The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

All Things Must Pass

Posted by Seeking Solace |

February is over and I am so glad. For a short little month, it's a cruel SOB.

I have been in the "meh" sort of mood. Although February is not a brutal in Elsewhere as it was in Lake Effect Snow Central weather-wise, it has been a rough month filled with chaos and disorder leaving me feeling...meh.

I am trying to re-evaluate the chaos. I think I am trying to fight it rather than just letting it ride. I think that's the natural defense, meet it head on and just fight it. I suppose I should just follow what one blogger and Twitter pal said "This too shall pass".

I suppose. I guess we choose how we react to chaos, whether we realize it or not. I resort to my default setting and feel the need to fix the chaos, fight the power and all of that other crap. You know, be the martyr. And it doesn't help when there are others who feed on the frenzy by adding to the chaos. It's a little harder to actual stop and say "Is this really worth stressing?"

I am trying to think about the things I can control. That should be my focus.

At least until the chaos passes.


MissDazey said...

Yes, this too will pass is a good way to look at things, especially things we can't do much about. I usually say to myself and anyone close by, "You won't remember this in 10 years, or even next year."

Have a good Sunday afternoon with Hubby and Boy. Did you look at any more houses?

Seeking Solace said...

We are going to see one today that looks promising.

Also, it's another high holy day in the religion of hockey. Go Team USA.

Rebecca said...

Yep, it's so much less exhausting when you can just step back and let the chaos pass you by. Sometimes, like when you went through that first go round at your new job, the chaos hits us head on and we have no choice but to deal with it best we can. But more and more, I'm finding that we can often just step out of its path, wait for it to pass, then go on our merry way.

Good luck with the house hunt! Hope the turmoil of last week is gone for a good long while.

jo(e) said...

Count me in as someone happy to see February over with.

Anonymous said...

Ditto -- glad to see the tail end of February!! How's the house-hunting going?

RageyOne said...

Yes, February hasn't been nice to many. I'm ready for it to be done as well.

Here's to a better tomorrow (and month)!

Seeking Solace said...

Thanks everyone!

I am hoping that March will be better for me and everyone. :)

TiredProf said...

