Mass this past Sunday. The deacon used the homily (sermon) to publicly rebuke this Congressman for supporting stem cell research and other pro-choice causes. The deacon even had the nerve to tell the congregation that if they had any issues with the Congressman's stance, they should talk to him after services.

Needless to say, the Congressman and his family walked out of the service.

Now, the priest and the bishop have apologized for the inappropriateness deacon's remarks. But the deacon has remained silent. The buzz on local talk radio is mixed. There are those who say that the Congressman was fair game, because he is a Catholic that does not follow the Catholic Church's firm stance on life issues. Others say that the deacon was WAAAAY out of line. Regardless of the opinion, decency dictates that if the deacon, or anyone else, has issues with one's viewpoints then such comments should be made in the proper forum.

I think the Congressman had every right to walk out of Mass. He was not elected to Congress to support Catholic issues alone. He was elected to support the People's issues. The last time I checked, not all of People in his district are Catholic and not all People in his district are pro-life.

I am pro-choice and I make no apologies for it. I am also Catholic, baptized, confirmed and married. I have not attended Mass is some time now. I have struggled with my beliefs, prayed about them and came to the conclusion that I cannot blindly follow a doctrine that I do not believe. I know that makes me what some consider a "Cafeteria Catholic", where I pick and choose those things that I believe. Would it be better for my soul if I just faked it and supported the Church's views?

Isn't that a bigger sin?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Birthday Present

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Even though my birthday was two weeks ago, I got to enjoy Husband's present last night. Husband took me to see Shawn Colvin at a small club in Lake Effect Snow Central. There was about 100 people in the audience and we were sitting about 50 feet away. It was just her doing an acoustic set. Just a fantastic show!!!!

I married a great guy!!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Going Into The Closet

Posted by Seeking Solace |

On Saturday, I cleaned out my closet and my dresser. I go through this exercise two or three times a year. When I mean clean out, I mean I took EVERYTHING out of the closet and drawers. I dusted and vacuumed the inside of the closet. Then I went through every item of clothing, getting rid of the old, not worn in the last six months or what-the-hell-was-I-on-when-I-bought-that stuff. In the end, I filled three tall kitchen bags of clothes and one bag of shoes and accessories for donation. The majority of the items were way too big for me.

I wasn't always this disciplined. I used to have trouble justifying getting rid of clothing. If I paid a ton of money for it, It felt like I was throwing money away. Kind of like what your parents used to tell you about cleaning your plate because of all the staving children in those commercials with Sally Struthers. Then, there were times when I would buy an item because it was a good deal. How can you pass up a good deal? Well, it's a problem when that good deal sits in the closet because you don't have anything to wear with it!

I would also go through the "I know I will fit into those size 8's someday!" Well, another year would go by and I would be no closer to fitting into those size 8's. I would keep telling myself that I would. I thought that keeping those items would be incentive to lose weight. The flip-side of that mentality is that I kept a supply of "fat clothes" for those times when I would fall off the exercise wagon. There was a time in my life where I think I had clothing from a size 6 to a size 14 in my closet. I should have opened my own boutique with that kind of selection. The end result was clutter and frustration.

A few years ago, I decided that I would only purchase clothing that I absolutely loved. Also, if I found a particular item that was on the trendy side, I would think of three other outfits where I could wear the item. It really cuts back on the impulse shopping. I do stock up on the staples of a good wardrobe, but I don't go crazy with the trendy stuff. They are trends for a reason!

The other rule that I use is that I only keep clothing that is my current size. I don't own any "fat" clothes or "wish" clothes. For me, the idea of "fat" or "wish" clothes is counterproductive. It either gives me an excuse to be lazy and not maintain my fitness goals or causes me to spiral into a fit of depression because I can't fit into the size that I want.

When I shop, I use the one in-one-out rule. For every new item that comes into my house, one item must go out. I keep a shopping bag in my closet to hold all those items. When I conduct the Big Sort, I classify stuff as "Keep", "Donate", "Trash" and "Do Something". "Do Something" usually means dry cleaning or tailoring. Luckily, my best friend, Piglet, is one hell of a seamstress. All I have to do is ship the item to Hometown with instructions, and she takes care of the rest!

