The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The "May I Help You" Riff

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Remember the movie Wanye's World? There's a scene in the movie in which Wayne sees Excalibur, AKA a Fender Stratocaster Guitar. Watch what happens as he tries to get the clerk's attention:

Yesterday, I used the job hunting version of the May I Help You riff. I called the person responsible for one of the positions that I am interested in at HBCU. Needless to say, I got the person's voice mail.  I left my message. There was no playing of Stairway to Heaven, though.

Today, I need to call about the other job. I noticed that the position has disappeared from the HR page. I am not surprised by this, as it has happened twice in the past. I plan to play dumb and do the May I Help You riff again. I'll hold on to that extra piece of information and use it later.

I have a feeling I may have to play this riff a few times. That appears to be the way things work at HBCU. Also, it's part of the Finding a Job hustle.

Maybe I get Husband to teach me how to play the opening bars of Stairway on his Fender

