Husband made it to his destination in one piece. He and his brother are camping. He will be back sometime tomorrow evening.
Every time Husband leaves, he gives the Boy instructions. "Protect you mom at all costs." Bite first, then bark and ask questions after." The Boy looks at him like he totally understands his mission. So last night, the Boy was on guard duty. He stayed with me until he thought I was asleep. Then he went downstairs to sleep and guard. (Although I have a sneaking suspicion that the Boy went downstairs to sleep on the couch!)
Last night's Mexican was yummy. (Hey beans were used in mine!) I just chilled out in front of the TV. I watched Dateline NBC, which while scary that there are people out there praying on children, it just gets me how these idiots are so willing to sit down with Chris Hanson and explain why they are not doing anything wrong. It also makes me wonder why so many don't "lawyer up" as soon as they hear their Miranda rights. I also watched Law and Order which was just messed up in a good way.
So today I think I will take the Boy out for a walk before it rains. It's a crisp fall day here and I would like to enjoy it. I also have stuff to do around the house. Dinner tonight...leftover Mexican!!!!!
Husband has left for his trip. So, it's dinner for one. Since Friday is take-out night, I have to make a decision.
New York Style Pizza
What's your vote?
Edited to add at 6:45 PM: I decided to go with Mexican. Quesadillas...yummy!
- Wednesday it was 72 degrees and sunny. Yesterday it was in the 50s and raining. Result, a migraine headache yesterday with funky auras. I took the day off, sleeping until almost two in the afternoon. Imitrex does that for me.
- Husband is going out of town this weekend, so the Boy and I will be fending for ourselves. I am thinking Mexican take-out, hot baths and getting most of the bed to myself.
- Dateline NBC is on tonight. Can't wait to hear the six most feared words in the English language. "I'm Chris Hanson with Dateline NBC!"
- Speaking of the Boy, he tore the shears hanging on my front window, barking at another dog. God forbid another dog should walk past his house! One of these days, I am going to find him hanging out a broken window.
- These arrived this week. (I think I mentioned them in a recent post). I absolutely love them!
- I have to prepare my research project assignments for my students since I will be handing them out this week. One good thing about this semester is that since my classes are rather small, I will have fewer papers to read.
- That being said, my Critical Thinking students are the laziest sacks of shit I have ever encountered. More on that later. I don't want to ruin my good mood thinking about it.
- I am in a better place about the whole incident with the Criminal Justice butt-head. Thanks to all for your kind words and suggestions. I allowed myself to stew about it for one day and then just let it go. I am going to chalk it up to the guy being a butt-head and just the usual crapola that goes on at my campus.
As I have mentioned, my college has started a new program in criminal justice. When the program was announced, I was very excited because this is an area that is of great interest to me, having practiced criminal law in the past.
With my other adjunct courses, I get the chance to teach the Criminal Law course. It is going rather well. My students are very eager to learn and work very hard. Plus, the program director has been singing my praises because they have an attorney teaching in the program, which is mostly of retired police officers.
So, imagine my excitement when I receive an email in which the program director announces that there will be an opening for a full time faculty member in the program. At first glance, it sounds great. I would not be jumping from one department to another. Also, I would be part of a growing program.
One of the problems for me is that the new faculty member would have to travel between campuses (We have three). That is a deal breaker for me because I cannot drive due to a visual disability. Public transportation is not very reliable either.
I asked the program director if travel to different campuses would be required. I did not want to show my interest at this point. I just wanted to hear the response. Sure enough, travel is required. Then he says to me "If you know of anyone who is interested, let me know."
Huh? He did not even ask me if I was interested. (He does not know about my disability and it's not very obvious when you look at me.)
I don't know if I should be offended or relieved. I am not even sure if I really want the position. I mean, I could play the disability card, but I hate doing that. Plus, I did apply for a position at Law School, which I will know about sometime at the end of the year. So, it’s not the worst thing in the world. But what really gets me is that it would have been nice if the program director asked me if I was interested.
It kind of makes you wonder about how much people really value you.
Conversation heard while waiting for the elevator.
Student 1: I hate this place
Student 2: Me too, I miss high school.
Student 1: Yeah, high was much better than this. They give us too much work here.
