The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Don't Assume

Posted by Seeking Solace |

There are three students in my Employment Law course. Two are wonderful, hard working students who really care about their work. The third is a slacker who rarely attends class or does any work.

Slacker Student had not attended class since the end of September. I asked the other students in my Employment Law class if they have seen him. One student told me that he has attended his other classes. When I asked if he said anything about mine Slacker informed this student that he assumes that I will accept his late work, since I gave him an extension for a project last semester.

Excuse me?? But don't extensions have an expiration date on them???

What's worse is that when you assume, you make an ass out of a dyslexic emu!


Alice said...

Alas, I have fallen into that trap before. You want to be nice and understanding and they rudely walk all over you. No more!

Chaser said...

