The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sleep Has Left Me Alone

Posted by Seeking Solace |

  • Husband engaged in a sorefest last night. At least the Boy did not join in.
  • I could not shut my brain off last night. Kept thinking about the "Divorce that Will Not End." and my syllabi
  • I thought I could sleep in this morning, but the Boy was barking at the work crew next door. My neighbor is having a deck installed. There is one guy on the crew that the Boy just does not like.
  • I would love to take a nap, but the front door is going to be installed sometime today.



*statgirl* said...

What is it with dogs? My neighbors have two dogs, both of which seem to really like me when I am outside; however one of the dogs will bark up a storm if he is in their yard and happens to look up and see me in one of my upstairs windows. I have to close the blinds to my laundry room if that dog is outside or he drives the entire neighborhood bonkers.

Seeking Solace said...

That is strange.

The Boy is quite friendly. I think if someone broke in my house, he would lick them to death. He is more bark than anything else. He looks like a German Shepard and has the German Shepard intelligence, but he is ALL Lab with his personality and temperament.

But yesterday, this guy tried to pet him and the Boy went for his hand. He has NEVER done that before.

BrightStar (B*) said...

ugh. mornings like that are rough. I hope you get more sleep tonight.

Rebecca said...

That guy is probably a serial killer.

Can't you nap until the door people come, whenever that may be? You don't have to be too fully alert to watch them change out a door, right?