Student 2: Yeah, and we got to go to the prom.
So I guess the difference between high school and college is that you have to do work and you can't wear a pink taffeta gown!
I got the Motorola Razor in black. It is sooooo freakin' cool. The sound quality is really good. I called my mom the other day and she thought I was on a land line.
Now, if I can only figure out how to download pics from it!
I have a new boss. The former Dean of Students is now the Dean of Instruction.
This is a good thing. My new boss does not micro-manage the faculty. She thinks that we are competent professionals who are capable of doing our jobs. She also does not have us engage in stupid activities where we have to work with a partner.
Maybe things will get better around here.
There is this instructor that I will refer to as PYT (Prissy Young Thing). PYT is in her second semester of teaching and already she has alienated herself from the rest of the faculty. At a recent faculty meeting, she stated that since she has taught everything from writing to world literature, she knows more than the rest of the faculty about how to grade writing assignments. (Imagine the sound of crickets and grinding of teeth in the background after that comment).
This is not the way to win friends and influence people.
A senior faculty member told me that she had a conversation with PYT who got on her high horse and insulted the senior faculty member by telling her that the senior faculty member has not clue how to teach a partuclur course. (The senior faculty member has been teaching this particular area for YEARS).
She is also known to talk down to students, like she is better than them. A few of my students have complained about her arrogance.
So PYT is pretty much a social pariah on campus. It does not help that she walks around campus acting like her shit doesn't stink.
Part of me wants to take her aside and explain to her that she needs to check her 'tude at the door before some less civilized faculty member knocks her off her high horse. But then there's a part of me that just wants to sit back and watch the carnage and stir clear of any blow-back!
Courtesy of my home-girl, GML.
The Man Song
I laughed my ass off when he said he is top dog but neutered!!
- A Good Night's Sleep
Finally. I actually slept really well. I woke up at 8 AM feeling well rested, despite Husband's snoring.
- Vitamins
I added Super B Complex and Vitamin D to my vitamin regiment, which includes a multi-vitamin and fish oil (for the RA). I feel like I have some energy.
- Walking the Boy
It was a crisp, fall morning, so the Boy and I ventured out for a walk. The sun, which has not been around lately, felt good on my face. Plus, I got my workout. Trust me, walking a 70 pound dog is a workout. And the Boy is happy. He will nap all afternoon, which will allow me to work on school crap and watch football.
Hope this feeling lasts!
I have been ignoring my blog, among other things. I have been just EXHUSTED lately. I can't explain why. Today I woke up around 9 AM, thanks to the Boy. But an hour later, I was back in bed, sleeping until almost 1 PM! Plus, I napped for an hour on the couch between 3 and 4 PM. I have been going to bed at a decent time, so I can't blame it on staying up late. Also, I have been in this mental funk. I just can't seem to get into a routine, now that the semester has begun.
Part of me thinks that it's the Vitamin D deficiency that often happens to me in the Fall. It is very gray and dreary in Lake Effect Snow Central. That does not help one's mood. Plus, I work in a window-less environment. My classrooms have no windows. The faculty area has no windows. It's like I spend eight hours a day in a cave. And it's hard to break away to get some light. I have an appointment with the doctor in two weeks, so I am sure she will want to do a blood test to see if that is the case. If it is Vitamin D, then it's high doses of it for eight weeks.
Part of me wonders if I am starting to become tired of my job. I don't think I have stayed in the same job for more than three years. For some reason, I start to get ancy and bored. On top of that, there are some things going on at work that really chap my ass. Of course, I will blog about that later.
Husband asked me if I was depressed, and therefore, hyper-sleeping. I don't think so. Granted, I am not my cheery and sarcastic self. But, I can't say I am depressed. Although I do feel that that sad brain cell in the Zoloft commercial.
So after all of the heinousness of the morning, I had to get down to the business of teaching. why is it that when your day starts off poorly, you remain in a funk? That was me. I just could not get myself to get up there and talk about employer - employee relationships in my Employment Law class or how to analyze a complex issue for Critical Thinking. So, I just did a "free for all" classes where we just shot the shit. Although in my Critical Thinking class, it was a perfect opportunity to have the students look at issues from another perspective by having them argue a classmate's counterpoint.
