The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

It's Back!!!!

Posted by Seeking Solace |

American Idol returned tonight. I confess that I love watching the auditions. I get a kick out of people making total assess of themselves for the whole world to see. Granted, there are some who are just there to get on TV. Husband says that AI brings out the freak in people. But it amazes me how completely delusional people can be.

Thoughts about tonight’s show:

1. Why in the HELL did Randy and Paula allow that psycho Dave guy through to the next round? Someone needs to check the dosage of his meds.

2. The Ukrainian chick will probably make it in the sequel to Basic Instinct or porn films.

3. Seeing Sun-Tan Girl Crystal with her mother just proves that the apple does not fall far from the tree. She was a few notes short of a song.

4. When Husband heard the one kid sing the Weight, he went to the bathroom. I think he had to throw up.

5. What’s up with Simon and the fat comments?

6. I can’t listen to Blue Moon or Lady Marmalade ever again. Bad images enter my mind!

Any comments AI fans?


~profgrrrrl~ said...

I'm so with you on #6. And sun tan girl, it was just so sad.

BrightStar (B*) said...

1. I think they just did that to irritate Simon.

2. I can't believe they let her sing so much of that song.

3. Totally.

4. LOL

5. not sure

6. agreed

Dr. Crazy said...

I, too, take pleasure in the AI. I've got to say, though, that I always feel a little bit sick after watching the audition shows. As for #1, I agree that they let that dude through as a big screw you to Simon. As for Simon with the weight stuff, I'd say that on the one hand he does so to give the appearance of "reality" - i.e., this is what REAL people in the music business people say about people trying to get record deals - but also because weight is the only thing that it's socially acceptable to comment about. NEVER do you hear him say that somebody is flat-out ugly, and I'm sorry, but some of the people are. In other words, it's all about the appearance of reality, but not about actual reality at all (see the above comments of APL).

Kiss My Mike said...

I was laughing my ass out last night when I saw AI.

I think Randy and Paula allowed Dave in because they wanted the dude to talk to their ailing pets. You know, just so the pets would cheer up!

I was with you on the Ukrainian chick, and I think that was subtely suggested by the three judges as well. And yeah, I can't listen to Lady Marmalade for now. Horrible!

I like the one guy who sang a Sinatra!