So now, my closet and dresser is organized with things that I love. I'll be back in six months to tackle the summer wardrobe!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Music Monday: Think Warm Thoughts

Posted by Seeking Solace |

It's too damn cold here! Need some warm weather music!

  • Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffett
  • No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems by Kenny Chesney
  • Soak Up the Sun by Sheryl Crow
  • California Dreamin' by the Mamas and the Papas (RIP -- Denny Doherty)
  • Hot Fun in the Summertime by Sly and the Family Stone
  • Jamming by Bob Marley
  • Summertime by DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince
  • Vacation by the Go-Gos
  • Drift Away by Doby Gray
  • Sitting on the Dock of the Bay by Otis Redding
  • Beautiful Day by U2
  • Kokomo by the Beach Boys
  • It's Five O'clock Somewhere by Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffett


Monday, January 22, 2007

Not Bad for a Lapsed Catholic

Posted by Seeking Solace |

You know the Bible 69%!

Wow! You are truly a student of the Bible! Some of the questions were difficult, but they didn't slow you down! You know the books, the characters, the events . . . Very impressive!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes

Seen at Nimuë's and Alice's

Friday, January 19, 2007

Random Bullets of Crap-ola: Friday Edition

Posted by Seeking Solace |

  • Following Philosophy Factory's advice, I started looking on-line teaching positions. I like the idea of sitting at home in my PJ's while teaching! If anyone out there knows of any job sites, let me know.
  • I am a godmother. GML and her husband are the proud parents of a nine week old male Golden Retriever! He is just the cutest puppy! (Notice I had to add "puppy" in case the Boy has suddenly learned to read!)
  • I just finished "The Secret Life of Bees". What a great book. I am not a huge fan of sequels, but it would be nice to see what happens to Lilly.
  • I am starting "Cross" today. I am a huge James Patterson fan, especially the Alex Cross series. I understand the this one is supposed to be very good. I hope so. The last couple have been lackluster, although I did enjoy "Mary, Mary".
  • Snow has returned to Lake Effect Snow Central. That also means that the Boy's alter ego "Snow Dog" has returned. He is having a blast outside! I have to figure out how to transfer photos from my cell phone to my computer, because he is just too funny! Ah...a project to help combat boredom!!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I'm Gonna Die In These Four Walls

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I am bored!

One would think that being at home would be a blessing, but not me. I am one of those people who feels like she is not productive unless she is doing something. I have read, cleaned, worked out, cooked and even stooped so low at the try to find something entertaining on daytime TV. (Thank God for Law and Order reruns.) The cold weather does not help. Today, it is 22 degrees, but the "real feel" temperature is 9 degrees. So, taking the Boy for a walk is out of the questions. The joints would be VERY unhappy at that prospect.

What makes matters worse is that I can't just jump in my car and go somewhere. For those of you new readers and lurkers who may not know, I am visually impaired and cannot drive (I have sight, but it's like 20/200). Getting around can be quite difficult and expensive. Of course, there is public transport in Lake Effect Snow Central, but again, I refer you to the paragraph above where I talk about the weather.

I am going stir crazy here.

Being unemployed really sucks this time of year. If if was summer, I would not care. I would be outside reading, working in my garden or doing something with the Boy. No worries or cares. But right now, it's really tough.

Someone suggested to me that I do some volunteer legal work. OK, I know I am going to catch some heat for this but here goes...Been there and done that and it just sucked the life out of me. I have always been generous with donating my skills as an attorney, and I enjoy doing so. But in my experience (notice the qualifier there), it often becomes even more stressful than dealing with paying clients, mostly because many clients either expect you to solve ALL of their legal troubles, not just the one case you are assigned. Or you are put in a position to solve the client's life problems. I guess I could be a total bitch and say "Well, there is X agency for that." and be on my way. But, the Catholic guilt in me always gets sucked in. Sometimes, the agencies that assist people figure that you are at their beck and call and make it difficult for you to turn down a case. The end result is that I feel used and disillusioned.

