The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Oh Crap!!!

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I ran into one of my students at the liquor store last night. Husband and I stopped at our favorite little mom and pop liquor store on our way home from grocery shopping. We were low on wine. We were standing in line, when I heard this voice that sounded somewhat familiar. I looked over to see one of my students from my Law and Ethics class. This was not one of my favorite students. In fact, this student is a total slacker and very ghetto. She was with another girl who I have seen on campus. I don't know what they were buying, and I did not want to know!

I felt so awkward. I said "hello" and all the usual pleasantries, but frankly, I just wanted to get the hell out of there! Luckily, the clerk rang us up quickly and we were out of there. My husband was pretty cool about the whole thing and could sense my discomfort.

Have any of you had any strange encounters with students at places outside of campus? Did you feel as awkward as I did???


Alice said...

Oh, yeah, I can't stand when students are "following" me around; alas, it's a given in this sleepy town where I live.

Just recently, I had a doctor's appointment: (1) receptionist was a former student and (2) one of the patients was a current student who came in with her kids (not well-behaved, I should add) and wanted to chat. Go away!

betty said...

ooooh, once when I had just started teaching I a bunch of my friends from grad school (I was still at the same intstitution) and I decided we NEVER go out and we should change that. We decided to try a new bar. We thought the place was alright - decent beer, not much of a crowd (but it was early). We did think it was a bit strange that a disco ball was randomly suspended above all the tables in the main area of the bar - becasue this place is an english pub, NOT a dance club (otherwsie we'd have not been there). Then a DJ set up and we thought maybe they were having some sort of dance party night which was weird, but ok I guess. THEN, all of a sudden, TONS of undergrads started pouring into the club and in the first bolus was EIGHT students I was teaching that year! It turns out it was senior pub crawl and that night the pub crawl was at this particular bar.

What was so bad about this is that I'm young enough that it was weird because they seriously thought I was there ON PURPOSE because it was senior pub night. Sort of like they thought that I thought that I could ang out with undergrads and that would be normal. The obviously thought the guys that were with us were ultra sketchy.

Needless to say, we left immediately. Ick!

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

I've run into them in all kinds of odd places -- the carwash, most restaurants in the area of the campus employ at least one former student etc... The strangest place to meet a BNCC student was in Best Buy -- It was odd because it is in my neighborhood and mostly the people in my neighborhood speak spanish or are mentally handicapped.

The most uncomfortable place ever was at my own apartment pool in Red State. Two of my students were roomies, complaining about the third roomate. The third one turned up in my class the following semester... eek.

Abbey said...

I've only taught one class and it was only 12 students so the likelihood is small. Nonetheless, I've run into one of my least favorite students twice at my favorite margarita watering hole. We've made eye contact a couple of times but haven't spoken.

Anonymous said...

I've run into students at WalMart, the grocery store, Home Depot, etc. Almost every restaurant has a student working there. About the oddest place that I've run into a former student was on vacation, some 1100 miles from here. I was touring a brewery with some friends. At the end of the tour, they gave us free beers. Sitting there drinking my beer, a former student walks up to me!

As to whether or not it is awkward, well that depends upon the student.

Arbitrista said...

I took my brother to a strip club for his 21st birthday (it's what he said he wanted. What was I to do?). I had always avoided going to strip clubs because a)I think they're kind of gross (no I'm not saying this for the benefit of my wife), and b) I was absolutely convinced that if I ever set foot in one I'd see one of my students naked.

Sure enough, we sit down and there's one of my students dancing on the stage wearing her birthday suit. Ugh.

Seeking Solace said...

Publius: EWWW. That is just creepy!!!!

Weezy said...

Sorry I'm behind on comment-- need a site feed!!!

Two awkward moments, both this summer.

1. Running into students at a bazaar where i am carrying a huge pitcher of beer in one hand and drinking out of the cup in the other.

2. Being well out of the area at a gay bar and running into one of my students--- whose commment was HOLY FUCKING SHIT

gotta love it!
