The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Long Week Running

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I am sitting here on this Saturday night absolutely exhausted.  This has been a crazy week. I had a research proposal due for my Education Design methods class on Wednesday. Although, the prof only wanted a draft, I wanted to have as close to a finished product as possible. After the holiday break, I will be consumed with teaching. grading and other end of semester heinousness at HBCU.

The proposal is a major revision of a proposal I wrote last year. I had an idea which totally shifted the focus of what will possibly be my dissertation. My prof was very helpful in helping me marrow it, but trying to get all the ideas on paper took some work. I have a post about that coming up soon.  By Thursday, with the draft submitted, I had to focus on my students, whom I had ignored for a few days. Thursday and Friday were filled with grading, recording the last lecture and posting assignments.

Today, I turned my focus to my house. Despite the fact that I am working from home now, I cannot, for the life of me, understand how two adults and one large canine can destroy a house. I put my the Disco station on Pandora on my Iphone, stuck my ear buds in and got to cleaning. Except for vacuuming, which is Husband's job, I have a pretty clean house. I was pretty wiped out and crashed on the couch, only to awaken to the smell of dinner. Husband cooked!

I've been surfing the web all evening and listening to the JFK documentary on CNN. I did purchase pair of boots at Zappo's in black leather. They have an 80's and moto vibe to them. I think they will look great with skinny jeans. Husband and Junior are tag team snoring on the couch. Husband was doing some work on the car in preparation to our trip to the City of Champions to see our family for Thanksgiving, plus doing some minor plumbing work. It was also his day to take Junior for his walk.

I think I will try to sneak upstairs and try to have the bed to myself. 

