The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

He Who Is Free From Sin...

Posted by Seeking Solace |

One of Lake Effect Snow Central's congressional representatives was attending Mass this past Sunday. The deacon used the homily (sermon) to publicly rebuke this Congressman for supporting stem cell research and other pro-choice causes. The deacon even had the nerve to tell the congregation that if they had any issues with the Congressman's stance, they should talk to him after services.

Needless to say, the Congressman and his family walked out of the service.

Now, the priest and the bishop have apologized for the inappropriateness deacon's remarks. But the deacon has remained silent. The buzz on local talk radio is mixed. There are those who say that the Congressman was fair game, because he is a Catholic that does not follow the Catholic Church's firm stance on life issues. Others say that the deacon was WAAAAY out of line. Regardless of the opinion, decency dictates that if the deacon, or anyone else, has issues with one's viewpoints then such comments should be made in the proper forum.

I think the Congressman had every right to walk out of Mass. He was not elected to Congress to support Catholic issues alone. He was elected to support the People's issues. The last time I checked, not all of People in his district are Catholic and not all People in his district are pro-life.

I am pro-choice and I make no apologies for it. I am also Catholic, baptized, confirmed and married. I have not attended Mass is some time now. I have struggled with my beliefs, prayed about them and came to the conclusion that I cannot blindly follow a doctrine that I do not believe. I know that makes me what some consider a "Cafeteria Catholic", where I pick and choose those things that I believe. Would it be better for my soul if I just faked it and supported the Church's views?

Isn't that a bigger sin?


Anonymous said...

Delurking to say that yes, it is a bigger sin to support parts of the Church's doctrine that you do not believe in! This is the biggest reason why I am a lapsed Catholic. The other reason is that I am an historian who works on the history of Christianity in medieval Europe, and that would be enough to disillusion anyone :). That said, I think the real problem is two-fold: first, the Church has decided that is should be a static institution, instead of recognizing that the issues facing believers today are vastly different from those of 2000 years ago [when it even admits to the original doctrines, like permitting clergy to marry], and second, our culture is becoming increasingly intolerant of difference, with the result that most religions seem to be getting more fundamentalist. I'm sure the deacon, and his supporters, would argue that believers have the right to publicly challenge the politician who puts his constitutional duty ahead of his loyalty [ie, blind adherence] to the Church. I could go on, but a rant on what the Christian right, along with the Republicans, have done to the First Amendment would irritate me and take over your comments!

BrightStar (B*) said...

oh my word... ugh. I would have walked out of that mass, too. I prefer the Catholic parishes that focus on social justice issues.

Alice said...

That was so rude! Two of the fundamental laws are (1) love God and (2) love your neighbor. We don't have to agree on issues but we have to disagree respectfully.
