The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Some People

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Jo(e) has an excellent post regarding sexism. Definitely a good read.

But then I read this on Fox News and I realized that some people still don’t get it.


Ianqui said...

Honey, why are you even reading faux news?

(It also disturbed me to have to see a promo for a video clip on the sidebar with the following text: "Democratic or Disrespectful? A high school class holds a mock war crimes trial of President Bush". Let me guess what they're going to decide.)

Seeking Solace said...

Ianqui: In my defense (and I think I need one here), I read everything from CNN to Fox. I am neither liberal nor conservative, Republican or Democrat. I am a card carrying member of the Independence party which basically means that I am too jaded to be a Democrat and not evil enough to be a Republican! I am a middle of the road gal!

And yes, I don't like Bush!

I hope you would hate me now!

Dr. Brazen Hussy said...

This is the stupidest thing I've seen all day. Roe v. Wade for men, my ass. Sigh.

(Someone else sent me the same story this morning, only from Much more reputable!)

Seeking Solace said... is great!

Anonymous said...

OK - so women shouldn't be allowed to terminate a pregnancy (if our current admin get their way) and men get to shake parental rights off like a bad cold. Isn't hypocrisy AWESOME! Bill hicks has a joke where women leave babies on the Supreme's steps - "You said we had to have them - YOU take care of them!!!"
