The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

What About Me?????

Posted by Seeking Solace |

As I have mentioned, my college has started a new program in criminal justice. When the program was announced, I was very excited because this is an area that is of great interest to me, having practiced criminal law in the past.

With my other adjunct courses, I get the chance to teach the Criminal Law course. It is going rather well. My students are very eager to learn and work very hard. Plus, the program director has been singing my praises because they have an attorney teaching in the program, which is mostly of retired police officers.

So, imagine my excitement when I receive an email in which the program director announces that there will be an opening for a full time faculty member in the program. At first glance, it sounds great. I would not be jumping from one department to another. Also, I would be part of a growing program.

One of the problems for me is that the new faculty member would have to travel between campuses (We have three). That is a deal breaker for me because I cannot drive due to a visual disability. Public transportation is not very reliable either.

I asked the program director if travel to different campuses would be required. I did not want to show my interest at this point. I just wanted to hear the response. Sure enough, travel is required. Then he says to me "If you know of anyone who is interested, let me know."

Huh? He did not even ask me if I was interested. (He does not know about my disability and it's not very obvious when you look at me.)

I don't know if I should be offended or relieved. I am not even sure if I really want the position. I mean, I could play the disability card, but I hate doing that. Plus, I did apply for a position at Law School, which I will know about sometime at the end of the year. So, it’s not the worst thing in the world. But what really gets me is that it would have been nice if the program director asked me if I was interested.

It kind of makes you wonder about how much people really value you.


sheepish said...

That's just rude to ask like that - unless it was said in some way that included you, which it doesn't really sound like.

Alice said...

Oh, that was definitely inconsiderate. Hope you get good news from the other school!

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

Is it possible that he was trying to be impartial about the search? Perhaps that is his way of saying that any interested applicants should apply, without outright asking you to apply -- which could be seen as a giving you an inside track, which could harm the search.

It is also possible that you were discussed and someone else told him that you didn't drive.

it does suck that the job requires travel, perhaps you should apply and see what happens -- if they want you as their candidate, maybe something like a carpool, teleconferencing or on-line teachiing elsewhere could be arranged.

You can't be the first person they've wanted to hire to work on all campuses that has a transportation challenge.

Psycgirl said...

I'm also wondering if he was trying to be impartial - maybe he did mean you?

Weezy said...

Yeah...sounds like rudeness to me. I had sort of the same experience last year. I found out about the ad from other faculty. As one faculty friend said--"They could have saved about 30 words by just including the phrase 'Weezy need not apply.'

here's to the job you've applied for coming through.

Ps. I'm SO FREAKING THRILLED you have a site feed going!

Jessica said...

Late to the topic, just found your blog. Is it possible that was his way of subtly letting you have an opp to mention your interest? Maybe he didn't want to put you on the spot to explain why you didn't want to work for him? Just a thought....