Does that make me a bad person? I hope not.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Posted by Seeking Solace |

American Idol is back.

I felt so sorry for the first girl, the one who sang the Jewel song. Note to Simon. Sometimes being mean is so counterproductive!

More commentary to come!

Update #1: Someone should tell the opera-dude that if you want to be taken seriously, don't dress like Apollo Creed. You look like a jackass!

Also, the Shakira wannabe is going to get on my nerves, I just know it!

Update #2: I would not take voice lessons from that dude either. But , I would not be so nasty about it.

I think the girl who came to the auditions with her boss is probably doing her boss.

Final Update: God, this is just painful. I did feel sorry for the last kid.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

So Now What?

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Michelle asks me about Plan B. Well, I am trying to figure that out, but I do know that I want to find another job SOMEWHERE. Preferably, I would like to stay where I am, mostly because the thought of packing up all the stuff in my house and going through the moving thing scares that crap out of me. Also, I think GML, and others, would kidnap me in order to keep me from leaving. At the same time, I have to be realistic about the prospects in my area. They are few and far between.

That leads me to my next point. What the hell do I want to do now? Do I want to stay as an academic? Do I want to stay in adjunct-land, or do I travel into uncharted territory and go on the tenure route? I really do not want to go back to practicing law. Suddenly, I feel like Admiral Stockdale when he said "Who am I?" "Why am I here?"


Monday, January 15, 2007

How Far Have We Come?

Posted by Seeking Solace |

In January 1987, my father and I were interviewed by a newspaper located near my Hometown about our perceptions of Dr. King's dream. I was 19 years old and in my second semester of my freshman year of college. My father was 45 years old and in failing health. The interview dealt with whether Dr King's dream was realized some 19 years since his assassination? Was the world better for my generation than it had been for my dad? We talked about our life experiences.

My dad recalled being a young boy growing up in Hometown. Hometown was a primarily White community. Although Hometown is located "up North", my dad grew up knowing that there were places that he could and could not go. He talked about how he and his siblings could not use the public swimming pool because it was segregated. When I was may dad's age, my bother and I went to that same swimming pool with no issue or denial. My dad would just drop us off, never saying a word.

My father did not attend college. No one in his family did. There was no one to encourage him to do so. Instead, my dad worked many jobs. He told the reporter about working as a bartender at the local county club the night that Martin Luther King was assassinated. He remembered how some of the patrons said to him "Well, now your Commie leader is dead," referring to the notion by some that Martin Luther King was a Communist. That infuriated my father. How could a man who stood for peace and equality be a communist? That night, he told my mother that his four month old baby girl would go to college someday.

When I was a senior in high school, I wanted to attend Georgetown University. I was an honor student and an athlete, so I figure I had a chance. When I told my guidance counselor my plans, she told me that people like me would never be successful in college. I knew what she meant. I went home crying. My dad told me that I had a choice. I could either believe that crap or I could prove her wrong. So, I decided to prove her wrong. I didn't attend Georgetown (There was no way my dad was going to let his 18 year old daughter move to D.C.), but I did attend college and earned my degree. I ran into that same guidance counselor, coincidentally on the same day I received my letter of acceptance to Grad School. I told her about my success. She just hung her head, and walked away.

Since then, I earned a Master's degree and a Law degree. I have worked to share my knowledge and experience to all, not just those of color, but to anyone who has felt the sting of prejudice. I pass on the same wisdom that was given to me by my parents. They taught me that there will be those who judge you based on who you are rather than what you have to bring to the table. Education is something that no one can take away from you. Use your knowledge to guide you.

But I still think about the original question that the reporter asked some 20 years ago. Have we reached the dream? Are things better now? I guess it depends on how you define "better." I see more opportunity, more than either my father or I experienced. But I still see ignorance. Even with all the success I have attained, I am still followed by White sales clerks in certain department stores.

I guess there is still more work to be done.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Music Monday: We Shall Overcome

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Today's playlist is in honor of Dr King.

