The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

It All Started With A Phone Call...

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Telling me that the coffee machine was broken. That was 9:00 AM

And then it went downhill from there.

10:00 AM: Massive headache and no Tylenol. Plus, the coffee machine is still broken. Had to run to the store.

11:00 AM: I gave my Critical Thinking students a work day for their research paper. I told them I would be in the classroom if they wanted to meet with me. FW stopped by and asked me why I stated on his rough draft that a particular section was plagiarism. I explained to him that the information he used was not cited in the body of his paper or in his reference page. He claimed that he listed some dictionary as his source. I then explained that the source in question was the information regarding the Enron scandal. He then told me that he cited that source as a web page in the reference page. I told him that web-page that he cited was not the source for the Enron article, but another source properly documented in his paper. He then said "I guess the rumors were true. You do check EVERY source." (Don't worry, I made a copy of his draft and the website where he plagiarized...just in case)

11:30 AM: Student does not show up for his meeting with me. I guess he is OK with failing my class. (Thanks everyone for your input. I would have done a combination of both options.)

11:45 AM: One of my colleagues told me that a student in my law class has announced to her and other students that he intends to cheat on next week's oral exam. He plans to sit in the room and listen to the questions asked of the other students. He figured that I have to ask the students the same questions because it would not be fair. Of course I had already planed for such an event. I put in the information packet for the exam that I would be using the Dean's office for the oral and that students would wait in the Dean's reception area until I escorted them to and from the exam. Plus, any student found lurking around during the exam will receive an "F" and be subject to further disciplinary action. (I have spies who are working for me).

12:30 PM: Faculty meeting in which I, along with my colleagues, are reminded that the low retention numbers and the sudden increase in student absences are our fault. Faculty does not do enough to encourage the students to stay in class. Also, adjuncts are now required to attend faculty development seminars, which we are not compensated and there are no plans to compensate us in the future. Plus, adjuncts must attend their own faculty development meeting, which we will not be compensated for, in January when we have not even signed our contracts for the next semester. Then, senior adjuncts (like yours truly, are "encouraged" to act as facilitators.

1:30 PM: Massive headache, upset stomach (from the disgusting pizza and wings served at the faculty meeting) and cramps results in my ripping off the heads of my law class.

3:00 PM: I get cornered by a member of the administration to serve as a facilitator for the adjunct development. Felt to sick to work out.

3:30 PM: I realized that I forgot to write the take home exam for my Criminal Law class. They are supposed to get it tomorrow.

4:30 PM: Headed home, having not accomplished anything with the take home. My only consolation was big sloppy kisses from the The Boy, a nap on the couch until 6:00 and Husband with dinner cooked and a sympathetic ear.

8:30 PM: Still have not written the exam. Needed to vent. I guess I better get to work.


Anonymous said...

Actually, one of the issues that broke me last week was seeing one of my colleagues treated like shit in the adjunct process. I couldn't blog about it because I didn't think I could get past "they've all got a stick up their ass" in this other department, and I had to deal with committee meetings.

Anonymous said...

Oops, that was me, Anon,


Anonymous said...

wow, sorry for your attrocious sounding day...
hope today is better and that the exam writing went well.

Anonymous said...

The coffee machine was broken??? OH the horror! The last time that happened to me at work I nearly cried (and stood next to the repairman the entire time he worked until he was finished).

Hope tomorrow looks better!!

Anonymous said...

thirs anonymous was idea why it came up as anon, sorry!

Anonymous said...

ss--you are really being taken advantage of in that job (like you need me to point it out,too.). The last time I visited here, you had an offer (I think) to teach at another school. What happened to it?

Sending lavish amounts of sympathy your way. . .

Seeking Solace said...

Joanna: Actually it wasn't an offer. I sent a resume to Law School Alma Mater, who was looking for full time professors. They will not start the interviewing process until February. I am still in the running.

Anonymous said...

Ah. I keep forgetting that the blogosphere is made up of more than English teachers. Here's a firm, solid wish of good luck coming to you. Your current job sounds like too much stress.