Frankly, I just could not wait to get home. I curled up on my couch with the Boy. Husband cooked dinner. Thank God tomorrow is Thursday and I am done at 12:30 PM. I don't teach on Fridays, so it's relax time.
- I woke up late
- I dropped my bagel on the ground as I was putting my stuff in the car.
- I forgot my Ipod at home and had to turn around to go get it. At least I was only at the end of my street.
- I left my travel mug on the roof of the car. When I realized that the honking by other drivers was to inform me of this fact, the mug fell off the roof, spilling everywhere.
So please, can I just call it a day?
If you are ABD, is it appropriate to use ABD after your name? GE Dude often refers himself as GE Dude, ABD. I have never heard of such a thing. GE Dude can be quite pretentious, so I am wondering if that is why he does it.
- Shopping. I had to get some clothing staples like a new white button down shirt, some more bras and pantyhose. I did buy a cute pair of Nine West dress pants in charcoal gray. (Sorry, can't find any pics. But I did buy them at Macy's). I also tried on these in red. Sadly, they did not fit. As those of you who wear pointy toe shoes know, it is best to go up half a size so your toes won't hurt. So I will have to check another store or try DSW.
- Cleaning. My house was in bad shape.
- Laundry. Still working on that one.
- Putting away some summer stuff. Funny because it is supposed to get up to 80 degrees today then drop to 60 degrees by Tuesday.
- Work out. Two months until 20th high school reunion.
- Sleep. Sinuses are still bothering me. I am off the drugs, which is a good thing. I hate being loopy. Plus the first week of school really knocked me out.
- School stuff. I have to prep for lectures this week. One of my colleagues has 30 students in her Research and Composition class. Poor GML has almost the same amount in Sociology. They have to bring in extra chairs. Meanwhile, I have three in my Employment Law class. and five in Survey of Law and Criminal Law. I do have a whopping 13 in Critical Thinking.
- Watching Football. I guess Notre Dame knows what it feels like to be Penn State. The boys in Black and Gold don't play until Monday night. I guess I will watch Lake Effect Snow Team play today.
- New toy. My black Motorola razor will be here soon.
- Husband. The change over should take place next week. We have been reviewing new insurance and benefit info for the last few days. Husband is a little miffed at his new overlords. He just got word that he will have to work some weekends to meet a new product deadline. The Present Thought located at the side bar is dedicated to Husband.
So that's what I have been up to!
- You write Wednesday instead of Thursday on you Thursday blog entry. (Either you did not notice that or you were being nice and not calling me on it!)
- You take a three hour nap and STILL feel tired.
- You can't wait to take off your shoes.
- You can't open a bottle of wine fast enough.
- The actual thought of doing anything makes you tired.
- You envy the fact that your dog gets to sleep all day.
- You hold it until your bladder is about to explode because you are too tired to get off the couch.
- You create an "ass groove" on you couch.
- My feet HURT. After a summer of wearing sandals, or in some instances, no shoes at al, I have to get used to wearing them again. Plus, I have to wear, to quote GML, my 'big girl clothes!"
- I am also tired. Why does the first day of classes zap all of my energy.
- My Survey of Law and Criminal Law classes consist of all women. Cool.
- Why do some students think they do not have to show up for the first day of class?
- Question for B*. Did you get rid of the Razor cell phone? I am planning on purchasing a new one and want to know if I should avoid it. Anyone else out there have an opinion?
A special shout to Rebbecca
Best of luck to you, Please stop by and visit.
The first day is done. My critical thinking class should prove to be very interesting. There are some strong opinions in that class. Employment Law is quite small. There are four students with only two showing up today. At least the two that did show up are excellent students, so if the other two decide to drop, the class will be enjoyable.
I don't lecture the first day. It's enough for them to be bombarded with the syllabus and tracking calendar. Also, many do not have books, so it's hard to say "Refer to page 10" when half of the class can't. So, we will hit the ground running on Monday.
No predictions yet as to how the semester will go. Ask me again in two weeks when the honeymoon phase is over.
I had an appointment with my new hair stylist, as my former stylist moved to Florida. Before he left, he recommended new stylist as someone who does a significant amount of straightening hair and someone I would really connect with on a personal level.
