The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Sunday, January 01, 2012

2012: Let It Be

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I don't make resolutions. Frankly, I find it rather cliche'. I mean you hear people say "I resolve to *insert bad habit*", and six to eight weeks later, that thing you resolved not to do, you suddenly start doing again. Now, I am not saying that everyone ends up that way, but for the most part, you know it's true. Just try going to the gym this time of year and then see how crowded it is around mid February.

I think Profgrrrrl has right idea. Over the years, she has dubbed the new year with a theme. The theme is how she wants to live for the new year. Over the past couple of years, I have followed in her footsteps, coming up with a theme for how I want to live my life for the new year.

Over the past week, I've been racking my brain, while sneezing and coughing, to try to find the right theme for 2012. 2011's theme was "Bring on the Wonder", where I tried to find new things to embrace and enjoy.  And, I did try many new things and embraced new things. Some things worked, some did not. But, it was in the spirit of trying that fueled me in 2011.

For 2012, my theme is "Let It Be". Yes, the theme came to me as I was listening to that famous song. The end of 2011 had much uncertainty in my world.  There have been major changes at work, which have me wondering about what my place will be. Over the holidays, I learned that my brother, whom I have not spoken with in seven years, suddenly wants to talk to me. And, of course, there is the day-to-day anxiety that fills my existence.

Hence, Let It Be. For me, it means that instead of racking my brain to the point of anxiety for an answer, I am just going to let things ride. I am going to allow whatever feelings I have to just "be". I am not going to censor or force any thought, feelings or decisions. I am just going to let things happen naturally. I am not going to obsess about the "what if's".

Now, that doesn't mean I am going to sit by and let things happen without having a plan. I am the type of person who always has a Plan B, C and D. But, in the past, I would obsess about what would happen and which plan I would need to implement. What I want for myself is not obsess over what I don't know, trust that I can handle anything and know that I always land on two feet.

The truth is, I've been able to do all of this. I just need to realize it.


Psycgirl said...

What a great theme! Happy New Year!

Rebecca said...

I find this to result in much less stress. Whenever I am trying to figure out something that seems impossible, ESPECIALLY if it is something in the not immediate future, I just make myself stop and wait to see what happens in the meantime. I find things tend to resolve themselves so often, usually in ways I haven't anticipated, that all the energy and stress I gave the problem was a total waste.

Like you, I plan and try to have as much information as I can lay my hands on, in case I have to deal with something on the fly. But those problems that seem insurmountable? They rarely are. And they are usually affected by things completely out of my control.

So, yeah, prepare ahead of time then...just let it be.

Hope the three of you have a fabulous 2012.

Thrive With RA said...

I love your use of a theme for the New Year as a source of empowerment. You've had some great theme choices -- very inspiring!

Happy New Year!

tracynicholrose said...

I love that song and the theme. Hope everything with your brother turns out well.

Seeking Solace said...

Thanks everyone!

Rebecca: That's exactly what I am talking about. When I obsess about every single scenario, it just wastes time and energy...two things I can't get back.

Anonymous said...

I think that's a pretty good theme for life in general. Here's to a thematic new year!
