The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Monday, May 18, 2009

To Eat Or To Not Eat

Posted by Seeking Solace |

As some of you know. I returned to being a vegetarian (Well, a pescetarian because I eat a little seafood for the Omega 3's). I decided to go veggie as a tool in battling my RA. There are studies that show a vegetarian diet is bifocal in dealing with some of the symptoms of RA, especially inflammation. Also, I have never been a huge meat eater, so making the transition was not too difficult. I have done a lot of reading about incorporating the proper about of iron, protein and other things into my diet to compensate for any deficiencies. Even Husband, who is the ultimate carnivore, enjoys many of my veggie meals. Everything seemed to be just fine for a while.

Lately, I feel like there is something missing. I have added other sources of protein to help compensate, but I am wondering if I am getting enough. I was thinking about experimenting with a little chicken to see if that is the case. I made chicken for Husband, but I only use the organic, free range variety, as I don't want Husband ingesting all those chemicals.

It would be a lot easier without having a chonic illness. But, I have to factor in the RA and doing what's best for me. Perhaps my body needs the extra protein. Maybe a Mediterranean diet would work better for me.

Any opinions out there? I would love to hear from my veggie friends too.


AliceAcademic said...

I'm vegetarian and love it. I've never been overly concerned about how much protein I get, maybe because I eat a lot of cheese, lentils and beans. (I'd be happy to share recipes over email if you want.) I'm curious, though, about what makes you feel like you need more protein? Are you feeling tired more easily? If that is the case, the likely culprit for vegetarians tends to be iron deficiency.

Seeking Solace said...

AliceAcademic: I do pretty good with the lentals and stuff. It's just that I worry with the RA that I may be missing something. I am tired, mostly because of the RA.

rented life said...

My brother could look up some suggestions--all natural and not necessarily meat based-if you want me to ask him. He's pretty good about it.

I am a pseudo vegetarian only because I can't afford meat as often as I'd like. I still don't know how you gave up a good steak. Since you are not a vegetarian because of moral/ethical etc reasons you could give the chicken a shot. I guess my question is, do you miss the meat? And, as Alice mentioned--do you take iron? Women tend to me anemic more often then men.

Seeking Solace said...

RL: I've never been a steak eater. Burgers are OK; I love Boca Burgers.

I do wonder about the iron. I've been slacking on my vitamins lately...

Unknown said...

Have you ever tried going gluten free? Many with RA have found success with it. Otherwise, I am a meat eater so I don't have lots of other ideas. Do you use a fish oil?
