The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Edit, Baby!

Posted by Seeking Solace |

After a long day of writing and a good night's sleep, I am in the editing phase with my personal statement. It is actually going quite well.

I have to listen to music when I write. During my practice days, if I was under the gun to finish a brief or something, I would listen to Sarah McLachlan. But for this, I have been listening to a lot of U2, mostly Achtung Baby, All That You Can't Leave Behind and The Joshua Tree. So far, I have not found any lyrical references in my statement. Hmm, maybe that would be the thing to spice it up!

I am drinking more coffee too. I used to be a serious addict. During my law school day, I could down a pot of strong black coffee in the course of one morning. Yep, I was bouncing of walls! I have weaned myself down to a lite blend. It's not bad. But, I could really go for a Tim Horton's Ice Cappuccino!


Alice said...

Glad writing is going well.
