The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Sunday, Working Sunday

Posted by Seeking Solace |

So it’s Sunday, and I need to get my butt in gear. UPDATED

1. I so need to work out. (I hope GML is not reading this). I have not worked out since Wednesday. Thursday, I was sore from Wednesday‘s workout. Friday is my off day. I should have done it Saturday, but well… DONE. 45 minutes on the treadmill and 80 crunches
2. I did clean the living room and dinning room yesterday. Our dinning room table is the dumping ground for all junk: mail, cell phones, baseball caps, books, purses etc... I don’t think we have had a meal at that table in a few years. So today, I need to clean the kitchen and the bathrooms. Husband will be spending the day getting the garden ready for early vegetable planting. DONE
3. I should flip the mattress. I usually time the rotation of the mattress with the seasons. Spin the mattress on the Solstice and flip on the Equinox. But I need Husband to help, and he has been occupied with other stuff. DONE
4. I have to finish the evidence for my philosophy statement today. I have a meeting with the DI on Thursday to go over my work. More bitching about that later. STILL HAVE TO DO!!
5. Laundry, Laundry and more Laundry. STILL GOING
6. Send taxes. They have been done, but I owe this year and I will be damned if the government is going to get the money any sooner than absolutely necessary. DONE AND E-FILED
7. Cleaned out clothes closet and stored summer clothes. Made list of items needed for Aruba.

8. Took nap and had nice dinner with Husband, who did the cooking. He made shrimp sautéed in olive oil and seasonings, scalloped potatoes and asparagus. He is a great cook!

On the plus side, I did get my hair trimmed and colored on Friday. Plus I did some sinful shopping for Aruba. Spent WAY too much. But it’s all good.

Alright…enough. Time to get to work.


Addy N. said...

ss: Sounds like a busy day! I also did some cleaning this morning and now we are off to Lowe's. Some critters ate all of the tulip bulbs we planted in the back, so we are going to find something else - hopefully not tasty- to plant back there (rather than be left with an empty bed all summer). On a better note, our bulbs in the front are coming in nicely, though. Have a great Sunday!

BrightStar (B*) said...

There is something so freeing about a cleaned off dining room table. Love a cleaned off table! If you don't eat there, where do you eat?

Seeking Solace said...

Adenostoma: Try marigolds. Critters and bugs don't like them. May I also suggest the ultimate critter deterrent...a dog? The Boy loves to chase the rabbits and squirrels. He has never caught one, but he has come close. I am afraid to see what he would do.

B*: We sit on the couches in front of the TV or sit Japanese style at the coffee table.

Ianqui said...

Flip the mattress, huh? I guess that's something that might get done in my house around the time we actually get to cleaning the bedspread. (Yes, it's kind of gross.)

Anonymous said...

Gosh - you got a TON done today - I'm proud of you.

Me - I SURVIVED a visit at Mom's for Bro's B'day, I usually don't use that term. I do today. Draw conclusions as necessary.

Seeking Solace said...

Ianqui: I have to do that too. My comforter smells like dog. Because the comforter is so large, I have to take it to the laundromat. I hate going there!

BrightStar (B*) said...

I am totally unworthy of you and all of the work you got accomplished!
