The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Blah, Blah, Blahs

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I have no desire to work on anything. I should work on school stuff but I just can't get into it. Honestly, I am just not that excited about the new semester.

I should be excited. I chose a new textbook for the business law class that I think will be a nice fit. Also, I broke with standard and decided to use the critical thinking textbook that I used at Former College. The textbook is far superior than the POS that is currently used. It is an actual critical thinking text!

I also decided to have my CT students read a different book that the piece of crap that most professors have them read. The students, as well as many of the instructors hate the book. The book I want to use will tie in nicely with the upcoming election.

Should be interesting right?

Nope, I still have the blahs.

Maybe it's because of all the crap that is going on with my job. I shouldn't care, because I already have it in my mind that my contract will not be renewed after this semester. I mean, I am excited about the prospect of moving on to a new place. In fact, I just found out about a recruiting conference for law school professors this fall. One of the law schools that I applied asked if I would be attending.

I should be excited about that.


OK, maybe it's the post vacation blues. I had such a lovely time. The weather was just perfect. I had an awesome time catching up with my BFF, Piglet. Husband and I had some lovely moments together just taking about us and our future. It was when I returned home that the weather turned sour and I had to get back to reality.

That could be why...

Or, it could be the cramps.


Well, the sun is out and it is actually nice. Maybe I will get some sun before it decides to rain. That should help...



Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

It must be hard to focus on the current semester with the other BS hanging over your head. The thing is, your students next semester still need you -- as you, not as someone who is being hassled... If you pretend to be in a good place when you are with them, they'll bring you there when you need them to... it has worked for me :).

I do think some sun time is a good idea -- especially with the recent research about vitamin D. Go outside, do something physical and then come in and do an hour of work before you decide what else to do.

RageyOne said...

Your first line could describe my actions for today and yesterday. I've done very little work despite actually *being* at work. I just don't have the motivation even though I have a list of thing to do!

M said...

Sometimes when the sun is shining, I wish it would rain so I would have an excuse to feel blah or even not blah but not like I had to go out and be productive.

I have ROCKED the productivity in the last 48 hours even after the B.S. that is back to campus pre-school with stupid meetings.

I'll bet it is the post-vacation. You'll get some excitement going pretty soon over the new stuff in your life.

rented life said...

It just sucks here. Work issues--as we both know--take the life out of you. And the weather doesn't help. Cold rainy days, or just cold days (August, where are you) are really sad right now.

Let's both just focus on giving our best to our students (it's not their fault that our colleges SUCK right now) and finding that job where we can be neighbors :)
