The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Sunday, January 22, 2006

25 Things

Posted by Seeking Solace |

As seen at B*'s site.

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

I need to wash my hair.

2. How much cash do you have on you?

3. What's a word that rhymes with TEST?
Rest. I need some.

4. planet?

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list?
A blocked phone number.

6. What is your favorite ring on your phone?
Going Mobile, by the Who. I just added it as Husband's ring when he calls me from work or from his cell.

7. What shirt are you wearing?
Black and Gold Sweatshirt with favoritefootballl teams logo.

8. What do you label yourself?
Spunky, opinionated, giving, moody

9. Name the brand of shoes you've recently worn.
My Clarks clogs

10. Bright or Dark Room?
Bright. The sun is shining right now.

11. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Sleeping with Husband and the Boy. Yes, all three fit in the same bed.

12. What did your last text message you received on your cell say?

13. Where is your nearest 7-11?
We don't have 7-11 in Lake Effect Snow Central, but itequivalentnt is two blocks from my house.

14. What's a saying that you say a lot?
What the Fuck or WTF

15.Who told you they loved you last?

16. Last furry thing you touched?
The Boy

17. How Many Drugs Have You Done In The Past three Days?
Antihistamine for the sinuses, meds for the RA and a glass of wine.

18. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
One from last summer's vacation.

19. Favorite age you have been so far?
I am loving my 30s

20. your worst enemy?
At the present moment, the team playing favorfootballball team in the playoffs today.
Currently, local county government raisingsing the sales tax, AGAIN!

21. What is your current desktop picture?
Hoover the Mischievous Mutt. There is also a screen saver that is too funny.

22. What was the last thing you said to someone?
Yes, there is coffee.. Said to husband who just woke up.

23. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly, which would you choose?
The million. I could pay some to fly for me.

24. Do you like someone?
I like most people

25. The last song you listened to?
On Your Side, by Sheryl Crow (From Wildflower)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like all is going well! Glad about that.

Kiss My Mike said...

Nice Q&A for yourself. On #20, my worst enemy is probably myself!
