The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Day One

Posted by Seeking Solace |

The first day is done. My critical thinking class should prove to be very interesting. There are some strong opinions in that class. Employment Law is quite small. There are four students with only two showing up today. At least the two that did show up are excellent students, so if the other two decide to drop, the class will be enjoyable.

I don't lecture the first day. It's enough for them to be bombarded with the syllabus and tracking calendar. Also, many do not have books, so it's hard to say "Refer to page 10" when half of the class can't. So, we will hit the ground running on Monday.

No predictions yet as to how the semester will go. Ask me again in two weeks when the honeymoon phase is over.


Alice said...

Congratulations on surviving the first day! I hate going through all the rules. :)

Arbitrista said...

I think it's very cool that you're teaching a class on critical thinking. Over time my classes became more and more about that subject, and I've come around to the idea that it should be a regular course like English and Math. They should start teaching it in the first grade, along with foreign language. Of course I think it wouldn't be hard to encourage critical thinking, since kids engage in it naturally. If only we would stop beating it out of them!
