The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Posted by Seeking Solace |

I'm back from my trip to my hometown. What a weekend!

The reunion was a blast. What was so amazing was the number of people who showed up. There were about 320 students in my graduation class and of that, about 100 showed up not including spouses or dates. I think there was about 150 in total.

Now for the good stuff...

Many people did not recognize me. Mostly because of my hair. Back then, it was short and curly. Now it is long and straight. I received many compliments on how great I looked. That dress really did me justice. I got a few double takes from guys who did not give me the time of day back then. What really made my night was when one of my classmates said that I looked like a goddess...SWEET!!! It also surprised many people that I am a college professor and an attorney. I was quiet and somewhat awkward in high school, so I guess they figured that being an attorney was the last thing they could see me doing. That will teach them to underestimate someone!

I was really happy to see my classmates from elementary school. I went to a private school from kindergarten to 6th grade. There were only 20 students in my class. As a result, we were a close knit group. Even in high school, when we drifted into different cliques, we still had that bond. So, it was great to reconnect with those folks.

The next day, my best friend, Piglet, and I had a "debriefing" over dinner. What we found was that many of my male classmates are bald. Not balding...just bald. Also, many of the "beautiful people" did not age well. Some looked about 10 years older than what there really were. For the most part, people were friendly and engaging. There were a few people who "snubbed" us. One in particular just looked right through Piglet when she tried to talk to her! I guess some people never grow up.

All in all, it was a great night. I am glad that I went. I felt vindicated by those who thought I would not amount to much and to those who thought I was not pretty enough. It also felt great to reconnect with people that I was friends with, but lost touch. I collect a bunch of e-mails and will be contacting them.

Next post about my long weekend will be a discussion of my father-in-law's mullet. That's right...a mullet!

Stay tuned!


Dr. Brazen Hussy said...

Very very nice!! I'm glad to hear that you were totally awesome, especially cool because it was unexpected!

I went to my 10 year high school reunion awhile back, and I got really stinking drunk (reeeeeeeaaaaalllly drunk) and said lots of rude things to people, much of which I don't really remember. I cringe just thinking about it, and can probably never go to another reunion again. Oh well. I hate those people anyway.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! It almost makes me wish I'd gone to mine.

Too bad about some of those people. That's sad, really.

I saw pictures from mine. (They posted 200+ online.) A lot of people looked awesome. Not a lot of baldies or people who looked like crap.

Maybe I'm glad I didn't go after all!

Can't WAIT to hear about the mullet!!!!


Arbitrista said...

Have you ever noticed how the "beautiful people" in high school really just looked mature for their age? In other words, they were getting old fast. And after they graduated, they kept it up. Heh heh.

comebacknikki said...

Glad to hear you had a good time. I skipped my 10 year (last year) b/c none of the people I cared about were planning on going. I think I'm going to go to my 15th or 20th though... partially to see who became a baldie! :)

Anonymous said...

ooh, i LOVE the getting old fast theory. that is very nice. i am sticking with that one.

RageyOne said...

Sounds like you had a great time!

Leslie M-B said...

I'm so glad you had a good time. I skipped my ten-year reunion because, well, my friends weren't going to be there. And since my graduating class is about 650 people (down from 1000 freshman year), I never quite feel like celebrating anything having to do with graduation. And yes, my high school was ghetto. How ghetto? Snoop Dogg graduated from there.

I did attend Mr. Trillwing's 20th in Tucson a few years back. Lots of tales of arson. Good times!

And how the hell did you get to be a lawyer AND a college professor within 10 years of graduating from high school?
