The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Friday, October 14, 2005

No Sugar and Spice, and Definitely Not Nice!

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I heard a story on talk radio where studies show that middle school girls are more violent that boys. I actually said out loud “Hello, genius, tell me something I don’t know. I see it everyday in my college classes. Honestly, I sometimes fear these young ladies more than I do young men. Girls tend to hold grudges. They can be vicious and vindictive. Their mouths run longer then the Energizer Bunny. They will fight you if you look at them sideways. The worst part of it is that they just don’t care.

The other day, I was having a private conversation with one of my students after class. I closed the door to give us some privacy. Suddenly, I hear a loud banging on the door. Wondering if someone was trying to warn me that the hallway was on fire or we were under a terrorist attack, I opened the door. Two young ladies were standing in the hallway.

“Get the hell out of this room, ‘cause we need it.” one of the girls growled at me.

Did I hear her correctly? Did I just hear this young lady demand that I get the hell out of my classroom?

“I am having a private discussion with one of my students right now.” I said calmly. “You will have to wait until I am finished.”

“Well, hurry the hell up.” Her friend said. The look she gave me could freeze hydrogen.

“I will hurry the hell up, when I am good and ready to.” I answered.

I closed the door before they could respond. Two minutes later, my student and I left the room. I guess using the room was not that important to these young ladies, because they were long gone.

As I walked away, I all I could think was God grant me the serenity….

