The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just Like In Cartoons

Posted by Seeking Solace |

On the days that I am not on campus, the Boy and I enjoy a nice walk through our neighborhood. The Boy loves to check out every tree and bush for possible pee-mail or the chance to leave some of his own.

And let's not forget the critters. The Boy loves the chase squirrels, rabbits, you name it. Usually, our neighborhood is filled with squirrels because of the abundance of large trees that line the streets. Sadly, a major snowstorm severely damaged and destroyed many of the trees. Hence, many of the squirrels were displaced. This has upset the Boy a little.

Well, on today's walk, the Boy spied a squirrel in a yard. And in Boy-like fashion, he began to give chase...with me in tow. (How a 70 lbs dog is about to drag a 170 pound woman is beyond me.) The Boy chased the squirrel to the nearest tree. The squirrel darted up the tree...and so did the Boy. He climbed about two feet before he had a light bulb moment.

"Hey, dogs can't climb trees!"

And with that revelation, the Boy hit the ground.

Oh, don't worry. The Boy is fine. He got up, stamped his paws and growled at his nemesis. Then, we were on our way.

I had to laugh. It was just like a scene from a Road Runner cartoon. And the Boy often thinks he is a coyote!

I guess it is true what they say about gravity.


Karen said...

Um..HE CLIMBED A TREE??? Wow...glad he's ok and hope he learned his lesson!

Psych Post Doc said...

How can they be so smart and so stupid at the same time? ;) Glad he's okay.

Albatross said...

That is a big dog to get 2 ft off the ground!!

Ours literally dragged me through the park one day when I tripped while running. Glad you are both ok!
