The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Pulling Through

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I have been in this funk for the past week.

  • The loss of GML's dog really hit me hard. Partly because I am a dog mom too. But, it took me back to when I had to put Duke to sleep five years ago after he was losing his battle with cancer. Even though I have dealt with the loss of a pet before, Duke's passing was very hard. So when GML's dog died, it brought back a flood of memories.
  • I am disgusted with the insensitivity of the people I work with. I think I mentioned that for our faculty luncheon, we are having roast beef (which I don't like) and chicken piccata (which I can't eat because the restaurant makes it with mushrooms). Then, they are serving red potatoes and garlic potatoes and a chef salad. I am not paying $10.00 to eat potatoes and a salad! I can't believe that my colleagues voted this way. So, I am not attending the luncheon as my form of silent-passive-aggressive protest. If GML is on campus, maybe she and I can do lunch. Besides, we can drink!
  • The Divorce From Hell is still alive and kicking. I found out that all judgements must be in the judge's chamber by close of business on the 18th. So, I have been frantically running around trying to get opposing counsel and the law guardian to get off their asses and sign off on the judgement, which I wrote to them about TWO WEEKS AGO and have been stalking them ever since. Then, there was this matter of my misplacing my copy of the trial transcript (VERY BAD!). I spent part of Thursday trying to get another copy. Today, I received opposing counsel's approval letter. Now, I am just waiting for the law guardian.
  • Grading, grading and more grading. 'Nuff said.
  • My right shoulder is almost non-functioning. I don't want to pull out the friend card with my chiropracter (she is a good friend and I have never used our friendship to get a rush appointment). But I am desperate! Drugs and Biofreeze only work for so long.
  • I still don't know what I am teaching next semester. All adjuncts at my college are pissed because we don't have our schedules yet. Retention is really down, so some of us may only have one or two classes. On a positive note, I got a call from Community College who said that my application is being forward to the CJ department.

So, in order to get de-funked, Husband and I are going out to a local tree farm and we are going to cut our own Christmas tree. Having an artificial is sacrilege in my house. Pre-cuts don't last as long. But, we always have fun.

Now, I just hope the lights work!


Alice said...

Hope you're feeling better!

Happy Christmas tree picking! ;)

Anonymous said...

Sorry things have been tough lately. I have my fingers crossed for you on the CJ with the CC. Have fun chopping down the tree! We go to a farm every year, and it's great fun. :)


Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

hang in there --

Good luck with the CC -- this is the full-time job, no?
