The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Monday, September 25, 2006

How Not to Win Friends and Influence People

Posted by Seeking Solace |

There is this instructor that I will refer to as PYT (Prissy Young Thing). PYT is in her second semester of teaching and already she has alienated herself from the rest of the faculty. At a recent faculty meeting, she stated that since she has taught everything from writing to world literature, she knows more than the rest of the faculty about how to grade writing assignments. (Imagine the sound of crickets and grinding of teeth in the background after that comment).

This is not the way to win friends and influence people.

A senior faculty member told me that she had a conversation with PYT who got on her high horse and insulted the senior faculty member by telling her that the senior faculty member has not clue how to teach a partuclur course. (The senior faculty member has been teaching this particular area for YEARS).


She is also known to talk down to students, like she is better than them. A few of my students have complained about her arrogance.

So PYT is pretty much a social pariah on campus. It does not help that she walks around campus acting like her shit doesn't stink.

Part of me wants to take her aside and explain to her that she needs to check her 'tude at the door before some less civilized faculty member knocks her off her high horse. But then there's a part of me that just wants to sit back and watch the carnage and stir clear of any blow-back!


Anonymous said...

Good advice from peri. This does not sound like someone who is going to benefit from your advice anyway. Let her crash and burn.

Abbey said...

I concur, I don't think talking to her would help. Could you imagine if she turns around and tells *you* how to be more appropriately social? I mean she's expert on everything else it sounds.

Lisa said...

I am late on this, but I say sit back and enjoy the show (because it will be good!).
PS-Won't P&T time be especially fun to watch?

Anonymous said...

I concur - I doubt thr PYT would be receptive to input - sounds like she's more of an "output" device. You'd just way plus aggravated.

Also, all of this may have already played out at her prior school, which is why she's at your school now.