  1. Pride (In the Name of Love) by U2
  2. Love Train by the O-Jays
  3. What's Going On? by Marvin Gaye
  4. People Get Ready by Curtis Mayfield
  5. We Shall Overcome (So many versions to choose from!)
  6. Strange Fruit by Billie Holiday
  7. Dancing in the Street by Martha and the Vandellas
  8. Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now by McFadden and Whitehead
  9. Ball of Confusion by the Temptations
  10. Living for the City by Stevie Wonder
  11. Get Up, Stand Up by Bob Marley
  12. Every Kind of People by Robert Palmer
  13. Waiting on the World to Change by John Mayer
  14. World on Fire by Sarah McLachlan
  15. Imagine by John Lennon

Monday, January 15, 2007

It's Not Personal, It's Strictly Business

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I spent the weekend battling some flu-virus bug. I spent the weekend traveling between my couch, my bed and the bathroom. It was the poopy-flu, not the barfy-flu, which is a good thing. Throwing up is such an unnatural thing. Husband kept me company as we watched the Godfather I and II and reciting lines from both. ("Don't ask me about my business.")

I have not heard from Local Community College. I don't think I will get the job. But I don't think anyone else will either. I heard a rumor that there is a freeze on hiring. So, it looks like I will be unemployed for an indefinite period of time. So I guess I have to go to Plan B for now.

Friday, January 12, 2007


Posted by Seeking Solace |

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!!!!! I spent a blissful day of shopping and eating. I had a gift card from Ann Taylor Loft that my dear best friend, Piglet, gave me for Christmas. So, I got a pair of ATL's new regular boot cut jeans. Very nice and not too low rise. Perfect for us gals who have hips and a butt, but a small waist. I also got a seafoam green top. (Looks like seafoam green is the hot color this spring). I also did some damage at Victoria's Secret, Bath and Body Works and the Body Shop. Husband took me for a lovely dinner at my favorite Italian restaurant. It's a little local place that has the best tiraminsu! I had penne with shrimp in a vodka cream sauce! And of course, lots of vine!!!!

Who says you can't engage in pure sloth on your birthday?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

One More Candle and a Trip Around the Sun

Posted by Seeking Solace |

It's my Birthday. I am 39 today.


I don't look 39.
I don't feel 39.
I definitely don't act 39.

So, I guess I just follow Jimmy Buffett's advice and just enjoy this ride...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Heard On A Local Talk Radio Station This Morning.

Posted by Seeking Solace |

"Councilperson X does not have the scrotal circumference to deal with the real issues affecting Lake Effect Snow Central!"

I so have to use that one!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wednesday Bullets of Crap-ola

Posted by Seeking Solace |

  • I got an email from the former Dean, who now works in another part of the college. She had not heard about my termination. She felt really bad about it and apologized on behalf of the college! She said that the students who were lucky to have me as an instructor gained so much from my knowledge and experience. Plus, she offered to be a reference for me. Woohoo! (Take that, evil bitch current Dean!)
  • I have to contact my former employer because I did not receive copies of my student evals from last semester. I am getting my portfolio in order, so I want to have all my ducks in a row.
  • Since I am home, I get to watch Rachel Ray's daytime talk show. I made this. I substituted turkey bacon for regular bacon, because I gave up pork for New Year's. You may want to add a couple of tablespoons of flour to get thick chowder. Very yummy!
  • I spoke to my dear friend Ellen yesterday. Ellen, Husband and I attended the same college. It was so great to get caught up. One of the great quotes from the conversation came from Husband. In describing dealing with those in administration, Husband created the term "Moronic Administrative Fuckwits." Simply brilliant!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Music Monday-The Bee Gees

Posted by Seeking Solace |

After a brief hiatus, the Music Monday Play-list is back.

Shawn Colvin does a great remake of the Bee Gees song "Words" on her latest CD "These Four Walls." I forgot how beautiful this song is, so I dug up a old Bee Gee's Greatest Hits CD. People seem to equate them with the disco-Saturday Night Fever era, but prior to that, they wrote and performed some great tracks.

