The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Call It "Grumps"

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Since B* coined the term "cranks" to describing feeling cranky, I have come up with my own new term...

I am grumps.

Grumps means that I am grumpy. I have been feeling grumps on and off all week. It comes and goes in waves. Yesterday, I was not feeling grumps, thanks to GML and some yummy goodness at Panera Bread. That made me very happy.

Today, I am grumps.

And it's not because of my trip to the dentist. I had two cavities that needed filling. The idea of having cavities really ground my gears because I am quite meticulous with my teeth, although it can be hard to brush with the RA. Anyway, the dentist was able to take care of the cavities by using a laser. If the cavity is small and has not gone too deep into the tooth, a dentist can use a laser to fill it. It does not hurt at all. (Trust me on this one. I am the biggest wuss when it comes to ANY pain). Also, it only took 20 minutes. And the best part? NO NEEDLES or that feeling that your bottom lip is dragging on the floor. I was even able to eat without any difficulty right after the procedure.

Yet, I am grumps.

I think it's because my life (and Husband's) is on a roller coaster ride. At one point, everything with the relocation plan is moving really fast. Then suddenly, everything is moving at half the speed of smell (Bonus points for the author of that line. And Husband, you can't play!). *

I crave consistency and routine. and I feel like so much of this relocation is out of my control. I know that's to be can't control the job hunt, especially in this economy. But just having some answers to some very important questions would help the grumps go away.

* The line is from comedian Ron White. He was talking about flying in one of those turbo-prop, puddle jumper planes. He described his flight as moving at half the speed of smell!


Rebecca said...

Relocating and applying for jobs are both hugely stressful activities. No wonder you are feeling grumps. Plus, March seems to be a really stinky month for almost everyone I know, it seems. I'm pinning my hopes on April. In any case, I hope everything begins to improve for you soon.

Psych Post Doc said...

I hope you get some much deserved answers soon so the grumps can be a thing of the past.

Relocating and searching for jobs sucks at any time but especially when the economy is in such rough shape.

BrightStar (B*) said...

I don't know the "half the speed of smell line," but it seems like a useful line!

I hope you are not grumps for much longer.

I understand why you'd feel grumpy, though. You're about to take some big risks, you're ready to go, yet... it's not quite time to get going. The waiting and uncertainty are rough. Hang in there!

Also, you're such a positive person, generally, so I'd say that it's okay to let yourself be grumps once in a while. :)

Albatross said...

When I am unsettled, I am more likely to get the crazies than the grumps =)

Hopefully things will fall into place soon!

Mad Hatter said...

Being in limbo would make me grumps too! Hope things get settled soon so you can chase the grumps away. Otherwise, chocolate works for that least for me!

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

I hate the 'hurry-up and wait' aspect of relocation.

Think about it this way -- this time next year it will be settled. Either you'll be moved or you won't. This is a temporary situation -- and, either way you and Husband will be happy together, because you have eachother.