He was right. She was awesome. She did my color today and gave me rich chocolate brown. She also showed me her portfolio and discussed what straightening product would be the best for me. She gave me some great styling tips too. She was also great to chat with. We are about the same age and enjoy the same things.
I was concerned going in that I would have someone who would insist on chopping my hair short. There are some who believe that when a woman reaches a certain age, she should go short. Thank God, this was not the case.
Now, I have a nice new hair-do for tomorrow. Now, what to wear....
Last night was my college's faculty in-service. Since my college small and has many evening instructors who have day jobs, we have our beginning of the semester meeting at night. This was the five longest hours of my life. At one point, I was playing Tetras on my cell phone. I did not get home until 10:30 PM! At least Husband was waiting for me with the lights dimmed and a glass of whiskey, ice and water.
We spend most of the evening doing stupid activities involving Writing Across the Curriculum. Things really came to a head when one English instructor stated that most of the faculty probably does not use proper English in the classroom, so we are inadvertently teaching our students improper English. Another stated that since she teaches courses included writing and 20th century literature, she is more of an expert than the rest of us. I wonder if anyone followed them into the parking lot after the meeting.
My two cents is it all depends on how one defines teaching writing. I am not an English instructor. And I am not a writing instructor. But I think I can look at a student's work and correct it for grammar, mechanics and overall structure. If I could not do that, I would not be teaching.
I am pissed at GE Dude. GE Dude is the director of the general education program at my college. He axed a project for the Critical Thinking program that I, along with two other colleagues, worked to develop over a year ago. When I asked why, he just gave some song and dance about not wanting to overload the program with required elements. Yeah right. But you added two new assessments in place of the one you nixed! Asshole!
Tomorrow is the first day of class. I have to implement the changes in Critical Thinking into my syllabus. My classes are small. Survey of Law has six students. Employment Law and Criminal Law have four. Critical Thinking is the winner with 11. But, drop/add begins tomorrow and the college is still registering students, so my numbers may change.
OK, off I go. Can someone write a note excusing me from class tomorrow?
by AlexanderTheodore, Bouvier, Fourth Year Resident
On the morning of September 11, 2001, there was an unprecedented amount of activity at the Rainbow Bridge. Decisions had to be made. They had to be made quickly. And, they were.
An issue, not often addressed here, is the fact that many residents really have no loved one for whom to wait. Think of the pups who lived and died in hideous puppy mills. No one on earth loved or protected them. What about the many who spent unhappy lives tied in backyards? And, the ones who were abused. Who are they to wait for?
We don't talk about that much up here. We share our loved ones as they arrive, happy to do so. But we all know there is nothing like having your very own person who thinks you are the most special pup in the Heavens.
Last Tuesday morning a request rang out for pups not waiting for specific persons to volunteer for special assignment.. An eager, curious crowd surged excitedly forward, each pup wondering what the assignment would be.
They were told by a solemn voice that unexpectedly, all at once, over 4,000 loving people had left Earth long before they were ready. All the pups, as all pups do, felt the humans' pain deep in their own hearts. Without hearing more, there was a clamoring among them - "May I have one to comfort?" "I'll take two, I have a big heart." "I have been saving kisses forever."
One after another they came forward begging for assignment. One cozy-looking fluffy pup hesitantly asked, "Are there any children coming? I would be very comforting for a child 'cause I'm soft and squishy and I always wanted to be hugged." A group of Dalmatians came forward asking to meet the Firemen and be their friends. The larger working breeds offered to greet the Police Officers and make them feel at home. Little dogs volunteered to do what they do best, cuddle and kiss.
Dogs who on Earth had never had a kind word or a pat on the head, stepped forward and said, "I will love any human who needs love."
Then all the dogs, wherever on Earth they originally came from, rushed to the Rainbow Bridge and stood waiting, overflowing with love to share - each tail wagging an American Flag.
Changed my template.
What do you think???
Edited to add for GML: I added the animal rescue button. Gotta look out for the puppies! (and kitties too!)
As seen at Claire's Blog
1.Where did you take or get your profile picture?
It is the ballerina photo from Sarah McLachlin's Surfacing CD. I have a framed poster sized version hanging in my home office. It used hang above my desk in my law office.
