The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Better Off Home

Posted by Seeking Solace |

As many of you know, I love to shop. But, you will not see me anywhere near a mall, store or any retail establishment this weekend. The thought of dealing with the insanity and general heinousness of holiday shopping is not the kind of pain I need in my life. I would rather reserve for those who have nothing else better to do that sit outside and wait in line to fight over a $200.00 TV of which there are only three in the store. Those poor schmucks will feel pretty silly when that same TV will probably be marked down even more in about a week or so?

I could rant about the overall commercialization of the holiday season, how we celebrate giving thanks by getting more stuff, or how in order to help spur the economy, people have to work on Thanksgiving because other people need more stuff and the retail worker needs the paycheck.

Nah, wouldn't do any good. Until society figures it out, we will continue to do what we do because that's what works right now.

I'm just better off at home.


Alice said...

Agree! I bought a few well-researched things online but stayed away from the shopping frenzy.

rented life said...

I bought a couple DVD's for myself Saturday night. And a roasting pan (didn't own one, and I had a turkey to cook. It was perfect!) I did buy some christmas stuff online last night. We're spending far less than usual this year, so if I see a deal on something someone wants I'll take advantage of it (movies! $7! Can't beat that!) but I won't go to the actual store on black Friday. Too insane.

Nan said...

I totally avoided the craziness of Black Friday...just do not understand why people do this for a "sale" that will be around the next few weeks anyway!
