The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Sunday, October 28, 2007

I Should Be Grading...

Posted by Seeking Solace |

But, I am not.

I am in such a foul mood. First there is the painful fall I took on Friday Although I am feeling better, I re-bruised the bone my left knee which took almost a year to heal the FIRST time I bruised it. The incident that resulted in the fall just reminds me of how many rude people there are in the world. Then, I got some rotten news about a good friend who is having a hard time. Let's just say that if I ever run into this guy's soon to be ex, I am going to need a good lawyer because I shouldn't represent myself for assault and battery. And then finally, some crappy family stuff that I can't blog about.

I can't concentrate or even think straight right now.

I understand why Husband often dreams about living in the woods with just me and the Boy and forget about the rest of the world.


Prisca said...

Sounds like a lot of crap all at once. I thought you'd dream of moving to a beach. ;)

Mad Hatter said...

Sorry to hear you're having a bad few days. My husband has the same dream about building a house out in the boonies where no one will bother us. The only problem is that if my commute to work gets any longer than it already is, I just might have a full-blown case of road rage someday....

Hope things get better soon!