2.What exactly are you wearing right now?
Comfy clothes
3.What is your current problem?
4.What makes you most happy?
Being with Husband.
5.What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Train Wreck, by Sarah McLachlin
6.Has anyone you've been really close with passed away?
My dad
7.Do you ever watch MTV?
Sometimes. I get a kick out of Next.
8.What's something that really annoys you?
People who do not respect the opinions of others.
Chapter 1:All About You
1.Middle name:
The first letter of my first name.
3.Current location:
Lake Effect Snow Central
4.Eye color:
Hazel and brown
Chapter 2:Family
1.Do you live with your parents:
Are you crazy????
2.Do you get along with your parent(s):
3.Are your parents married/separated/divorced
My father passed away 16 years ago. My mom is still alive.
4.Do you have any Siblings?:
Chapter 3: favorite...
1. Ice Cream:
Kahlua Mocha Fudge found at a local ice cream place
No real favorites. Whatever works on my unruly hair.
Chapter 4: Do You..
1.Dance in the shower:
2.Write on your hand:
3.Call people back:
4.Believe in love:
Of course.
5.Sleep on a certain side of the bed
6. Any bad habits:
None that I will admit to.
7. Any mental health issues?
See response to #6
Chapter 5: Have You...
1.Broken a bone:
Yes, pinkie finger
2.Sprained stuff:
Right ankle, three times in five years
3.Had physical therapy?:
Yes, I blew out my knee skiing.
4.Gotten stitches:
Yes (I guess I am a little accident prone)
5.Taken Pain killers?
Daily for the RA
6.Gone SCUBA diving or snorkeling:
Went snorkeling in Hawaii four years ago.
7.Been stung by a bee:
8.Thrown up at the dentist:
9.Sworn in front of your parents:
10.Had detention:
Plead the 5th.
11.Been sent to the Principal's office:
12.Been called a ho?
Chapter 6: Who/What was the last
I don't really remember.
2.Person to text you:
3.Person you called:
My mom
4.Person you hugged:
The Boy
5.Person you tackled?
I can't say I have done that lately
6.Thing you touched:
Anti-bacterial stuff after blowing my nose.
7.Thing you ate:
Bagel with Nutella
8.Thing you drank
9.Thing you said:
To Husband: I surrender the remote.
10.Friend you miss the most that has moved:
None of my friends have moved.
- What a relief to know that Husband got a job offer from New Company. Although, I think secretly he was hoping that he would get laid off so he could have a mini vacation!
- My sinuses are driving me crazy. Usually, I use herbal treatments but I am caving. GIVE ME DRUGS....NOW!!!!!!
- My vacation is almost over. Faculty in-service in Monday. Classes begin Tuesday. I have 3/4 courses ready. I am holding off on Critical Thinking because the dude in charge of Gen Ed will no doubt have changes.
- I forgot to mention that the new front door was successfully installed. It looks really nice. Now, I have to buy a mailbox. The old door had a mail slot, so the mail would go directly into the house. The new door will not allow a mail slot because of the oval glass window. So in the meantime, I have to watch out for the mail carrier.
- My boys in Black and Gold kicked some butt last night. I am so psyched for football season!!! Yes, I am a die hard football fan. When your father was a coach and your brother played college ball, you learn a few things. Husband says I know football better than most guys.
- I need new dressy boots. Mine are so done. Why are boots so damn expensive?
- I think I might order these. I always wanted red shoes.
Drugs starting to kick in...Sleepy time.
This is it.
Husband will find out this afternoon whether New Company will offer him a position.
Of course I will let you know the results after I find out. Husband promised to call me as soon as he finds out.
Keep your fingers crossed, say a prayer, and think good thoughts!
Edited to add at 7:35 PM
Husband got an offer!!!!!!
He will receive his base salary, which is good. He will receive a transition bonus after eight weeks of employment with New Company. No more sweet bonuses that paved the way for trips to Hawaii and Aruba. No worries though, We are excellent savers. I will start up the slush fund again. Also, no pension because New Company is a private company. Not too many worries there either, we have a sizable war chest of investments for retirement. Thank God both of us started investing in our mid 20's.
