The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Friday, November 11, 2005

Take It Easy

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Ah, Friday. No classes and it’s a holiday. The Boy let me sleep in until 9:00 this morning. Usually, his mission is to wake me up so that he can sleep downstairs! If he senses any signs of movement, he is trotting around the bed, whining to get my attention. If that does not work, he will jump in the bed and try to move me. There is nothing like a 70 pound German Shepard who thinks he is a lap dog!

I have not figured out what the plan is for today. Husband has to work today. It’s nice that no one is here. It is relatively quite, with the exception of the occasional barking fits from the Boy because he sees a squirrel in the backyard and he feels the need to give chase.

I guess I better take advantage of the time. There are five weeks left in the semester, and all hell will break loose after Thanksgiving.

Just a side note on Veteran’s Day, No matter what your opinion is about the war, take some time to give props to our men and women who serve our country.

