The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Things That Make You Go "Hmmm".

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Two course syllabi done and two more to go. Of course, they were the 'easy" ones, Survey of Law and Employment Law. I have taught both for so long now that it's like riding a bike. But, I did make some changes with respect to assignments, polices and the like.

I am toying with idea of take home exams in one of those classes. I tried it in Survey of Law last semester and it seemed to work. The other thought would be to have the students take the exam in the computer lab, where they would have to type the exam. The only problem is trying to reserve a lab and dealing with the issue of students complaining about not having enough time to type. And of course, there is the whole monitoring issue. Hmm....

Also, I always have issue with giving students a grade for class participation. Why should I give someone a grade for something that they are supposed to do? Does it punish students who are not very talkative, but do well in the class? Again, hmmmm....

Finally, I got an email from the director of the Criminal Justice program. I am teaching a course in Criminal Law this semester for the department. He indicated that instructors should set the due date for research projects for the beginning of the semester, like say week 7 or 8, so that the students are not overwhelmed at the end of the semester.

Huh? (Picture my head cocked to one side like the Boy when he hears something strange).

I just can't wrap my mind around that one. I am at a loss.


Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

I like the take-home exam... I usually write pretty detailed questions and generally give them a short amount of time between the time the questions are released and when they are due -- typically I release the questions on Monday of finals week and have them due Wednesday at noon...
