The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Stupid Comment

Posted by Seeking Solace |

My Critical Thinking students finished watching One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest today. One of my students made a remark at end of class that gave me pause.

Student 1: Why the hell did the Chief have to kill McMurphy? That’s so wrong.
Student 2: Because he did not want to see McMurphy like he was after the lobotomy. He wanted to remember McMurphy the way he was.
Student 1: That is so stupid. This movie was a total waste of my time.

I did not say anything to Student 1. What could I say? I can’t wait to read Student 1’s paper. I have a funny feeling that she is going to have plenty to say.


sheepish said...

One wonders if she is going to have much to say articulately though.

Anonymous said...

So, do you ever get the feeling that it might be better if some of the students were in the Cuckoo's nest?
