The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Monday, January 01, 2007

All Is Quiet On New Year's Day...

Posted by Seeking Solace |

And I am so glad to be home.

My visit to Hometown was an emotional roller coaster. This time the stress came from my mother-in-law who decided to use me as an emotional punching bag. It was all the result of a misunderstanding about a family gathering that just turned into a huge mess. I ended up on the receiving end of her wrath. Her words were so venomous that she actually made me cry. Husband was out with his brother, so he could not shield or defend me from the attack. In the 19 years that Husband and I have been together, she has never done anything like that. What really hurt was she has still not apologized for hurting me or making me cry.

I did not tell Husband what happened until today when we were driving home I knew he would be angry and I did not want him to lose his temper. He felt really bad about the whole incident. He believes that his mother's tirade was meant for him, not me. I don't know if he will confront his mom about what happened or just let it go. At this point, I really don't care. I don't think it will really make any difference.

I am SOOOOO glad that 2006 is over!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the incident with your mother-in-law. Yeah, I think a lot of us are very glad that 2006 is over with. It was a tough year.

So, Happy New Year!

Bellona said...

May 2007 be a great year for all of us. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

That's too bad, particularly when the holiday should have been a reprieve for you (well, hell, all of us!). Relationships can get so complicated and emotions run so high over the holidays. I'm glad that you are home now.


Prisca said...

dWhat a crappy way to end the year! I can't believe your MIL was so cheesy. :( I hope your husband will speak to her, but I know how complicated family dynamics are.... guess you won't be wanting to see her again any time soon.

Chaser said...

I'm so sorry, Solace! That sounds really bad. I hope you can forget about her soon, and I hope she comes to her senses and gives you the apology she should.

Alice said...

Oh, I am so, so sorry. Don't take it personally. She is probably insecure about something and just didn't handle her emotions.

RageyOne said...

Oh, how sad. I hope 2007 is better for you.
