The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Doggie Date Night

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Last night, GML and I went on a date with our "boys". The local SPCA sponsored a wine tasting. It was such a blast. There were tents set up with different wines for tasting, food for snacking and other neat stuff. We were able to tour the facility, which has gone through extensive remodeling. While we toured the facility, out doggies got to play. Well, at least that's what we thought. Someone told the volunteers that the dogs had to stay on their leashes, even though the dogs were in an enclosed play area. Sad for the doggies. Our dogs are daycare dogs, so they love the idea of romping and playing.

It was a great tour. GML and I got to visit and play with the kitties. Both of us would love to have a cat. But, Husband is severely allergic. GML's husband says that two dogs are enough. I think she might warm him up to the idea by fostering.

It was amazing the number of people there with their dogs. There was not much fur flying either. The organizers had water stations set up for the dogs, and there were kiddy pools available for the doggies to cool off. The Boy jumped in and immediately laid down and tried to swim in the pool. GML's dog was playing the doggie version of King of the Mountain. There were some really cool dogs too. There was a beautiful St. Bernard, named Daisy. I think she weighed as much as I do! We fell in love with this eight week old Pug. And of course, many rescue pooches too.

After a couple of hours of good fun and good wine, it was time to go home. The Boy inhaled his dinner and passed out in his bed. I actually fell asleep on the couch!

Today, I am just chilling out. But I do have to go out and buy the Boy a pool!!!!

Edited to add: After going to three different stores, we finally found a kiddie pool for the Boy. He loves it. While he was jumping in and out, Husband and I put on our swimsuits and plopped right in the water. Hey, it's 91 fucking degrees here. Why should the dog have all the fun???


Anonymous said...

Wish I could get the cats into the pool concept! But I have enough scratches.

Sounds like a lot of family fun.
