The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Bad Idea

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Cell phones welcome in some classrooms.

My thoughts:

~Students using cell phones to take quizzes? Um...I can just see some students storing information to cheat.

~Students will be expected to use the devices to brainstorm ideas... So, does that mean that the phone will do the thinking for them? Students can use their phones but they cannot think for themselves?

~How do we ensure that the phones are being used for learning and not other things, like texting.

I am all for technology, I just think this is a bad idea.


Karen said...

This idea is ridiculous! Nobody is going to be using these phones for "handouts"...they are going to be texting the entire time. Silliness!

k8 said...

I tell my students that if they have a phone, it must remain off. If it is on and it rings, somebody better have died or given birth. Seriously, I have that written in my syllabus.

Of course, if there is some other extra special reason, they need to tell me before class and leave the room if they choose to take a call.

Sometimes I'm surprised that my students think I'm so nice considering I lay down "my" law early on. Of course, if they play nice I do too.
