The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Hitting the Wall

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I am down to my last class for grading. Thankfully it is my wonderful Analytical Writing class. These students have worked very hard for me all semester. Even their attendance was excellent. The most absences was five and that was because one student required knee surgery and informed me at the beginning of the semester that this would happen and kept me and his group informed of his status. I guess the stars were in alignment when I got this class. That will probably never happen for another 100 years.

My CT class just sucked the energy out of me last night. The highest grade in the class was 80%. At the end of the semester, only 8 out of 18 were showing up for class and submitting work. One guy that I did grant an extension said he could not finish an essay becuase he could not access the website that contained the article they had to read. I told him to stop by and pick up a paper copy before the due date...and well, you know how that story ends.

But, I am tired and grumpy. I want to get all of this done so I can enter the grades tonight. I want to have Friday free and clear of any work related stuff.

