The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013...A Wild Ride

Posted by Seeking Solace |

2013 can best be described as a roller coaster for me.  Lots of ups and downs, twists and turns and a couple of upside-down moments.

  • January began with a new job and a new title at Tech College. I was cautiously optimistic about my new position as a dean of academics, despite the fact that it was a 40 minute commute, long hours and the campus being in complete disarray.  Although, I was able to put the campus in a better position than I found it and increased student morale, there was just too many issues at the institutional level. I had no support from my boss; he was a micro-manager who would undermine my authority. I did not receive the help that I needed to run the campus effectively, despite my pleas for help. Basically, I was doing my job, plus the jobs of four other people. Working 16 hours a day and constantly being on call was just too much. After seven months, I resigned. 
  • The stress of working at Tech College resulted in my being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. But, at least the RA stayed in check. Once I left Tech College and got some rest, I got the fibromyalgia under control.  I am doing great with both and have no issues and no pain.
  • I took a adjunct position at HBCU, teaching an online class. Because they hired me so close to the start date of the semester, I had to complete the online training quickly. I leaned Moodle in 36 hours, threw together a syllabus and hit the ground running. All in all, the experience was good. I am teaching the same class for the spring semester. 
  • I applied for a FT faculty position at HBCU. No one acknowledged my application.  I am still pretty pissed off about that. I do plan to address it in the new year with HR.
  • I also decided focus on earning my PhD. Although I have a JD, most places do not consider it to be a suitable doctorate for teaching at the college level (I have vented about this on several occasions). I took a course in Education Research Design which I really enjoyed. I found that I really enjoy my studies and the program. 
  • To date, I've lost 45.5 pounds. I went from a size 14-16, L/XL to a size 6 S/M. I look and feel amazing. I am more aware of potions sizes and how much I really need to feel full. I did not give up any of my favorite foods or alcohol. I just made smart choices. I am hoping to reach my goal by the end of January.
  • I am exercising regularly. Junior and I go for our "walkies" 5 days a week. We do a fast walk/slow jog intervals or just a brisk walk. If it is too cold for me, I use my treadmill in our new workout room in our house. I've added light weights too. I never thought I would be able to jog again because of the RA. But, the the weight loss has taken much of the impact off of my joints. 
  • I became a great aunt. My oldest niece gave birth to a beautiful baby girl! 
It's been a long, strange year. I hope 2014 will be a little less crazy because I am getting too old for roller coasters.


Karen said...

Hoping for a more peaceful 2014 for you! At least work-wise!

chicago foodie girl said...

Happy 2014! :-)