  • To Love Somebody
  • Words
  • I Started A Joke
  • Lonely Days
  • How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?
  • Jive Talkin'
  • Nights on Broadway
  • Fanny Be Tender
  • How Deep is Your Love? (I had to have one from Saturday Night Fever and this one is my favorite).
  • One

Monday, January 08, 2007


Posted by Seeking Solace |

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I have not had much to say. But, I am doing better. I started looking for jobs, both locally and away from Lake Effect Snow Central (Sorry, GML!). I am still waiting to hear from Local Community College and Alma Mater Law School. I also applied for a position in Midwest State, which seems tailor made for me. Today, I sent a resume for a position at a L aw School in Southern State. (I won't post which schools, but if you are curious, you can email me at

I am trying to keep a schedule so that I don't succumb to a state of ass-horizontal-ology on the couch. It's easy to sit around and mope about one's circumstance. But, I just can't do that anymore. So, I blocked out time for job searching, writing and updating my teaching portfolio, working out and doing stuff around the house.

I had a good laugh the other day when GML told me about the mandatory adjunct training at my former college. All adjuncts, regardless of the number of years of service had to attend. She said that it was three hours of information that any of the veteran adjuncts could have conveyed. Plus, some dude who was hired last month spent a significant amount of time telling the adjuncts that it is THEIR responsibility to contact a student if he or she is absent. Good God, I am SO glad that I am not working there anymore. I now know where a portion of my salary went!

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Posted by Seeking Solace |

I don't have much to blog about lately. With the end of year heinousness, I have not given much thought to anything else.

It's weird. I should be stressing about getting my syllabi ready for the semester or bitching about the upcoming faculty development session. And maybe if something comes up between now and the next two weeks, that may happen. (I am waiting to hear from Community College about a job). But for now, it just seems weird.

I am one of those people who gets bored really quickly. I am not great at long, extended vacations. I get ancy after about a week. I have some things planned in case of an extended job hiatus. But, I fear the boredom that extended unemployment can bring. The fact that I cannot drive does not help matter either.

On a lighter note, I think the Divorce from Hell is almost over. I say almost because the way this has gone, something could come along and mess everything up. The judge's clerk called and told me to submit the documents without the insurance information. The court does not want to hold up finalizing a divorce because of missing information that they can subpoena. That is good news. So, I will send the docs today and by next week, I will file them with the County Clerk. Then I will be free my friends, free!!!!

Also, I got a clean bill of health from my Rheumatologist. No progression of the RA or joint damage detected. She thinks my exercise routine has helped. I couldn't agree more. I have a new workout buddy now that I can't work out with my girls.

So maybe 2007 is starting out better.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I am Evil Seeking Solace....

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Thanks, Addy N.

The Joker
You're evil this much: 73%
You're a cool villain because you're very, very crazy, and you're proud to be very, very crazy. There's no prediction in your actions, it's just a convoluted mess up there. Taking over the world is not as big a priority nor is making money as much as killing a bunch of people, for fun. "Yer a real sonabitch, I'm glad yer dead!"

Link: The SUPER VILLAIN Test written by genepoolfun on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Monday, January 01, 2007

All Is Quiet On New Year's Day...

Posted by Seeking Solace |

And I am so glad to be home.

My visit to Hometown was an emotional roller coaster. This time the stress came from my mother-in-law who decided to use me as an emotional punching bag. It was all the result of a misunderstanding about a family gathering that just turned into a huge mess. I ended up on the receiving end of her wrath. Her words were so venomous that she actually made me cry. Husband was out with his brother, so he could not shield or defend me from the attack. In the 19 years that Husband and I have been together, she has never done anything like that. What really hurt was she has still not apologized for hurting me or making me cry.

I did not tell Husband what happened until today when we were driving home I knew he would be angry and I did not want him to lose his temper. He felt really bad about the whole incident. He believes that his mother's tirade was meant for him, not me. I don't know if he will confront his mom about what happened or just let it go. At this point, I really don't care. I don't think it will really make any difference.

I am SOOOOO glad that 2006 is over!