Needless to say, Husband is emotionally drained. He is thankful that he got an offer. He is worried that some of his colleagues did not. He said that everyone was on edge this afternoon, waiting for their call to HR to find out their fate. He went running tonight, mostly to blow off some steam.
I am so relieved. Mostly because I know this has been weighing heavily on Husband for a long time. Also, that means that we will remain in Lake Effect Snow Central, which will make GML and Divorce Lady very happy. Part of me was ready for a fresh start somewhere else. But then there is this part of me that cringes at the thought of packing up ALL our stuff and moving.
So that's it. He is going to accept the offer.
B* had this at her site. Since I LOVE clothes, shoes, etc, I could not resist
"If I were designing a [my blog title/pseud here] Halloween costume, it would consist of..."
Try to choose something representative rather than your most stylish/most interesting/most h.o.t. outfit.
Jeans or capri's
Sleeveless v-neck sweater
Cardigan (I tend to get cold)
Sandals (not sure which ones, 'cause I have 10 different pairs)
Either my leather Prada handbag, plaid Burberry handbag or my brown Louis Vuitlton depending on what I am wearing
Movado watch, silver band with black face and gold accents
Wedding ring and diamond engagement ring
Brown-black cat eye glasses
Black Ipod and silver cell phone
OPI nail color on the toes
Ponytail holder to pull hair back when it gets in the way
Makeup: (all from the Body Shop)
Earth tone eyeshadow
Lip gloss
- Husband engaged in a sorefest last night. At least the Boy did not join in.
- I could not shut my brain off last night. Kept thinking about the "Divorce that Will Not End." and my syllabi
- I thought I could sleep in this morning, but the Boy was barking at the work crew next door. My neighbor is having a deck installed. There is one guy on the crew that the Boy just does not like.
- I would love to take a nap, but the front door is going to be installed sometime today.
I was not impressed with Katie tonight. She is just as annoying as ever. That whole "something new other than me" made me change the channel.
I agree with Inaqui. I am sticking with Brian Williams!
On the flip-side, House is back and as bad-ass as ever! Thank God, the new TV season is under way.
Two course syllabi done and two more to go. Of course, they were the 'easy" ones, Survey of Law and Employment Law. I have taught both for so long now that it's like riding a bike. But, I did make some changes with respect to assignments, polices and the like.
I am toying with idea of take home exams in one of those classes. I tried it in Survey of Law last semester and it seemed to work. The other thought would be to have the students take the exam in the computer lab, where they would have to type the exam. The only problem is trying to reserve a lab and dealing with the issue of students complaining about not having enough time to type. And of course, there is the whole monitoring issue. Hmm....
Also, I always have issue with giving students a grade for class participation. Why should I give someone a grade for something that they are supposed to do? Does it punish students who are not very talkative, but do well in the class? Again, hmmmm....
Finally, I got an email from the director of the Criminal Justice program. I am teaching a course in Criminal Law this semester for the department. He indicated that instructors should set the due date for research projects for the beginning of the semester, like say week 7 or 8, so that the students are not overwhelmed at the end of the semester.
Huh? (Picture my head cocked to one side like the Boy when he hears something strange).
I just can't wrap my mind around that one. I am at a loss.
What the hell is up with this. Where are the parents? Where are the limits?
No wonder some of the students we teach can't read or write.
I can see it now...Intervention-Video Games, Next on the Addiction Channel!
Maybe it is true that the whole world has gone to Hell in a hand-basket since David Lee Roth left Van Halen!
- If we are celebrating work, why do most of us have the day off from work?
- The Crocodile Hunter died. Very sad, but not unexpected.
- This is my last week off before classes. Next Monday is faculty in-service. Boring meetings about crap that no one cares about.
- Husband thinks that offers will be made this week to the engineers. Basically, if you don't hear anything, chances are you will not have a job.
- Purchased a new front door yesterday. Should be installed in about a week or so.
- Also took my wedding ring set for repair. Because of the RA, my rings were WAY to tight on my finger. The rings were cutting into my ring finger. Plus, three small diamonds are missing from the band. Should take about two weeks to fix.
- No plans for today. Ernesto really ruined the long weekend here. My back yard is like a sponge.
