The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Feeling Bitchy

Posted by Seeking Solace |

My motivation level is -2 today. If it was for the fact that I have to cover LB's classes today, I would still be under the covers. I have a pile of Law and Ethics midterms to grade and another pile of Critical Thinking essays. Question for the masses, why do students choose not to read the instructions to the assignment? One of these days, I am going to give an assignment with no instructions. When the students ask about the missing instructions, I will just tell them that I decided not to give any since they never read them. Let them figure it out. Ok, I know I am being cynical here, but that's just the kind of mood I am in at the moment.

I did tell the DI that there was no fucking way I would take over the Sociology classes. It is insulting to think that anyone would work for that rate and does all that work.

I sent another email to University in Southern State to follow up on the selection process. I told them that I would be in the area in a couple of weeks and thought maybe I could come in to discuss the job. Bold, no? Of course, it's a total lie, but let's see if they call my bluff. Besides, maybe a change of scenery will do me good.


Alice said...

I don't think following up is too bold. Let's hope they invite you for a meeting!
