The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Friday, September 26, 2008

So. Very. Tried.

Posted by Seeking Solace |

It's a good thing that I am off on Fridays. I am exhausted. I spent the entire day on the couch, napping and doing not much of anything else.

The other thing is, my feet HURT. Yesterday, I tried to put on my cute new shoes, which I have worn a few times and absolutely love. My feet were having none of it. Today, the best I could do was to go barefoot or put on my Sketchers.

Usually, it takes a while for me to get used to wearing my big girl shoes. I spent all summer wearing sandals, flip-flops or going bare-foot. So, going back to heels is quite an adjustment. But by now, I should have gotten used to it.

I think I am getting to a point in life where my high heels are no longer an option, at least on an all day basis. Up until last year, I could wear my heels all day without a problem. I could run in heels, just like Stacey from What Not to Wear. Not anymore

I should keep a pair of flats in the office to wear when I am not teaching. I am on the lookout for some cute flats. I like pointy toe shoes. If you get the proper fit, you will not have cramped toes. Also, it does make you look long and lean. A nice thing for the vertically challenged.

Maybe if I have some energy, I will do some shoe shopping. I have been on-line and found some cute things, but I would like to see if I can find something locally.

Well, all this typing is making me tired.


Anonymous said...

I am right there with you. I used to wear heels all day with no problem. Now all I want to do is wear my flipflops or uggs.
Lets go shoe shopping! :-)

comebacknikki said...

Yeah, my heel days are pretty much over. I can only wear chunky heels at this point - so sad.

Seeking Solace said...

GML: Absolutely. I can't wait to break out my Uggs!!! Let's do a shopping trip!

Comebacknikki: Yeah, my skinny heel days are done.

rented life said...

I never fully mastered the heel thing so the image of running in heels just makes me laugh.

They're not pointy toed, but my favorite flats are from Target. They may have had pointed toe ones since most of their shoes are anyway, and they had some fun solid colors to perk up any outfit.

Karen said...

First day back in shoes after a summer of flip flops was yesterday...and today my tootsies are paying for it. It's going to be flats for awhile until my feet adjust.

Anonymous said...

flats are definitely the way to go in my book too!