- I should take the Boy for a walk. He has not been on his leash since Friday. With all the rain on Saturday, the Boy would not go outside, not even to go to the bathroom. I think he held it for 15 hours. He must have a reserve tank!
As seen everywhere:
Three things that scare me
- Snakes (and not just on planes)
- Crowed places
- Being caught in a fire
Three people that make me laugh
- The Boy
- Carlos Mencia
- Husband's dead on impression of Ross Perot
Three things I hate the most
- People who are over zealous about their own agenda that they fail to at least consider other points of view.
- Any kind of -ism (race, sex, etc...)
- The current state of the legal profession
Three things I don't understand
- Why people think Paris Hilton is talented (sorry, Brazen)
- Why there is a reality TV show for EVERYTHING. (What's next...funeral directors???)
- Why women think that acting dumb is cute
Three things I am doing right now
- Typing this meme
- Listening to music
- Singing along to the music
Three things I want to do before I die
- Sing in my own blues-country-alternative rock band
- Travel cross country with Husband and the Boy
- Make peace with my brother
Three things I can do
- Speak German
- Minor plumbing repair
- Obedience train a dog
Three ways to describe my personality
- Fun loving
- Laid back
- Moody
Three things I can't do
- Drive
- Draw
- Drink milk
Three things I think you should listen to
- Your inner voice
- 70's rock singer-songwriters
- The Who
Three things you should never listen to
- People who are intolerant of others
- Boy bands and lip-syncing, no talent pop artists
- People who want to change who you are
Three things I would like to learn
- How to play guitar
- How to play bass
- How to be less moody
Three favorite foods
- Anything Italian
- Anything Mexican
- Chocolate
Three beverages I drink
- Coffee
- Wine
- Assorted hard liquor
Three shows I watched as a kid
- The Flintstones
- Sesame Street
- The Electric Company
Three people to tag.
- If you have not done it yet, nothing I can say will get you to do it now.
Wow, I am still tried from last night's concert. Sheryl Crow was awesome. She really looked like she was having a great time on stage. Plus, she looks awesome, even after going through breast cancer surgery. I hope I look that good when I am 44.
John Meyer was really good too. I was amazed at how great of a guitarist he is. I was only familiar with his music that was popular or released on radio. What is sad is that most of his fans are young girls who really don't have an appreciation for his musical talent.
As usual, I do a great amount of people watching at events like this and I have a few thoughts and comments about the people around me.
- To the girl sitting next to me with legs the width of pipe cleaners. My God, I pray you do not suffer from anorexia. I have been down that road and I know what that is like. But the fact that you ate one nacho and threw the rest out makes me wonder. I hope you trashed them under the seat in front of you because there was a hair in them or something.
- To the girl standing next to Husband doing the "Carlton Dance" while John Meyer performed. Just stop it.
- To the two girls in front of Husband and I: This is not aerobics class or a cheer leading competition. Your bopping up and down makes it hard to see. Plus, we can see your but crack! No one came here to see that!
- To the 50-something woman in front of me: You have proven that Weebles wobble but they don't fall down. Now stop.
- To the two gay dudes complaining that there were no cute guys to hook up with. What did you expect? 3/4 of the people here are female!
- To the woman with the fanny pack. Fanny packs are just wrong. Either put stuff in your pockets or really consider if you really need to carry all that junk.
OK, need more coffee...
- Husband and I are going to see Sheryl Crow and John Meyer tonight. 10th row seats...WOOHOO!!!!
- All is quiet on the client front. I just hope the visitation exchange goes without incident.
- I am still working on syllabi. Why does this process take so freakin' long? At least Survey of Law is done. But I still have Employment Law, Criminal Law (new course) and Critical Thinking.
- Ernesto is going to ruin my long weekend. Heavy rain and possible flooding. Crap.
- I wonder if Husband is going to find out today if he still has a job. Usually such questions are answered on a Friday.
- Shelly has this meme on her blog. Who do you think I am based on what is projected from this blog? Discuss.
About Me

- Seeking Solace
- I am a college professor who is fumbling through the chaos of academia, rheumatoid arthritis, working on my PhD and just being a 40 something woman. I used to be a lawyer, which made me a snarky little person. I have a wonderful Husband and a German Shepherd named Junior. They help keep me sane.