The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It Pays To Study

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Last Monday, I had my Employment Law class draw numbers to determine who would be first for the oral exam. Average Student chose the first slot, Lazy Student Who Cheats chose the second, and Awesome Student chose the third. I told them that they would not know the questions in advance. I also told them that they would not get the same questions. Lazy Student's face turned white. He had this look of fear on his face. I had set up the exam so that he could not cheat his way through it. Plus, he could not press Awesome Student for answers. He would have to study.

Today was the exam. Average Student did quite well. Awesome Student did awesome, as usual. Lazy Student crashed and burned. I kept throwing him a bone to help him out, but it was clear that he did not study. He kept confusing the words "subjective" and "objective", so I had to stop and explain the difference. Later, Awesome Student stopped by to see me about a recommendation (which I was happy to give. I would clone her if I could). She told me that Lazy Student pumped her for information about her questions and bitched because Lazy Student thought that her questions were easier.

I have not completed their final grades yet. But, I really want Lazy Student to fail. I know that sounds bad and I know that I will see him again, but I don't think he deserves to pass. It will probably screw up my karma, but I can't help thinking that way.


Prisca said...

I'd feel the same way. It's crazy that after multiple opportunities to actually DO the work, some folks still think that cheating is less work. I mean, is taking the course over really something you want to do? What a waste of time and money....

Anonymous said...

hey, if he fails, it's his own doing. but yah, sometimes i feel bad for wanting certain ones to fail...sometimes ;o)
